
What do most of us do when we notice the first signs of a cold? We rush to the pharmacy for cough, runny nose, fever remedies. And what did our great-grandmothers do? They prepared herbal tea, took out jars of raspberries and viburnum, and, of course, cooked delicious and beloved by many eggnog. And what is most surprising, these natural remedies put patients on their feet no worse than modern pharmaceuticals.

How did the mogul-mogul

There are several versions of the emergence of mogul, a world-famous drink and dessert. Some believe that the dessert was invented in Germany, others – that in Poland or England. And according to one of the legends, the birthplace of this delicious drink is Belarus. And to be more precise – the city of Mogilev. The Jew Gogel, who once lived there, came up with a recipe for a drink to treat the throat. And I came up with it not by chance, but very consciously. The Jew made a living by singing in the synagogue. When Gogel lost his voice, he lost his earnings. So I started looking for ways to restore health. He knew that eggs helped restore the vocal cords. But he tried to improve the medicine by mixing raw eggs, salt and bread crumbs. How the fate of Gogel from Mogilev developed further is unknown. But a recipe invented by a Jewish singer has survived to this day.

Over time, rumors about a miracle cure for the throat flew to Poland, where Countess Bronislava Potocka lived at that time. She loved to sing for her guests, but her voice often let her down. So the countess decided to test the effectiveness of the Gogel recipe, but instead of bread crumbs, she added honey to the egg mixture. They say that this day was a turning point in history – since then, mogul-mogul has been talked about throughout Eastern Europe.

According to another legend, a delicious dessert was invented in the XNUMXth century by a German confectioner, Manfred Keukenbauer. Well, as he came up with … He got a delicacy almost by accident. They say that the German sold the patent for the mass production of dessert for one and a half million marks.

By the way, in almost all countries where this dessert is prepared, its name means “mixture”, which is what eggnog is actually.

Variations on the mogul theme

Culinary history researchers claim that something similar to eggnog was prepared in Great Britain as early as the XNUMXth century – they mixed milk, eggs and a drink resembling ale. And in the XNUMXth century, the recipe for “mixture” became popular on the American continent. True, in the USA and Canada this drink is called eggnog, and it is prepared with the addition of rum, brandy, bourbon and consumed during the New Year holidays. Something similar to eggnog is drunk in Chile and Mexico. But in the Latin American version, whipped cream (or milk), brandy, nutmeg, and other spices must be included in the dessert, and such a cocktail is usually consumed cold. Today, mogul is one of the most famous desserts in the world, prepared with or without alcohol.

Useful properties of dessert

Most of the useful and dangerous properties of the mogul-mogul are determined by the main ingredient of the product – chicken eggs. And they, as you know, serve as a source of phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium, zinc, magnesium, chlorine, sodium, as well as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins A, D and group B for humans. Although, I must say that the chemical composition chicken eggs may vary somewhat, depending on the feed that the chicken eats. And this also affects the chemical composition of the dessert.

Thanks to the yolks from which the dessert is made, eggnog is an excellent source of lecithin. And this substance is useful for the heart and blood vessels, it is used to treat depression, restore the liver, improve the functioning of the brain, nervous system.

Eggnog seems to be the tastiest remedy for coughs and sore throats. This dessert helps with voice loss and colds. It is useful for the cardiovascular system, bone tissue, improves the condition of hair and nails, and has a beneficial effect on vision. Singers love this dessert not only for its excellent taste, but also for its ability to restore and strengthen the vocal cords. Mogul-mogul is popular even among bodybuilders. This drink, rich in proteins, carbohydrates and healthy fats, is used by athletes after training as a gainer, and is also included in the menu for mass gain.

Mogul-mogul is an extremely high-calorie product (100 g contains almost 300 kcal), therefore it is considered useful for people with a lack of weight. This dessert, even in small quantities, perfectly satisfies hunger and helps to quickly restore strength.


Pleasant taste and an impressive list of useful properties is not a guarantee that the product is completely devoid of side effects and contraindications. First of all, people with diabetes should use dessert with caution, since eggnog is a rather high-calorie product. It is also advisable to refrain from egg dessert for people with atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, liver disease, disorders of the gallbladder and pancreas. Dessert is strictly prohibited for people with allergies to eggs or the components contained in them.

Another danger of chicken eggs is the salmonella bacterium. Since only raw yolks are used for eggnog, it is important to take only very fresh products, with intact shells. Such measures will prevent possible infection with salmonellosis.

