The more good deeds we do, the happier we feel. This direct relationship was confirmed by a large-scale study by Japanese and American psychologists led by Keiko Otake, conducted at Kwansei Gakuin University and Kobe College (Japan).
The more good deeds we do, the happier we feel. This direct relationship was confirmed by a large-scale study by Japanese and American psychologists led by Keiko Otake, conducted at Kwansei Gakuin University and Kobe College (Japan). Those who express their gratitude, tenderness and other kind feelings for people in specific daily activities, not only look at the world with great optimism, but also physically feel better, feel their life more harmonious. Of course, good deeds are not the only way to happiness, but nevertheless these phenomena are interconnected. And therefore, if at some unfortunate moment it seems to us that everything is going wrong, it is worth trying to do good more often in order to restore peace of mind.