Godetia is a lushly flowering shrub of small size. The plant is unpretentious, stress-resistant, so the cultivation technique is not complicated. Growing godetia from seeds at home allows the entire summer season (up to the very frosts) to enjoy the magnificent flowering of satin inflorescences of the most incredible shades.

Godetia: photo, growing from seeds at home

Large Godetia flowers give flowerbeds and flower beds a special charm and elegant charm.

Description of godetia seeds + photo

At the end of the growing season, in place of the faded inflorescences of godetia, fruits are formed – cylindrical seed pods with four even edges. They contain small seeds. The germination of seed material with proper storage (in a dry, dark place) lasts up to 4 years.

At home, growing Godetia from seeds is possible in two main ways: seedlings and sowing in open ground.

Sowing seed material in open ground is most preferable for southern regions with a warm climate. Direct cultivation of godetia from seeds in the ground is a simple and less traumatic method for plants, since due to careless handling of crops, part of the seedlings die when picking and transplanting to beds. Sowing work is carried out before winter in November or May. Flowering occurs after 80-90 days (presumably in August) and continues until frost. This method of growing allows you to get later flowering, so many flower growers prefer to sow seedlings on their own.

The seedling method is a pre-sowing of seeds at room conditions in March, followed by transplanting into open ground after a stable ambient temperature is established without noticeable night frosts in May. A similar method is suitable for the central and northern regions of Our Country. The flowering of godetia bushes grown in seedlings begins in July and delights with the incredible splendor of inflorescences until late autumn.

Godetia: photo, growing from seeds at home

Various hybrid varieties of azalea, double, dwarf, bushy Godetia are grown only from seeds

The nuances of growing seedlings of Godetia from seeds

Planting godetia with seeds and caring for young plants is a classic algorithm. To get healthy seedlings, you should familiarize yourself with the important nuances of growing:

  • it is necessary to choose a suitable soil (hodetia prefers neutral loamy or slightly acidic);
  • since godetia seeds are very small, for more uniform placement in the soil they are mixed with fine river sand and sown in prepared containers;
  • for seed germination, it is necessary to create a greenhouse effect;
  • crops need to be ventilated every day (briefly remove the shelter, remove condensation on glass or film);
  • before transplanting into open ground, seedlings are gradually hardened for 2 weeks.
Godetia: photo, growing from seeds at home

Moisten crops with caution, using a spray bottle

How to plant seedlings for seedlings

Planting godetia with seeds for seedlings is a rather laborious, but most suitable method for most flower growers, which allows you to get an earlier flowering crop (in July). In room conditions, young plants develop until May.

Godetia: photo, growing from seeds at home

Hardened and strengthened in room conditions, godetia sprouts are transplanted into open ground with the onset of consistently warm weather

When to plant seedlings for seedlings

Godetia is planted for seedlings in March. At this time of the year, a light day (12 hours) that is comfortable enough for seed germination is established.

Godetia: photo, growing from seeds at home

Experienced flower growers recommend sowing godetia seeds for seedlings in late March or early April

Tank selection and soil preparation

To grow godetia from seeds, it is necessary to choose shallow wooden or plastic containers (up to 15 cm high) for sowing seedlings. Before filling with soil mixture, the boxes are disinfected. A sufficiently high drainage layer must be laid at the bottom of the container, since the culture does not tolerate stagnant moisture.

Soil for seedlings should be loose, saturated with nutrients. You can prepare the soil mixture at home from equal parts of peat, garden soil and river sand. To prevent fungal infections, the soil must be shed with a solution of potassium permanganate or disinfected in another way.

Godetia: photo, growing from seeds at home

Saturated alkaline soil Godetia prefers slightly acidic soils

Seed preparation

Culture is an unpretentious plant resistant to pathogens. But before sowing godetia seeds, they should be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The smallest grains are placed in textile bags, left for 1 hour in water slightly stained with manganese (1,5% solution).

Since the godetia seed material is extremely small in size, for greater efficiency in placement in the ground, they are mixed with sifted river sand, and then distributed over the surface of the sowing box.

