Golden mustache: medicinal properties and uses, recipes
Golden mustache: medicinal properties and uses, recipes
Golden mustache: medicinal properties and uses, recipes

Kuzmina Vera Valerievna

Endocrinologist, nutritionist

Fragrant callisia (scientific name Callisia fragrans) belongs to the Commeline family, popularly called homemade ginseng, and this is a very valuable specimen, since Golden mustache It has medicinal properties and is used in various diseases. Many lovers of indoor plants grow a flower in houses, apartments, completely unaware of its powerful healing power.

Photo and description

The leaves of the plant are bright green in color, very long, arranged alternately. Small flowers are collected in inflorescences-panicles and smell very pleasant. White petals, protruding stamens and translucent sepals – a description of the components of the flower of the plant. The “joints” form the “whiskers”. The flowering of the plant is very rare, but it is very beautiful and remains in memory for a long time.

Golden mustache: medicinal properties and uses, recipes
Photo of a golden mustache flower

Fragrant callisia grows to a height of 70-80 cm, but this is not the limit of its growth; with good care, the plant can overcome a two-meter height. The shoots of the golden mustache are of two types: there are erect, fleshy, they are tall, the leaves on them are large, reaching a length of 25-30 cm, and a width of about six centimeters. The second shoots grow horizontally, the leaves on them are undeveloped – tubular, long.

The fleshy trunk is decorated with cranked horizontal shoots; young rosettes are located on their tips, with the help of which the plant reproduces. Its flowers are small in size, collected in hanging inflorescences, emitting a sweetish aroma.

Composition and medicinal properties

Golden mustache: medicinal properties and uses, recipes

The plant is therefore called the golden mustache, which has a unique chemical composition and the presence of useful components.

Flavonoids. A group of plant active substances – polyphenols, characterized by antimicrobial, expectorant, vasodilating, hemostatic action. Flavonoids stabilize the work of the heart and pancreas. The flowers contain important flavonoids – quercetin and kaempferol. The second type of flavonoid, called catechins, is an incredibly powerful antioxidant with antihistamine, vasoconstrictor properties.

Vitamins and trace elements. The plant contains vitamins C and B, nicotinic acid, provitamin A. In addition, there is iron, nickel, chromium, zinc, copper, potassium, calcium and manganese. It also contains chelates – metals combined with organic substances. They enhance the effect of other beneficial substances, being biogenic stimulants.

Phytosterols. Useful substances, phytosterols, are involved in the normal production and synthesis of hormones in the human body. They are assigned the role of lowering cholesterol levels and removing it from the body. Phytosterols are excellent immunostimulants and antiseptics.

Beta sitosterol – participates in the reduction of the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, prevents hair loss. In many European countries, this compound is used for the treatment of breast cancer and prostate carcinoma.

Pektinы. These substances in the body are assigned the role of binding harmful toxins with subsequent excretion. Pectins are wonderful adsorbents that promote the removal of radionuclides, slags, heavy metals, participate in the synthesis of B vitamins, and normalize the intestinal microflora.

Tannins or tannins. They eliminate inflammation on the mucous membrane of any organs, treat ulcers and erosion, and have a pharmacological astringent effect. Favorably affect the work of the stomach and intestines.

Indications for use

Golden mustache: medicinal properties and uses, recipes

Golden mustache helps with:

  • Weak immune system, fatigue.

  • Metabolic disorders.

  • Excessive fullness.

  • Anemia

  • Diabetes mellitus.

  • Rehabilitation after a stroke, problems with blood vessels.

  • With colds and bronchopulmonary diseases.

  • For pain in the joints.

  • Osteochondrosis.

  • Failures of the menstrual cycle, including amenorrhea on a nervous basis.

  • Fibroids.

  • With insufficiently good digestion.

  • Gastric ulcer and gastritis.

  • Allergies.

  • Acne.

  • With bruises.

  • Bleeding gums, periodontal disease, toothache.

Where is it used and how is it prepared?

Golden mustache: medicinal properties and uses, recipes

Golden mustache has the following healing properties:

  • Anti-inflammatory effect, especially pronounced in diseases of the stomach, small intestine, gallbladder, joints.

  • Antibacterial action.

  • Antisclerotic action, prevents the development of atherosclerosis.

  • antitumor activity.

  • Calming effect.

  • Healing and regenerating action.

  • Antitoxic and diuretic action.

