Gonorrhea in men: symptoms and treatment

Gonorrhea is a contagious disease that is transmitted sexually. The causative agent of the infection is gonococcus. This microorganism is able to live and multiply in the mucous membranes of the human genitourinary system. Gonorrhea is a serious disease that requires treatment. Otherwise, it can lead to the development of prostatitis and male infertility.

Symptoms of gonorrhea in men

Gonorrhea in men: symptoms and treatment

Symptoms of gonorrhea are not long in coming. They appear within the first 7 days after the infection has occurred. Sometimes this period can be extended up to 3 weeks. Most often, a similar situation is observed in those men who, after infection, took antibiotics for another disease. Treatment controls the symptoms of gonorrhea and delays the onset of symptoms of inflammation for a longer period.

Гонорея у мужчин может быть острой и хронической. Об острой гонорее говорят в том случае, когда болезнь продолжается не более 2 месяцев после заражения. Если в течение этого периода человек не получал лечение, то гонорея переходит в хроническую форму.

Symptoms of infection in men are associated with the peculiarity of the structure of their genital organs.

The development of gonorrhea will be indicated by such unusual manifestations as:

  • Появление чувства жжения в области уретры, зуд полового органа. Подобный дискомфорт усиливается во время мочеиспускания.

  • When you press on the head of the penis, pus comes out of it.

  • В дальнейшем гной будет вытекать из мочеиспускательного канала постоянно, даже без предварительного давления.

  • Gonorrhea can spread through the organs of the genitourinary system. When bacteria enter the back of the urethra, a man develops symptoms resembling cystitis. Urination becomes more frequent and becomes painful.

После того, как болезнь перейдёт в хроническую форму, она не перестанет прогрессировать. В дальнейшем в патологический процесс будет вовлечена предстательная железа и яички. Это сопровождается учащением мочеиспускания. Во время эрекции мужчина будет испытывать боль. Если гонорея имеет запущенное течение, то боль будет сосредоточена не только в области простаты, но и в прямой кишке. Они становятся особенно сильными во время акта дефекации.

Если гонококки поражают яички, то их ткани сильно отекают. Воспаляются паховые лимфатические узлы. Интимная близость доставляет мужчине боль. Из уретры будет появляться слизь с кровью.

The spread of infection affects the entire body as a whole. The patient’s state of health worsens, chills appear, body temperature rises, and his head hurts.

Sometimes gonorrhea has a latent course. She won’t make herself known for quite some time. In this case, the man does not go to the doctor and does not receive treatment. Symptoms of the disease will appear only when complications begin to develop. Dealing with such an infection will be difficult.

Как происходит заражение у мужчин?

Gonorrhea in men: symptoms and treatment

You can get gonorrhea from another person, since it is he who is the source of the infection. The disease is transmitted sexually. During intimacy, gonococci enter the mucous membranes of the genital organs, penetrate into their cells and cause inflammation.

The incubation period lasts about two weeks. Although the first symptoms can manifest as early as 2 days after the infection has occurred, that is, after sexual intercourse. A man experiences discomfort in the urethra, he is haunted by itching. Pus begins to come out of the opening of the urethra.

While the transmission and treatment of gonorrhea is well known to physicians, the disease is of great concern to them. The fact is that in 2011 in the UK, gonorrhea came to the fore among other sexually transmitted infections. Moreover, the number of people with an incurable form of the disease was 20. This means that gonococci have developed resistance to antibiotics that were previously fatal to them. This state of affairs is extremely worrying. Therefore, the country’s authorities decided to develop and introduce a program that will be aimed at combating gonorrhea.

According to statistics, about 30% of infected men are homosexuals. At the same time, the resistance of gonococci to antibiotic treatment is a serious problem. It concerns not only Great Britain, but the whole world as a whole.

How is gonorrhea not transmitted?