Godetia: photo, growing from seeds at home

Disinfection of seeds, soil and planting containers should be given special attention.

How to sow seedlings for seedlings

It is necessary to sow godetia seeds for seedlings according to the general algorithm:

  • the soil in the seedling container is pre-moistened;
  • after complete absorption of moisture, godetia seeds mixed with fine river sand are carefully distributed over the surface of the soil;
  • the seeds are sprinkled with a small layer of peat (up to 0,5 cm), without pressing.
Godetia: photo, growing from seeds at home

After placing the seeds in the ground, the greenhouse effect necessary for germination should be provided.

How to grow godetia seedlings

You can plant godetia seeds for seedlings at home, since an ornamental plant does not require complex, professional care. It is enough to provide a comfortable microclimate, proper watering and fertilization, and dive sprouts in a timely manner.

Godetia: photo, growing from seeds at home

From the moment of sowing seeds for seedlings to transplanting into open ground, 2 months pass.


The most comfortable for the germination of godetia seeds under a film coating or glass is considered to be room temperature up to + 22 ⁰С.

Sprouts will appear faster if the crops are placed in a bright and warm place.

Drafts are categorically not allowed for seedlings of Godetia. Plants can die at the slightest drop in temperature.

When the first shoots appear, the shelter is removed.

Godetia: photo, growing from seeds at home

Condensation that accumulates on a film shelter or glass should be removed daily and the seedlings should be aired regularly.

Watering and fertilizing schedule

For seedlings of godetia, gentle watering is necessary as the soil dries out. So that the seeds do not wash off into the deeper layers of the soil, wetting is done using a spray gun. Seeds will germinate faster if you water the soil with warm water.

As top dressing, you can use complex compositions for seedlings with a low nitrogen content. It is necessary to fertilize 1-2 times a month.

Godetia: photo, growing from seeds at home

Godetia seedlings need moderate watering


When two or three true leaves appear, the seedlings dive into separate pots up to 20 cm high. You can dive at the same time 2-3 plants in one container. The seedlings are carefully removed from the box along with a clod of earth, the soil is slightly shaken off, and the roots are released. The central root is shortened by ¼ of the length, the plants are transplanted into a disinfected soil mixture. Root pruning promotes the growth of a healthy root system.

Godetia: photo, growing from seeds at home

Picking is carried out 2-3 weeks after sowing

Transplant into the ground

Seedlings are transplanted into open ground in May. Before moving the seedlings, the plants are gradually hardened for 2 weeks.

The height of godetia seedlings at the end of May or at the beginning of June reaches 6 cm. By the time stable average daily weather is established, the strengthened and hardened seedlings of the ornamental culture are ready for rooting at their permanent place of residence.

For transplanting, choose a cloudy day.

Loamy soil, well-lit areas are most preferable for Godetia.

The scheme of planting a crop in the ground is 25×25 cm.

After transplantation, the following agricultural practices should be observed:

  • moderate watering without waterlogging;
  • regular mode of loosening the soil and removing high-quality grasses;
  • adherence to the schedule of fertilizing with mineral fertilizers (containing potassium and phosphorus) during the formation of inflorescences.
Godetia: photo, growing from seeds at home

Godetia should be transplanted into open ground before flowering

Collection and storage of seeds

Seeds enter the phase of maturity one month after the inflorescences wither and the formation of the seed box. Ripened grains are painted in a dark color.

Boxes with seeds are cut, dried in natural conditions in a dry, well-ventilated place without sunlight at temperatures up to + 30 ⁰С.

Dried boxes are folded into textile bags, kneaded in hands to remove the perispermous membrane. The seeds freed from the box are stored in paper bags at room temperature in a dry place.

Godetia: photo, growing from seeds at home

Seeds of hybrid varieties of Godetia should be bought in specialized stores, since seed collected at home does not ensure the preservation of varietal characteristics


Growing godetia from seeds is available even to beginner flower growers. Godetia appeared on beds and flower beds in the middle of the 19th century. During this time, decorative culture has taken its rightful place as a dominant element of landscape design.

We grow beauty godetia from seeds

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