Good cholesterol and bad cholesterol – how are they different? |

Over the years, many myths have arisen in this matter, so in the following post we will focus on the facts. What is cholesterol, what are its tasks and should we all be afraid of it, even young and healthy people?

Cholesterol – What Is It Actually?

Each of us has cholesterol in us – it is produced by our liver. We also absorb it in a smaller amount from food, and we must remember that it is a chemical compound that is very necessary for the proper functioning of our body.

We are dealing here with concepts such as good cholesterol and bad cholesterol. The good one is abbreviated as HDL, it is produced in the plasma of our blood. It helps to prevent atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases because it neutralizes the effects of “bad cholesterol”.

This lower cholesterol, or LDL, is the result of the absorption of fats from food. This is what we think about it when we are afraid of eating fatty and caloric snacks. Too high LDL cholesterol is mentioned as a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases .. Total cholesterol is nothing but good and bad cholesterol together.

How does cholesterol help us?

  • It helps to absorb vitamin D,
  • supports the process of producing steroidal hormones,
  • it is a component of bile, which enables fat digestion and absorption,
  • as much as 30% is the building material of all cell membranes,
  • prevents pathogenic substances from entering our body and causing infections.

So why do we say it can be harmful? Well, elevated cholesterol can cause:

  • greater risk of developing cardiovascular diseases,
  • fertility problems,
  • the risk of deterioration or even damage to eyesight,
  • narrowing of the arteries, and thus worse oxygenation of the body,
  • the possibility of Alzheimer’s disease.

How to lower cholesterol?

We have already established that cholesterol has many important and beneficial functions in our body, but that excess cholesterol is harmful to us. It is certainly encouraging that the awareness of Poles has increased significantly in recent years, unfortunately still most deaths in Poland are caused by cardiovascular diseases.

The key to improving our health is a proper, balanced diet, but we certainly cannot trivialize the role of physical activity. Regular exercise has a positive effect on our circulatory system, and also prevents muscle stagnation, speeds up metabolic processes and improves well-being.

And we are not talking about a very intense effort, according to the European Society of Cardiology, 30 minutes of outdoor exercise is enough, whether in the form of brisk walking or cycling, 5 times a week. This should allow the concentration of the aforementioned good cholesterol (HDL) to be increased. 

Cholesterol diet

We mentioned the key role that a proper diet plays in the context of cholesterol control, but this topic should be expanded, starting with the products that we should definitely avoid. These include all kinds of products rich in saturated fatty acids (sausages, meat offal, butter, lard, cheese, fast food, etc.).

The subject of eggs causes a lot of controversy, even in the scientific community – these are very valuable products, but with a high cholesterol content. Doctors recommend 1 to 2 eggs a day or up to 7 eggs a week. It will probably come as no surprise that our enemy in the fight for better health will also be sweets, salty snacks, and coconut and palm oil.

And what products should be in the diet? The basis of meal planning should be the inclusion of vegetables and fruits, whole grains and fish in the diet. Fish has a lot of high-quality proteins and omega-3 acids, which additionally support protection against atherosclerosis.

Avoid deep-frying products!
Although these are flavors that we associate well with, among others, childhood, it is worth trying fish that is boiled in water, baked and steamed. If we are forced to use oils, linseed oil for cold use or rapeseed oil will be the best choice.

Another important element in our diet will be products containing a large amount of fiber. These include, for example, white beans, red beans, green beans, lentils, chickpeas, bananas, apples, peas.

Vegetables, fruit, fish, pods. What other good habits will improve our health? The obvious obvious – limiting saltiness of dishes, giving up sweetened beverages and reducing alcohol consumption. 

Total cholesterol test

How to determine our total cholesterol level? It is enough to perform a test called a lipidogram. On its basis, we can determine the value of four basic parameters: good cholesterol (HDL), bad cholesterol (LDL), total cholesterol (TC) and triglycerides (TG).

Total cholesterol is made up of HDL and LDL. It is not difficult to guess that the state of our health will largely depend on the proportion between good and bad cholesterol. We can assume that a high concentration of the former will always be more beneficial for the work of our body, although it sometimes happens that a heart attack also occurs in people with a high concentration of HDL.

In turn, triglycerides are part of adipose tissue. They are necessary for the proper functioning of the body, but their excess can result in many dangerous diseases, including pancreatitis.

The lipidogram is considered a screening test. On its basis, the doctor can determine the risk of cardiovascular diseases, i.e. atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack. It is recommended that this test be performed regularly in patients over XNUMX years of age, and even earlier in the case of men.

Let’s prevent, not fix!

Rapid diagnostics allows you to immediately take appropriate measures to prevent the development of potential diseases. People who struggle with excess weight, avoid any physical activity, spend a lot of time at the desk, smoke cigarettes, suffer from hypertension, diabetes or kidney failure, should be particularly sensitive to this point.

Regular tests must also be carried out by people who have a genetic predisposition to cardiovascular diseases. How to prepare for such a study? First of all, you should know that the total cholesterol level should be tested in the morning. It is recommended not to take any meals or liquids (except water) several hours before the lipid profile. In addition, we must not consume alcohol for two days before the examination.

Such conditions are necessary to be able to precisely and reliably determine the values ​​of individual parameters. By itself, the test does not take long as it basically comes down to a blood donation. All people who are in the aforementioned high-risk groups should undergo regular tests, even once a year, in healthy people they should be carried out prophylactically, once every 4-6 years.

Good, bad… which is what?

As we mentioned at the beginning, the topic of cholesterol is much more complex than it might seem at first glance. The narrative in the media about the harmful effects of cholesterol on our health is dominant, and of course there is a lot of truth in that. It should be emphasized, however, that it is the excess of this bad cholesterol that is a straightforward path to numerous and life-threatening cardiovascular diseases. 

The impact of the good is invaluable, but its deficiency can also be dangerous for us. In order not to go crazy, especially if we are in moderately good health – keep a healthy, balanced diet if possible, move regularly and try not to overdo it with processed foods, sugary drinks and deep-fat frying. Following these few simple guidelines should allow us to be interested in cholesterol only during preventive examinations.

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