  • Antiallergic effect.


Golden mustache: medicinal properties and uses, recipes

Where to use? For diseases of the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, pancreatitis, allergic processes in remission, oncology and for preventive purposes (3 times a day, one tablespoon for 1 month). Regular intake of infusion for three months eliminates alcoholism.

How is it prepared? Freshly cut leaf, large – 20 cm long, must be infused in a glass bowl. It should be poured with one liter of boiled water, wrapped and let it brew for a day. The finished infusion will acquire a raspberry-purple hue.

Vodka tincture

What diseases is it used for? Atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, thrombophlebitis, lung diseases, neurosis. Effective in the treatment of bruises, bone fractures, osteochondrosis. The tincture is used to treat ovarian cysts and boost immunity.

How is it prepared? It is not difficult to prepare a tincture from a golden mustache: you need to take 40 knees (cut off from side shoots) and pour 40% vodka – 1 liter.

Golden mustache: medicinal properties and uses, recipes
Golden mustache shoots

Let it brew in a dark and cool place for 15 days, shake the contents once every three days. The tincture of the golden mustache in finished form has a dark purple color, it should be filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

How to take the tincture:

  1. Count 30 drops and dissolve them in 100 ml of water. Take 12 hours later for ten days. After that, you need to take a break for 10 days. After a break, the course should be resumed for a ten-day period.

  2. Reception should begin with 10 drops dissolved in water. Every day – + one drop. After 30 days, the number of drops taken will increase to forty. From this period, one should begin to decrease one drop, bringing it to the initial ten.

Callisia fragrant juice

Golden mustache: medicinal properties and uses, recipes

Internal use. When patients have the following diseases: ulcerative symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the intestines of the small and gallbladder, disorders of the cardiovascular system (the recommended dose is one tablespoon three times a day). The juice is applied externally for stomatitis and sore throat to lubricate the mucous membrane, and it will also help with skin lesions, acne, being a wonderful wound healing agent.

How is it prepared? Juice, which is intended for internal use, is prepared before use with further storage for no more than a day. Immediately before taking, the juice is diluted with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 3 or 1 to 5.

Oil infused with fragrant callisia

Golden mustache: medicinal properties and uses, recipes

Used for: skin diseases, in the form of massage oil. With arthritis and arthrosis, it is effective for rubbing.

How is it prepared? Before cooking, the shoots of the golden mustache are crushed. The prepared mass is squeezed out (the juice is sent to prepare the ointment), the cake is dried, crushed and poured with olive oil. The whole mass must be transferred, without compacting, into a glass dish, add oil on top and leave for a three-week infusion. Strain the finished oil and store in the refrigerator.

Ointment based on golden mustache juice

Golden mustache: medicinal properties and uses, recipes

Used for: skin problems, trophic ulcers, frostbite and bruises, as well as for the treatment of colds (in the form of rubbing), for the treatment of joints and spine. Treatment of the joints is carried out for a long time, for one month, rubbing the ointment twice a day.

How is it prepared? To prepare the ointment, juice from the stems and leaves of the plant is used. As a fat base, animal fat, petroleum jelly, cedar or linseed oil are used (in this case, the ointment will turn out to be liquid). Freshly prepared juice is thoroughly mixed with the fat component (if the fat is solid, it must be melted). The ratio is one to three. The prepared ointment is stored in the cold.


Golden mustache: medicinal properties and uses, recipes

Used for: SARS, cough, bronchitis and other colds 3 times a day, one tablespoon.

How is it prepared? It is necessary to cut a sheet of a golden mustache about twenty centimeters in size, finely grind it, pour water (100 ml) and put on a slow fire, evaporating the water to one tablespoon. After complete cooling, add a tablespoon of vodka. Separately, prepare sugar syrup by dissolving 50 g of sugar in a spoonful of boiling water, cool and mix everything with the filtrate. Store in refrigerator. The syrup must be used within three weeks.

freshly cut leaves

  1. The leaf of the plant, whole or crushed, is used for external use. It promotes healing of wounds, ulcers, abscesses and abrasions. The leaf is also effective for inflammation of the joints.

  2. Another way to use the leaves is as a poultice. They are recommended for boils and trophic ulcers. The sheet must be crushed, add a little hot water, put the mixture on a natural tissue napkin and attach to the sore spot. Then you need to wrap the top with a woolen cloth.

Video: how to prepare tincture, oil, cream:

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