How to cook eggnog

There are a huge number of recipe options for this egg dessert. Children love the egg-and-milk drink, which treats throats and colds, while adults enjoy a sweet treat with the addition of exquisite aromatic alcohol. But despite hundreds of modern recipes, classic mogul all over the world and at different times was prepared and is prepared in the same way. And all other recipes are just a variation of the classics.

Classic recipe

Salt the egg yolks a little and beat with a whisk or a mixer. In the process of whipping, add sugar in small portions. The finished mixture should double in volume. Then beat the egg whites, also with a pinch of salt and sugar. Add protein foam to the yolks and mix in the container in which the dessert is served.

With bread crumbs

This recipe resembles eggnog, which, according to legend, was invented in Mogilev. It is prepared from a whole egg, which is beaten with salt. Finely crumbled crumb of white bread is added to the finished product.

With fruits

Fruits are a classic ingredient in most desserts, and they are also suitable for eggnog. The fruit version of the dessert is made from traditional ingredients (eggs, milk, sugar and salt), to which fruit puree and nuts are added.

Prepare a delicacy in this way. Beat two yolks with a pinch of salt and three tablespoons of sugar (beat until the mixture doubles). Then add 2 g of fruits or berries crushed in puree (instead of puree, the same amount of juice will do). Then pour 100 ml of milk into the mixture (option: 500 ml of milk and 400 ml of water). Pour the finished cocktail into a container for dessert, and put whites whipped into a steep foam on top. Decorate with chopped nuts.

With coffee

The first stage of preparation is carried out, observing the classical technology. The yolk, separated from the protein, is beaten with sugar. And now the magic begins. This drink is served in small cups. Pour a little warm milk into the bottom of the container, a small amount of black coffee on top, and then put the yolks whipped with sugar. Decorate a sweet dish with whipped egg whites. Such a mogul-mogul is drunk without stirring.

With cocoa

This option will appeal to children and adults. Such a mogul is good to drink for colds and to improve coughing. Beat the egg yolks with sugar or powdered sugar (a tablespoon will suffice), then add half a teaspoon of butter, a teaspoon of cocoa and a little cinnamon. The last ingredient is whipped egg whites. Mix all components thoroughly. The healing dessert is ready to eat.

By the way, one of the varieties of this recipe suggests adding another ingredient – warm milk. They say that in this form, eggnog becomes even more useful for colds.

With honey

This is a traditional version of mogul against bronchitis, colds, viral diseases. Such a drink is useful to use to strengthen the immune system.

To get a medicinal version of the drink, the yolks should be beaten not with sugar, but with honey (5-6 teaspoons of honey are taken for two yolks). After that, pour a glass of well-heated milk into the yolks, a little citrus juice and beat everything again. Separately, prepare a dense foam from proteins, into which slowly pour the yolks with milk in a thin stream.

Gogol-Mogol “Advocate”

This is the world’s most famous version of mogul with alcohol, invented in the Netherlands. As in other cases, start preparing dessert by whipping the yolks with a pinch of salt and sugar. The next step is to add cognac (whiskey, brandy, rum, wine) to the egg mixture and heat it in a water bath (for 10 minutes). To make the dessert, it is important to constantly stir the mixture and not bring it to a boil. At the end, add some vanilla. Pour the well-heated mixture into a special dessert vessel. Garnish with whipped egg whites before serving. Unlike other options, such a mogul-mogul is not drunk, but eaten with a dessert spoon, since the consistency of the finished dessert is quite thick.

For bodybuilders

As already mentioned, eggnog is used not only to treat colds. This nutritious smoothie can be very beneficial for people who exercise intensively. But the bodybuilding version (useful for gaining muscle mass) is somewhat different from the usual one. For him, beat 2 egg whites with a small amount of sweetener. Gently add 1 egg yolk and a serving of protein to the foam. Shake everything thoroughly and refrigerate.


To prepare 4 servings of such an unusual eggnog, you will need 6 yolks, 4 tablespoons of sugar, 120 g of butter and 3 tablespoons of cocoa.

Beat the yolks traditionally with sugar, add melted (but not hot) butter and cocoa. Whisk again. Pour the finished mixture into small molds, which are placed on a baking sheet filled with hot water (the molds should be 1-2 cm immersed in water). Send for 15 minutes in the oven, preheated to 150 degrees.

Mogul-mogul is a vivid example of the fact that tasty and healthy can be combined in one dish. This amazing product can be an effective medicine and a delicious dessert, alcoholic cocktail for adults and milk drink for children. But no matter what recipe your eggnog is prepared, you can be sure: it is just as useful as the classic version.

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