Good day to sow cucumber seeds

Cucumber is a heat-loving crop, the vegetable itself comes from India, and there, as you know, it is much warmer than in our climate. That is why it is necessary to plant seeds for seedlings only at a certain time, on favorable days. In this matter, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions, because in spring snow and a sharp cold snap can come as a surprise, and they are fatal for cucumbers. Let’s talk about how a beginner should act and not miscalculate.

The most important rule

Perhaps even an extremely inexperienced person in this matter knows that it is possible to plant cucumbers in open ground when the threat of frost has completely subsided, and even at night the temperature does not drop below 12 degrees. This is the most important rule.

Of course, there are resistant hybrids that can withstand slight temperature fluctuations, but just minor ones, by 2-3 degrees. With a serious cold snap, the seedlings will feel extremely uncomfortable. What signs indicate this?

  • leaves turn yellow;
  • plants wither.
Important! If you want to grow a rich crop of cucumbers, remember that the timing of sowing seeds depends on how the plants are grown.

Good day to sow cucumber seeds

Good advice to those who grow cucumbers for the first time: it is better not to rush and shift the days of sowing than to regret later that some of the seedlings died.

Ways to grow cucumbers

You can strictly divide the methods of growing cucumbers into two types:

  • planting seeds in open ground;
  • growing cucumber seedlings.

Each of the methods is good in its own way, and it makes no sense to campaign for one of them. As practice shows, the first method is used more often in the south of Our Country, and the second – in the middle lane and in other regions where the weather is not stable.

Gardeners who grow cucumber seedlings agree that with this method, the plant bears fruit longer and gets sick less. This method is ideal for use in northern areas. Auspicious days are also important for this.

Good day to sow cucumber seeds

As for planting seeds in open ground, the soil is prepared in advance. You can somewhat insulate the soil layer by adding manure, compost or peat to it. Read carefully what soil temperature is indicated on the package with seeds. Some hybrids require soil warmed up to 12 degrees, and some – up to 15. This method is quite simple. Subject to the temperature regime and high-quality watering, the seedlings will be friendly and resistant to many diseases.

As for the second method, there are nuances here.

Preparing seeds for planting

In the northern regions, this method of growing cucumbers is most popular. There most often cucumbers grow in greenhouses. To do this, also choose a specific day for sowing.

Today it is customary to either buy cucumber seeds in stores and markets, or harvest them yourself. Under proper storage conditions, it is possible to maintain the quality of seeds for up to ten years, however, those that have lain for 3-4 years at temperatures up to +15 degrees and relative humidity no more than 60% are considered the most productive.

When buying seeds in a store, give preference to trusted manufacturers.

Advice! Seed selection should be made only from varietal cucumbers. Hybrid seeds will not produce a crop.

Good day to sow cucumber seeds

If you purchased store-bought seeds, you do not need to prepare them for planting. They have already gone through all the stages of preparation. Own seeds must be prepared for planting, and the preparation consists of several stages:

  • team;
  • soak;
  • hardening.

For sowing, choose whole, full-weight seeds. The next step is soaking. It is necessary to accelerate germination. To do this, the seeds are either placed in a damp cloth and not allowed to dry, or poured with water at room temperature, while the water should only cover them.

Seed hardening is necessary to increase resistance to cold. If you live in a warm climate, you can skip this process. You need to withstand the seeds for one day in a damp cloth at a temperature of 0 to -2 degrees. Germinated seeds cannot be hardened off.

Growing seedlings

After preparation, the seeds must be planted separately and wait for seedlings. For sowing use:

  • plastic cups;
  • small plastic bags;
  • eggshell;
  • peat tablets.

