Golden root

Useful properties and application of infusion and tincture of golden root

Useful properties of the golden root

Golden root

Golden root has a pronounced stimulating property, due to which there is an increase in the physical and mental capabilities of a person. At the same time, such a plant contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes and improves energy metabolism in the brain and muscles, which is important for the body. Such a unique plant as the golden root has a significant impact on mental performance, stimulating memory and concentration.

This plant promotes rapid adaptation to external factors due to its obvious adaptogenic properties. The golden root increases the body’s defenses, making it immune to stress. Along with this, it is the golden root that has a positive effect on sleep and appetite.

Application of the golden root

Golden root is often prescribed as a tonic and anti-febrile agent. In addition, it is very effective in gastrointestinal and nervous diseases. In modern medicine, drugs containing the golden root are indicated for disorders of the nervous system, low blood pressure, vegetative-vascular dystonia and increased fatigue.

Golden root tincture

Healing tincture of the golden root is prescribed for anemia, diabetes mellitus, for certain diseases of the stomach and liver, for severe toothache, chronic overwork, and also for neuroses. The list of diseases that the plant successfully copes with is quite large. In order to prepare such a tincture of the golden root, unique in its properties, you should first rinse and dry the roots, and then grind them thoroughly. After that, put them in a glass container and fill with vodka.

The mixture should be infused in a dark place for at least 22 days, after which it is recommended to strain the tincture. Take the drug should be 15 drops before meals three times a day. The optimal course of treatment is 20 days. The course can be repeated after a 10-day break.

Infusion of golden root

A water infusion from the golden root is made as follows: we take about 20 grams of raw materials and boil it for at least 10 minutes in one liter of water. Then pour the mixture into a thermos and insist for a day. Infusion should be consumed 1 tablespoon half an hour before each meal. This treatment should continue for about 15 days. After a full two-week break, if necessary, such a course of treatment can be repeated without any side effects.

Decoction of the golden root

Such a wonderful decoction is indispensable for scurvy and toothache. To prepare it, you need 1 teaspoon of raw materials and 900 grams of water. Boil the remedy for at least 5 minutes. After the broth has cooled down, you can use it instead of tea, but no more than two glasses a day. If desired, honey can be added to the broth to taste.

Golden root extract

Such an extract is an excellent tool for increasing attention, for reducing overwork, with neurosis and stress. The pharmacy version of the golden root extract should be taken 2 times a day, 8-10 drops 20 minutes before meals for two to three weeks. It contributes to the normalization of excitatory processes, is effective in sexual impotence and impotence. Often it is prescribed for amenorrhea, tonsillitis, hypotension. Thanks to the use of golden root extract, increased mental stress will not adversely affect the human body.

golden root treatment

Reception of the golden root has a positive effect on the entire human body. The use of the extract increases attention and enhances memory. To strengthen the immune system and increase stress resistance, it is recommended to take golden root tincture. In addition, the plant will not allow overwork and a decrease in mental activity during hard work.

How to drink the golden root?

A purchased pharmacy extract of the golden root can be used as an effective stimulant for stress, nervous and physical exhaustion, as well as for vegetative-vascular dystonia and increased fatigue. As a rule, 10-12 drops are prescribed three times a day, 20 minutes before meals. You can prepare such a wonderful tincture at home. To do this, pour the crushed roots with vodka in a ratio of 1: 5. During the week, the mixture will be infused, after which it can be taken 15 drops before each meal. Such a course of treatment is designed to stimulate the internal forces of the body and increase resistance to adverse environmental influences.

What does the golden root treat?

Various remedies from the golden root are prescribed for asthenic conditions, for overwork, for serious neurosis, hypotension and hypertension (the root normalizes blood pressure, reduces heart rate), for diabetes, during increased mental work, as well as for amenorrhea and impotence. On average, the course of treatment with golden root extract varies from 10 to 22 days. In addition, you can use this extract externally. It is effective as a wound healing agent for small cuts, for periodontal disease, and also for tonsillitis. Vodka tincture from rhizomes is used for general strengthening of the body, for headaches, for tuberculosis, for severe uterine bleeding and various chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It should also be noted that drugs and tinctures are indicated for reducing erection and impotence, as well as for infertility.

Contraindications to the use of the golden root

The main contraindications to the use of the golden root as a medicine are individual intolerance to its constituent substances and high blood pressure.

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