Gold Lemonade, Gemstone Whiskey, and Other Premium Products for Gourmets

Gold Lemonade, Gemstone Whiskey, and Other Premium Products for Gourmets

Summer is to go out, to sit on a terrace to enjoy a drink with friends, to delight the palate with the best snacks from different parts of the world and to indulge yourself. A deluxe edition of the best Scotch, the most exclusive seafood, lemonade with gold … here are five premium ideas to delight yourself while you see a sunset, you feel the sea breeze or while you relax at home after a long day.

Elixia French Artisan Lemonade

Gold Lemonade, Gemstone Whiskey, and Other Premium Products for Gourmets

Have you ever wondered what gold tastes like? Elixia has the answer. This French lemonade house, the oldest in the country that has been in the making since the mid-XNUMXth century, has a variant of pure luxury and exquisiteness. The queen of lemonades, that’s how this golden edition is.

The bottle contains the classic house lemonade adorned with flakes of 24 karat gold. All its products are made in a traditional way and include water that comes directly from the French mountains of the Jura.

Whiskey Stones

Gold Lemonade, Gemstone Whiskey, and Other Premium Products for Gourmets

Nothing better to combat the suffocating heat of the summer months than a cold drink. Yes, the whiskey may taste better with a few drops of plain water, but much better, to cool the drink and give it a touch of glamor is betting on whiskey stones. It is a special product made of 100% steatite – a non-porous, heat resistant material – designed to cool spirits without altering their smell or taste. You can get them in Create & Barrel.

Cognac Louis XIII of Rèmy Martin

Gold Lemonade, Gemstone Whiskey, and Other Premium Products for Gourmets

To pamper yourself, this is this cognac from the group of French wines and spirits Remy Cointreau. With a price of 9.750 euros a bottle, this drink is a delight. Only the packaging is already pure exclusivity, since It is made of smoked glass by the manufacturer Baccarat. This decanter is hand cast and inside is 150 cl of Louis XIII made with an inimitable blend of up to 1.200 eaux-de-vie exclusively from Grande Champagne.Only suitable for demanding palates.

Abalone, the most exclusive seafood

Gold Lemonade, Gemstone Whiskey, and Other Premium Products for Gourmets

This mollusk with a single shell that is attached to the rocks is one of the most exquisite that you can find in GMA, the A Coruña farm where millions of specimens are raised. It is a delicacy, especially for Asian markets where they can get to pay up to 2.000 euros for a kilo. It can be purchased dry, fresh, canned, salted or frozen.

Whiskey inspired by the DB5, James Bond’s most iconic car

Gold Lemonade, Gemstone Whiskey, and Other Premium Products for Gourmets

Bowmore y Aston Martin have launched a special edition limited to 25 botellas del Black Bowmore DB5 1964, a product for collectors whose price amounts to almost 55.000 euros. The bottle is handcrafted by Glasstorn, a contemporary glass studio that took up to a week to complete each container.

Inside, the best whiskey from the 1964 vintage of the Scottish firm. The drink is accompanied by a handcrafted box with the finest rope grain vecerreno leather, a bespoke nickel-plated solid brass clasp and hinges, trademark of the Aston Martin house.

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