😉 Hello dear readers! “Goethe Johann Wolfgang: Biography, Facts” is about the life of a German poet, prose writer, critic, philosopher and politician.
Goethe: biography
At the end of August 1749, a boy was born in the noble and prosperous Goethe family in the old German town of Frankfurt am Main. He was destined to win the immortal glory of the great poet in the future.
The boy’s father Johann Caspar Goethe, having a law degree, served as an adviser to the emperor. He was a pedantic, demanding and honest person. His irrepressible thirst for knowledge was passed on to his son. From Katarina’s mother, he received a love of writing.
The boy received a thorough education at home. The house had a luxurious library, where the books of the classics, often in the original, stood on the shelves.
The teenager enthusiastically read Homer’s Iliad, Metamorphoses by Ovid, Virgil and many classics of our time. From the age of six, invited teachers began to teach him. The family did not spare money for the education of children.
Subsequently, Johann studied law, medicine, philosophy and literature at the prestigious Leipzig and Strasbourg universities. Received a Doctor of Laws degree.
He was fluent in French, Italian, Ancient Greek, Latin, rode beautifully, danced magnificently and fenced incomparably. He was well versed in mineralogy and metals.
Creative way
The beginning of the creative path of the great poet is associated with the “Storm and Onslaught” movement led by the famous writer and theologian Gottfried Herder. Progressive youth who strove for social change, declared a break with old traditions, took the path of innovation in literature.
Herder’s comprehensive education, his lofty thoughts, and undoubted talent literally captured the young Goethe. Under the influence of Herder, Goethe studied German folklore in the style of folk poetry (“The Wild Rose”).
The novel The Sorrows of Young Werther (1774) reflected the author’s personal love drama. It was this novel about unrequited love that brought Goethe worldwide fame.
In public service
Since 1775 the poet has lived in Weimar. Duke Karl August invites a young talented writer to the position of counselor at the Weimar court. Goethe agrees, and soon Weimar becomes the center of German culture.
Over time, the writer was appointed the first minister, power, finance, and industry were concentrated in his hands. During the years of service, Johann Wolfgang Goethe wrote almost nothing (10 years). He devotes himself entirely to public service.
Subsequently, he becomes convinced that it is impossible to achieve progressive changes in modern conditions. Disappointed, he leaves Weimar.
Travels through Italy, which inspires the poet to work with its ancient culture. Goethe returns to Weimar again, but this time in order to seriously engage in literary work.
Goethe dictates his memoirs to his secretary Johann Eckermann
This period of Goethe’s creativity (late 80s – early 90s of the eighteenth century) researchers call “Weimar classicism.”
About “Faust”
His works are characterized by rebellious motives. At the same time, he also shows poise, restraint.
In his most famous work – the tragedy “Faust” – with great philosophical depth, the author declares that the basis of life, the guarantee of progress and freedom is work for the good of the people. For 60 years, the author worked on the concept of this tragedy (1774-1831).
Goethe the humanist is deeply convinced that the duty of every person is to improve, to the best of his ability, the world around him. Decorate the land, prevent violence and injustice.
Goethe’s talent is universal. He wrote in different genres. He freely reproduced the history of different historical eras, skillfully revealed the inner world of a person. Goethe’s work is the pinnacle of German culture during the Enlightenment. Goethe died at the age of 82 from cardiac arrest (March 1832) in Weimar.
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