Golden wedding
The 50th wedding anniversary is an important date in the life of a family. ” Healthy Food Near Me” will tell you how to celebrate the anniversary, what to give spouses and what rituals you need to perform in order to live in love and joy for many more years

A golden wedding is considered the beginning of a new stage in the relationship in the life of a married couple. It is customary to celebrate the anniversary on a grand scale, largely repeating the wedding day itself. Read our article about traditions and beautiful rituals, organization and gifts for the 50th wedding anniversary.

How many years of marriage are marked by a golden wedding

Such a big anniversary is celebrated by rare couples. Golden wedding celebrate 50 years of marriage. Living in love and harmony for half a century is hard work, which is why the event is considered one of the most significant in the life of spouses and their loved ones. 

Interesting facts about the golden wedding

Throwing a bouquetAs with marriage, at a golden wedding, the “bride” must throw a bouquet. The hero of the day stands in the center of the hall, with her back to the guests of the banquet, and throws flowers. If an unmarried girl catches the bouquet, it is believed that she will get married within a year. A woman who has a spouse is waiting for happiness and prosperity in the family
Message from the older generationAt the end of the festive feast, the spouses give instructions. The wife is the female part of the guests, and the husband is the male part. After that, the anniversaries wish the audience a successful marriage and a happy family life.
A wedding danceAround the beginning of the feast, the husband invites his wife to dance. Music from the youth of the anniversaries is usually put on, and for a special atmosphere, the lights are dimmed and candles are lit.
Badges of HonorDuring the solemn registration of the golden wedding, the names of the spouses are entered in a special book of honor. Such events are often attended by heads of administrations or deputies – to congratulate the anniversaries and emphasize the greatness of the event.
WeddingIf the spouses did not get married in a church 50 years ago, the ceremony can be performed at a golden wedding

Why is the wedding called “golden”

The fiftieth anniversary of living together is called a golden wedding in honor of the precious metal of the same name. Gold is mined with difficulty, bit by bit, and family life is built from small things over time. In addition, gold, one of the softest metals, is also symbolic, since it is possible to live together for half a century thanks to softness and compliance. 

What to give spouses for the anniversary of the golden wedding

A traditional gift for a golden wedding is precious metal items. However, it doesn’t have to be expensive gifts. If you have a limited budget or want to give a specific gift, you can use gold in the design of the packaging. We’ll tell you what is customary to give for a golden wedding and with what presents you definitely won’t go wrong.

New gold rings 

They are replaced by silver ones, which are traditionally exchanged during the celebration of the 25th anniversary of marriage (silver wedding). The same rings from the day of the golden wedding are passed on to the younger generation. Now they are a family heirloom.

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Home Appliances 

A gift that makes housekeeping easier and makes life more comfortable for the couple is a win-win. It is advisable to give preference to equipment that is easy to set up and manage, and, perhaps, to explain to the heroes of the day how to use the device.

It is undesirable to donate equipment that requires expensive consumables and complex maintenance, if you are not sure that it will not be a burden for the heroes of the day. For example, bean coffee machines require the use of expensive coffee beans, in addition, they need to be serviced regularly (or purchase a self-cleaning option). And dishwashers require the use of special tablets, and water consumption for some families will not be economical, no matter what the manufacturers proclaim.

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Movie for a couple

A gift may not be practical, but “for the soul.” The presentation of a photo or video from the family archive of the spouses is a great option for a surprise for a golden wedding. Such a present will be a great reason to nostalgic, shed tears and laugh heartily. 

Also, relatives or friends, especially those who, for various reasons, are not present at the holiday, can record a video greeting for the anniversaries.


You can order it in a pastry shop or bake it yourself. It is customary to decorate a treat for 50 years of marriage with edible gold or gold mastic. You can also play with the shape by making two cakes in the shape of the numbers “5” and “0”. 


The bouquet should be in shades of celebration – yellow, orange or white. A bouquet of lilies or roses will do. Yellow color in this case should not be embarrassing, it symbolizes the sun, gold and happiness.

How to congratulate spouses on a golden wedding

It is customary to celebrate a golden wedding on a grand scale, no less magnificent than the wedding day itself. Usually children order a restaurant where they invite all people close to their spouses. It is useful to know certain traditions of the celebration.


