Golden Milk – the magic cure of turmeric!
Golden Milk - the magic cure of turmeric!Golden Milk – the magic cure of turmeric!

Our grandmothers recommended a glass of warm milk for sleep problems. It turns out that this way makes sense! Especially if we add spices with almost magical properties to the milk – turmeric.

Raw Turmeric we know it mainly as a food coloring and a component of the curry mix, but it has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for several thousand years. This spice has unusual anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it is included in popular anti-acne and mattifying masks, and in India it is also included in heart medicines and prescribed for problems with veins. Over the years, numerous studies have proven that it is the high consumption of this spice that Indians owe to the low incidence of Alzheimer’s and heart disease. Some studies even link the curcumin contained in turmeric to anti-cancer properties. It has a slight warming effect, which is why it is recommended in autumn and winter. It also has a cleansing effect – removes toxins and supports the work of the liver. Therefore, it is suitable for people undergoing convalescence after poisoning or diseases, as well as for those who try to break with an unhealthy lifestyle and quickly restore the body to full efficiency.

All this makes turmeric a great remedy for colds. Especially that it additionally has an expectorant effect – it removes deposits of accumulated mucus from the body. It also has a slight sedative effect, so together with the milk contained in the mixture, it helps to get a sound sleep, even when we are fighting a fever or infection. Properties that improve the quality of sleep and renew the whole body make it also recommended for autumn blues – in Ayurvedic medicine it is a recommended remedy for depression.

How is golden milk made?

We need:

  • 3 spoons turmeric (it is important that the packaging has just been opened, otherwise it will get stale)
  • Half a glass of water
  • A glass of unpasteurized or plant-based milk

How is it done?

  • Mix turmeric and water in a pot until a thick, orange paste forms. Cool the paste and transfer it to a closed container. We put it in the fridge.
  • We heat the milk. Dissolve a teaspoon of paste in warm milk. Can be sweetened with honey.
  • We drink the drink every day before going to bed, and in the case of an infectious disease, several times a day.

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