
No matter how good communication with a gentleman on the Internet goes, we understand that this does not mean anything until the first meeting in real life. Only then will you understand whether you are really attracted to each other and whether a love relationship is possible. What to remember so that the first meeting “live” is successful?

To start your first meeting on an upbeat note, don’t treat it like a date. The best advice that can be given is to try to understand that the first meeting in the real, not the virtual world, is a new experience together.

Avoid platitudes like «Let’s have coffee somewhere»

So, you’ve made up your mind to view the meeting not as an important interview, but as a new experience, now what? Tell the man how you see an interesting date, and ask him how he imagines it. It is better to discuss this in advance so that both of you understand that an interesting pastime is for you.

You should not dwell on the banal version of a meeting in a cafe or restaurant. Sitting at the table opposite each other, you will feel like you are in an interview. It is better to choose a picturesque place for a walk, at the same time there will be extra topics for conversation. It doesn’t matter what you do, what matters is emotional contact.

No need to try to hit the satellite with the mind

Choose something simple and inexpensive: a park, a museum, a zoo. You will have something to see and what to discuss, you will have a good time together, there will be something to remember, the joint experience can become the foundation for a closer relationship.

Share feelings, not just information

Do not worry that you can say something wrong. Emotional contact between a man and a woman does not occur at the level of the mind; for this, one does not need to try to hit the companion with the mind. It is more important that he be able to see your feminine side and understand the experience.

If he can «connect» to your emotions, he will already be intrigued. He will see that you are comfortable being yourself, and this will help him relax. If you share thoughts but not feelings, there will be no romance. You can understand each other with the mind, but not with the heart. This does not mean that the mind should be hidden. On the contrary, it is worth talking about everything that brings joy and is the meaning of life. To feel emotions about something, you need to know about it. If you are a biochemist, show how passionate you are about your work, how important it is for you to be able to make the world a better place and help people. Emotions will keep your meeting from turning into a boring job interview.

Keep conversation light and casual

One of the reasons why dating is so troubling is that we have high hopes for it. Should not be doing that. Sometimes it’s hard to force yourself not to think about the future, but try to focus on the present.

It can be tempting to start talking about marriage or children, especially if you’ve made a good connection online. Let him start talking about prospects, not you. This will help you see what’s on his mind and what he thinks of you.

let him kiss you

He will most likely be pleasantly surprised that you do not bother with questions (“interview”), and will understand that he can relax and get to know you better. Feeling calm and confident, he will be ready to open his heart.

Let him kiss if you like him

If you want to see him again, don’t end the evening by shaking his hand or hugging him goodbye. If you liked him, let me kiss you. Make yourself such a rule, so you will immediately give the relationship a romantic touch.

But what if there were no feelings for him? Go on at least two dates before deciding (especially since the first date isn’t a date). If you find that it doesn’t suit you, simply and tactfully say about it: “Thank you, we had a great time. I liked talking with you, but I feel that we are not suitable for each other. Every man who appears in life can teach you something and bring you a little closer to the moment when you find a real chosen one.


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