Good health! Learn about the amazing properties and history of broad beans
Good health! Learn about the amazing properties and history of broad beansGood health! Learn about the amazing properties and history of broad beans

The broad bean is a biblical plant. It is mentioned in the Bible at least a few times as a plant that adds a lot of energy, allowing you to survive in besieged fortresses or used as an addition to bread.

Bob has been known for a long time

However, the history of broad beans actually dates back to the beautiful Mediterranean basin, where most likely – according to archaeologists – it was already eaten in the Neolithic. Excavations from Egypt confirm that broad beans were eaten as early as 2500 BC! In antiquity broad beans appeared to be the best delicacy of the Romans.

To the rescue of Parkinson’s patients

A very interesting fact from the history of broad beans is the isolation of levodopa from it in 1910. Is it amino acidwhich is used today to treat people suffering from Parkinson’s. The widely described research on levodopa can be read in the book of the outstanding British neurologist Oliver Sacks Awakenings.

Broad bean is a natural carrier of levodopa, which, after being absorbed into the human body, is transformed into dopamine. Dopamine is sometimes called the neurotransmitter of happiness and motivation. It is released in the body when we satisfy our reward system located in the brain.

  • Attention! However, dopamine can be addictive, and broad beans, due to their excellent taste, can also be addictive.

What can we find in beans?

Broad beans, as a dietary component, are extremely health-promoting. It contains many micro- and macroelements that improve the body’s functions.

  1. Calorie: broad beans contain 88 kcal per 100 grams. This is quite a lot, so it is not recommended to consume broad beans in large quantities, especially since it is a plant that causes flatulence when eaten in large quantities.
  2. Sodium: broad beans contain as much as 25 mg of sodium per 100 grams. Sodium plays an important role in maintaining the action potential of cell membranes
  3. Potassium: 332 mg/100 g. It is important for the functions of the central nervous system, it mediates the communication of neurons
  4. Broad beans also contain smaller amounts of magnesium (33 mg / 100 g) and iron ( 1,6 mg / 100 g)
  5. In addition, broad beans contain 0 cholesterol! It is highly recommended for people suffering from cardiovascular and heart diseases
  6. As for vitamins, it contains large amounts of vitamin A and vitamin B6

Healing properties of broad beans

Broad bean was used in folk medicine as a remedy for diarrhoea, ulcers and abscesses. It works great as a medicine for hard-to-heal wounds. It supports the work of the digestive system, prevents diseases of the digestive system and cancer. It contains a lectin, which absorbs into the intestinal mucosa, preventing the formation of cancer cells. Additionally, it prevents acidification of the body. Recommended for pregnant women, it prevents developmental defects in children. It also helps in the treatment of anemia. 

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