Good day to sow cucumber seeds

Even for planting seeds for seedlings, it is better to select favorable days according to the lunar calendar, which we will discuss below. Growing rules are as follows:

  • you need to use a light nutrient soil;
  • cucumber seedlings are grown at a temperature of 20 degrees;
  • it is not necessary to dive, because cucumbers do not like transplantation and get sick for a long time after it;
  • if the sprouts are stretched, this means that they do not have enough sunlight (you can use additional illumination of cucumbers);
  • it is necessary to count the days from sowing to planting seedlings on the beds (as a rule, this period is from 21 to 30 days);
  • quality seedlings should be below 30 centimeters with dense dark leaves and strong stems.

When transplanting into the ground, it is important that the plant is easily removed from the cup, not damaged, otherwise it will take a long time to adapt to new conditions. Do not plant plants too close together, otherwise the cucumbers will experience a lack of air and sunlight.

Good day to sow cucumber seeds

Cucumbers love moisture and rich soil. Watering is carried out only with water at room temperature, seedlings and adult plants should not be watered with cold water.

This can lead to dire consequences.

One of the ways to grow cucumbers is presented in the video.

Cucumbers. Planting seedlings of cucumbers “in a diaper”.

Gardeners from year to year do not change the traditions of planting cucumber seeds and use the lunar calendar.

Favorable days for planting seeds

As a rule, all gardeners are well aware of the timing of planting cucumber seeds in their region. In general, everyone uses this particular rule, but you should not forget about folk wisdom. Favorable dates for planting cucumbers:

  • for the south of Our Country – this is until the beginning of May, and cucumbers can be grown for seedlings at the end of March;
  • for Moscow and the region – starting from the end of May, and ending at the beginning of June, not earlier (in early to mid-May, cucumber seedlings can only be planted in greenhouses);
  • in the Urals, cucumbers can be planted in open ground only in June, as a rule, the sowing day is chosen before the 10th;
  • in the Leningrad region, the situation is as follows: cucumber seeds are planted in greenhouses (film, glass without heating) not earlier than May 20, and it will be possible to remove the film only on June 10, sometimes this day is postponed for a week.

A special place in the life of every summer resident and gardener is occupied by the lunar calendar.

Good day to sow cucumber seeds

Lunar calendar and folk wisdom

All life on our planet depends on the moon, including cucumber seedlings. Plants react to its phase, which is why using a calendar for sowing and choosing that very day is justified. Every year it is corrected and published both on the Internet and in specialized magazines.

We will describe the favorable days for sowing cucumbers for the next 2019 in a special table. This will help you quickly navigate through a huge amount of information.

Good day to sow cucumber seeds

As for unfavorable dates, they are also described in the calendar. They concern not only sowing cucumbers, but also work in the garden and the garden in general. You only need to remember a few rules. It is forbidden to sow, plant and work in the garden on the following days:

  • on full moons and new moons;
  • when the Moon moves from one zodiac to another;
  • if the Moon is in the signs of Aquarius or Leo;
  • on eclipse days.

Good day to sow cucumber seeds

Additionally, gardeners use the folk calendar. It has stood the test of time. According to him, the sowing of cucumbers began on the day of Job Goroshnik (Christian saint, date – May 19). Peas were also planted at the same time. Until today, gardeners use other signs:

  • if May 27 is a clear day (Sidor Bokogrey), then the summer will be warm, and the harvest of cucumbers will be rich;
  • if it is cold that day, the whole summer will be rainy;
  • if June 1 is rainy (Ivan Dolgoy’s day), then June, on the contrary, will be dry (this is important when growing cucumbers);
  • June 2 (the day of Timothy the Gardener) is well suited for sowing cucumbers in the north of the country;
  • the last day for planting cucumbers according to the folk calendar is June 5 (the day of Levon Ogurechnik).

You can believe in these signs or ignore them, but it’s worth taking a closer look at them. Our ancestors have been collecting them for centuries to determine the exact days of sowing. Today it is folk wisdom.


The choice of days favorable for sowing seedlings of cucumbers is not a difficult task, but this must be taken care of in advance. When all the work is done with high quality, the cucumbers are planted with soul, you should definitely expect a rich harvest. This is no longer a sign, but a rule for those who are not used to wasting time.

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