Golden milk, all about the trendy drink

Golden milk, all about the trendy drink

It is delicious, does not contain caffeine or gluten and can be prepared without any ingredient of animal origin. The Golden milk o golden milk It is one of the gastro trends that has been going strong in recent years, but it is also an ancient recipe whose ingredients, according to Indian Ayurveda, are beneficial for the body, mind and spirit.

En Summum we unveil them the secrets of this drink, the tricks to make it perfect, the alternative recipes and also where to take it.

Un sorbo de ‘haldi ka doodh’

To understand the benefits attributed to golden milk o haldi ka doodh one must turn to the knowledge of Ayurveda, the traditional system of health and healing in India. A ancient medicine, perhaps the oldest in the history of mankind, which also includes notions of cuisine, music, dance, astrology and spirituality. Something that we could call a lifestyle. In fact, one of the possible translations of the term is “Art of living”.

According to Ayurveda, the taste of food is nutrient for the body. Choosing the right ingredients results in a feeling of satisfaction, balance, sweetness and harmony. Food is one of the most important sources of sweetness for the body, mind and spirit. For Ayurveda, turmeric, the main ingredient of Golden Milk, has, among others, the power to rebalance the dosha, the invisible forces that determine all the biological and psychological functions of the mind and body. To this must be added that it is a sweet drink and that a cup of hot milk before going to sleep is considered a comforting ritual in the West as well.

How to make the perfect Golden Milk

It should also be noted that the recipe for Golden Milk it has several sattvic ingredients, that is to say pure ones. The first is milk, which has a central importance in Ayurveda. The ideal, according to the principles of the Sattvic diet, would be to use raw unpasteurized cow’s milk, but we can settle for whole cow’s milk.

The fat in milk facilitates the absorption of curcumin and the turmeric, a sattvic ingredient like all spices, makes milk more digestible. If we opt for the vegan version of the recipe, we will use vegetable drinks of almond, coconut, walnut or oatmeal. Yes, the nuts and cereals are also considered pure foods. To sweeten, the best option is honey. How not, better if raw. And to top it off, a touch of cream or milk foam, for a cappuccino effect.

The essential ingredient: turmeric

Golden milk, all about the trendy drink

La golden milk It supports many versions, but none of it can do without turmeric. This spice – which is obtained from the rhizome of a tropical perennial plant of the same ginger family (Curcuma longa) – is the main responsible for the flavor and color of the golden drink.

It is not just any spice, but a authentic superfood. Turmeric is rich in vitamin C, B3, iron, zinc, selenium, and manganese. It has a reputation for regulating blood sugar levels and protecting the cardiovascular and digestive system. But above all, this yellow spice is a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. In other words, it is the perfect ingredient for a drink that prides itself on nourishing the body in the broadest sense.

Spices, herbs, fruits

One of the points in favor of Golden milk (another one!) Is that it is a fully customizable drink. Plant milk instead of milk of animal origin, dates instead of honey and a myriad of spices, berries and herbs that adapt this recipe to everyone’s taste. Black pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, vanilla, nutmeg, cloves, ginger, saffron, goji berries or ashwagandha are some of the possible ingredients.

You just have to try the different options to find the one that best suits our “Golden moment“.

The secret ingredient: ghee

Golden milk, all about the trendy drink

El secret ingredient of Golden Milk (and many other preparations of Indian cuisine) is the ghee or gui, the clarified butter. This product whose name in Sanskrit means “bright” It is prepared by melting unsalted butter, allowing the water to evaporate, and then filtering it through a strainer to separate the solid residues from the milk.

La fat thus purified it is lighter and easier to digest than traditional butter. It is considered an emblem of purity, is used in religious rituals and is considered to stimulate the ojas, the vital energy that connects the body, mind and spirit at the same time. Melts first a teaspoon of ghee in a saucepan, then add the turmeric and other spices and finally the milk. For vegans, ghee can be substituted for coconut oil.

Terre Exotique: the most exotic mix

Exotic Land is a French company true to its name. Its product catalog, available both in specialized stores and in the online store, includes a myriad of spices, salts, sugars and dressings from distant paradises.

This brand also markets its own mix for golden milk with turmeric from Madagascar, black pepper from Sarawak, ginger from Nepal and cinnamon from Ceylon. Two teaspoons of this intoxicating aroma powder diluted in 150 ml of non-dairy milk ensure, they say, immediate well-being. To test already. 60 gr of this preparation cost about 6 euros.

With spices and almond milk, this is how it is drunk at Federal Café

Golden milk, all about the trendy drink

Turmeric and infused spices hot, almond milk and lots of love. This is the peculiar recipe for Golden milk that can be taken in all the places in Federal Café, both in Madrid and in Barcelona, ​​Girona and Valencia.

“In the menu we always try to put delicious things for vegans or those looking for alternatives to coffee or tea” he explains Tommy Tang, co-founder of Federal Café. He assures that this drink is on the menu because he considers it an ultra healthy drink and, therefore, destined to be successful at this time, since healthy food and cuisine have many followers.

Golden and cold, the Tea Bar proposal

Tea Bar is a chain of American coffee shops and online store focused on the world of tea. They are very fans of the Golden milk of which they elaborate an exclusive recipe with turmeric, Ceylon cinnamon, ginger, pepper and local raw honey. They serve it both hot, with ice and in a frozen version.

“Golden milk is not only great, but also beneficial for its anti-inflammatory properties” says Candace Molatore from Tea Bar. The powdered mix is ​​also on sale in the e-shop for $ 20 for 50 grams.

Chimo Chai Turmeric, a mild alternative to Golden milk

Chimo Chai It is one of the business lines of the Madrid company Jolu Foods. The range includes four varieties of mixes for Chai Latte, a drink made from milk and spices. Among them, turmeric is a perfect alternative to Golden milk.

The mixture of Indian turmeric, panela, whole milk powder, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, cloves, nutmeg and pepper is somewhat smoother and more aromatic than the Traditional golden milk. 220 grams of this blend cost 11 euros. It can be purchased through the online store.

Turmeric Chai from Yogi Tea, simpler impossible

Golden milk, all about the trendy drink

Turmeric, cinnamon, licorice, ginger, cardamom, black pepper, apple, fennel, mace, cocoa shell and cloves. These are the ingredients of the mix Chai Turmeric, a brand novelty Yogi Tea which can be found in organic or herbal products stores.

Unlike other preparations, this one comes in convenient bags. You just have to heat the milk or another vegetable drink and let it infuse for 5 minutes. It couldn’t be easier. We no longer have excuses to keep putting off our golden moment.

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