Gonorrhea in men: symptoms and treatment

There are many myths about gonorrhea that were invented by unfaithful husbands who infected their wives:

  • Infection occurred while using a washcloth when visiting a bath or sauna. Thus, the infection is not transmitted. Infection occurs sexually. The nature of the sexual intercourse does not matter.

  • Заражение произошло во время посещения общественного туалета. Этот путь передачи инфекции не реализуется на практике. Есть несколько научных описаний передачи болезни бытовым путём, но их достоверность вызывает сомнения. Инфицироваться в общественном туалете невозможно. Кроме полового пути передачи гонореи, есть вероятность заражения ребёнка при прохождении по родовым путям больной матери.

  • Заражение произошло после укуса бродячей собаки. Таким образом, болезнь не передаётся. Собаки могут быть инфицированы гонореей, но микроб у них особенный, которые может паразитировать только в организме животного.

  • Заражение произошло во время сдачи крови в больнице. Это невозможно. Все манипуляции с кровью в условиях больницы осуществляются с соблюдением строгих правил дезинфекции. Кроме того, гонококки плохо выживают при температуре, которая отличается от температуры тела человека. Они погибают при её снижении до +18 °C и при её повышении до +55 °C.

  • Infection happened while drinking drinks from someone else’s mug. In fact, gonorrhea is not transmitted through dishes.

  • The infection happened in the subway. Gonococci are able to maintain their existence only in a humid environment. Therefore, it is impossible to get infected in this way.

  • The infection came from the man’s past sexual partner, who he had before the present relationship. This is the only excuse that can explain the infection, but only on the condition that the last sexual intercourse happened recently. The first symptoms of the disease appear after 7-14 days, they cannot be ignored. Chronic inflammation can last more than 2 months, but with any provoking factors, for example, if personal hygiene is not followed, it worsens. A man has purulent discharge from the genitals, there is pain and discomfort during urination.

Diagnosis of gonorrhea in men

Gonorrhea in men: symptoms and treatment

Чтобы выставить диагноз врач осуществляет забор слизи из уретры. В дальнейшем её направляют на бактериологическое исследование. Также секрет может быть взят из анального отверстия.

Immunofluorescent method allows you to identify the disease in the blood. It contains antibodies that the body produces to fight gonococci.

No less common is the method of immunological sensitization. A man is injected under the dermis with a drug that contains the gonococcus allergen. If the patient is infected, he will develop a hypersensitivity reaction within a few hours. It manifests itself in local reddening of the skin. If the spot diameter is 10 mm or less, then such a reaction is considered weakly positive. In this case, an additional examination will be required. When the size of the papule reaches 11-20 mm, they talk about a positive result. If the area of ​​redness exceeds 20 mm, then the reaction is considered to be significantly positive.

Treatment of gonorrhea in men

Gonorrhea in men: symptoms and treatment

Treatment of gonorrhea is reduced to the destruction of the causative agent of infection. For this, antibiotics are used. Tetracyclines, cephalosporins or penicillins may be used. Taking these drugs allows you to destroy the pathogenic flora in the body.

Sometimes it is not possible to cope with the disease on an outpatient basis. Есть несколько показаний к госпитализации, среди которых:

  • Gonorrhea has a complicated course. The patient develops epididymitis, prostatitis, or conjunctivitis.

  • Gonococci spread throughout the body, causing sepsis.

  • Заболевание рецидивирует после проведённой терапии.

  • The patient does not follow the recommendations of the doctor and refuses therapy.

During therapy, sexual intercourse is prohibited. Do not engage in sports or heavy work. Cycling is contraindicated, hypothermia of the body should not be allowed. Well, if a man can give up bad habits.

In addition to taking antibiotics, the patient is prescribed drugs to increase immunity, vitamins, NSAIDs, hepatoprotectors. All this will allow you to increase the body’s defenses and support its internal systems in the fight against infection.

Two or three antibiotics are given to patients with generalized gonorrhea. The dose is determined by the doctor.

