40% of mothers in France are confronted with the incessant crying of their little one due to digestive discomfort.

Baby has an immature digestive system

Regurgitation, gas, colic… digestive disorders are frequent and often mild in babies during the first six months. Indeed, the digestive system is still immature. The sphincter, between the stomach and the esophagus, still lacks tone. Especially since the infant’s food is liquid and he spends most of his time lying down.

What to do if digestive problems persist?

When a baby’s digestive upset lasts several days and / or is associated with other symptoms such as fever or loss of appetite, it is best to take him to the doctor. It can be diseases, more serious such as gasroenteritis, for example.

Digestive disorders: treat baby according to the cause

The treatment of digestive disorders in babies depends on their nature and their cause. He can thus be prescribed drugs against gastric acidity, painkillers, anti-vomiting drugs, remedies against diarrhea or against constipation… It is important to fight against dehydration in the event of diarrhea. The care sometimes involves the establishment of a special diet.

Calmosine Digestion to relieve baby of digestive disorders

Another tip to get your digestive system back on its feet: Calmosine Digestion. It is a food supplement in the form of a drink with organic plant extracts (fennel, lime blossom). Developed by the Laudavie laboratory, the formula helps your little one support the proper functioning of the digestive tract on the one hand and contributes to the health of the hepatic system and participates in digestive well-being, on the other hand.

According to a survey carried out by the Moms Institute among 1 mothers of children from birth to the age of 670 months, ¾ of them are satisfied with Calmosine Digestion Bio. Thanks to the latter, the well-being of your baby is guaranteed!

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