Guests shower the anniversaries with money, rice, flower petals. The rite symbolizes the wish of prosperity, happiness, health, longevity and family well-being.

Covered with a gold scarf

The eldest daughter of the spouses (if there are no daughters, then the son) embroiders a scarf with gold threads and during the celebration covers her mother’s shoulders with it. The gift symbolizes the respect of children and their reverence for their parents. If there is no time or opportunity to do needlework, you can purchase a ready-made scarf or pre-order handmade.

Lighting candles

The golden wedding is considered the beginning of a new period of family life. It is associated with the lighting of candles as a symbol of warmth, comfort and prosperity. Gold-colored candles are placed in front of the spouses, warm words are said to the “young”. After that, the heroes of the day light the fire.

wedding cake

The wedding feast ends with the serving of a festive roll. The youngest member of the family must cut it in half. One part is intended for guests, the second – for anniversaries. Kalach symbolizes happiness in family life and fertility.

Spouses tea party

When the guests have dispersed, the heroes of the day sit down at the table and pour tea for each other. During tea drinking, they remember their family life and the most important events. The ceremony symbolizes a strong and reliable relationship. Dishes after tea are cleaned by children or other close relatives.

How to have a golden wedding

The fiftieth anniversary of family life is celebrated on a large scale. Due to the advanced age of the spouses, their children usually organize the celebration, other close relatives can be involved. 

Hall decoration

The banquet hall is decorated in gold and white. In the center there is a table for the “groom” and “bride”, which can be decorated with fresh flowers. Behind, they usually install an arch of golden balls or a panel with the first letters of the spouses in gold.

Tables for guests are covered with red or white tablecloths. The dishes are selected neutral, the presence of gilding on plates, cutlery and glasses is acceptable.


When choosing musical accompaniment, it is worth focusing on the preferences of the anniversaries. Most often include songs from their youth. For ceremonies, solemn classical melodies are suitable, for competitions – more lively compositions. An interesting option would be live music.

Spouses clothing

The main persons at the celebration of the golden wedding are, of course, the anniversaries themselves. Therefore, it is important for spouses to choose the right outfits, while taking into account the age of the “young”.

The wife can put on a light suit or try on the wedding dress and veil again. Make-up should be moderate, emphasizing facial features. The husband’s outfit is a classic suit. Shoes should be comfortable so that the heroes of the day do not feel discomfort while participating in rituals and competitions. According to tradition, the spouses should exchange flowers: the wife gives her husband a boutonniere, and he gives her a bouquet in bright colors.

Popular questions and answers

The most common questions about the golden wedding are answered by our expert, wedding consultant and wedding photographer Madina Safaryan.

What can not be given for a golden wedding?

There are some taboos to consider when choosing a gift for 50 years of married life.

1. Pets. Do not burden a couple who is in adulthood with caring for a pet. It takes a lot of time and effort, besides it is often costly financially. 

2. Watches, mirrors (even gold ones) and slippers. Beliefs say that such gifts can bring discord into the life of spouses and even lead to serious illnesses. The only condition when you can give a watch as a gift is the request of the anniversaries themselves. In this case, you need to charge them a nominal fee.

3. Souvenirs. Usually donated souvenirs are associated with the fact that they chose the first thing that came across in the store as a present.

What kind of surprise can you arrange for a golden wedding?

To touch the nostalgic feelings of spouses and loved ones present, hold a celebration in the restaurant where the wedding took place 50 years ago. If for some reason this cannot be done, you can present a wedding video about the spouses to the “young” and guests.

As a surprise, you can gather the whole family and friends: as a rule, the couple is already at the age when they have children and grandchildren, so time spent with loved ones will be one of the best gifts on this day.


In addition to gold, you can give a honeymoon trip, where spouses can spend time together, a family or lovestory photo shoot – these gifts will not only be a great surprise, but also an interesting (and possibly completely new) experience.

Is it possible to give gold for a golden wedding?

Of course, one cannot do without gold: it is customary to give it on the 50th wedding anniversary. There are even various traditions according to which you need to give new gold wedding rings; also on this date, gold bars, icons, textiles with gold embroidery are given to spouses.

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