Complications of gonorrhea

Gonorrhea in men: symptoms and treatment

Complications of gonorrhea most often develop in patients with a chronic form of the disease, as they do not receive therapy for a long time. Gonococci spread not only to the organs of the genitourinary system, but also throughout the body. This leads to massive inflammation.

Secondary infections are a complication of gonorrhea and exacerbate the course of the underlying disease. Men are often diagnosed with chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, candidiasis, etc. These infections have their own manifestations, which complicates the diagnosis of gonorrhea.

The most common complications of gonorrhea in men are prostatitis and orchiepididymitis. In the latter case, the testicle and its appendage become inflamed.

With purulent epididymitis in a man, the body temperature increases, the scrotum becomes red, swells. The pain in the groin is aggravated by movement. Sperm ceases to be produced in normal volumes. If a man develops a bilateral lesion, then he becomes infertile.

A formidable complication is prostatitis. It does not manifest bright symptoms, but responds poorly to ongoing therapy. At the same time, prostatitis occupies a leading position among the causes that lead to male infertility. In addition, chronic inflammation of the prostate negatively affects the condition of the urethra, the lumen of which narrows significantly.

Гонорейный конъюнктивит встречается не очень часто. Однако такая разновидность болезни способна стать причиной некроза тканей глаза и привести к полной слепоте.

Распространение гонококков по организму приводит к воспалению того органа, в котором они оседают. Особенно опасно поражение головного мозга с развитием менингита и сердца с развитием миокардита. Если страдает печень, то у мужчины будет диагностирован гепатит. Иногда гонококки поражают кожу.

To cope with the complications of the disease, the patient is prescribed antibiotics. You may need to take several drugs from different groups at once. The earlier the disease is detected, the better the prognosis.

The problem of gonococcal resistance

Gonorrhea in men: symptoms and treatment

Ещё в 2012 году Всемирная организация здравоохранения забила тревогу по поводу того, что гонококки начали проявлять повышенную устойчивость к антибиотикам, которые ранее с успехом применялись для их ликвидации. Это заставило учёных искать новые схемы лечения.

Gonococci have learned to survive treatment with many antimicrobial agents. However, they have not yet developed resistance to cephalosporins. Although there are reports from different countries (Japan, Europe, Australia) that even gonococci do not always respond to treatment with cephalosporins.

In America, they propose to treat gonorrhea according to 2 new schemes. On this occasion, studies were conducted in which more than 400 people aged 16 to 60 took part. In all of them, the infection had a complicated course. The subjects were divided into 2 groups, which received different treatment. The most common side effects of therapy were nausea, loose stools, and abdominal pain. The results of the study were presented at the 20th conference of the International Society for STD Research, which was held in Vienna.

They look like this:

  • The use of Azithromycin (oral administration) in combination with injections of Gentamicin made it possible to achieve recovery in 100% of cases. Azithromycin can be represented by drugs such as Sumamed, Ecomed, Azitsid, Azitrox, Hemomycin, Za-factor.

  • Пероральный приём Азитромицина в сочетании с Гемифлоксацином позволил добиться положительного результата у 99,5% пациентов.

  • Both schemes made it possible to get rid of gonococcal lesions of the oropharynx and intestines. Recovery occurred in 100% of cases.

Поэтому Американский Центр по контролю и профилактике ЗППП предлагает лечить пациентов с гонореей пероральным приёмом Азитромицина или Доксициклина в сочетании с инъекциями Цефтриаксона. Эти схемы реализуются в том случае, когда у больных развивается аллергия на цефалоспорины, либо гонококки не реагируют на лечение антибиотиками данной группы.

Prevention of gonorrhea after unprotected intercourse

Gonorrhea in men: symptoms and treatment

Preventive measures include compliance with hygiene rules. It is necessary to use only personal accessories for the care of the genitals, after using the toilet, wash your hands.

If a man notices signs of gonorrhea, then he should not hesitate to contact the doctor.


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