Godetia Monarch is one of the most popular varieties of this herbaceous annual. It is popular in landscape design due to its compact bushes and beautiful flowering. This godetia is planted with seeds or seedlings. For successful cultivation, it is important to properly care for the flower.

Description Godetia Monarch

Godetia Monarch (godetia Monarch) forms compact spherical bushes 0,2-0,3 m high. The plant is cold-resistant, therefore it is grown even in northern latitudes. Main characteristics:

  • flowers are bell-shaped, 4-5 cm in diameter;
  • petals are silky;
  • the color is white, pale or bright pink, raspberry;
  • at the base of the petals there is a carmine spot;
  • flowers are simple, have 4 petals;
  • abundant flowering;
  • leaves narrowly lanceolate with smooth edges;
  • increased frost resistance;
  • flowering begins in June when planting seedlings and in August when planting seeds in open ground, it continues until frost (October);
  • the fruit is a cylindrical box;
  • seeds are very small;
  • the root system is compact, the branches are small.
Godetia Monarch: photo of flowers in a flower bed, planting and care

Godetia Monarch seeds are usually sold as a mixture, flowers of different shades grow

Application in landscape design

Due to the long and lush flowering, the Godetia Monarch is a welcome guest in the garden. It can be used to decorate all kinds of flower beds. Effectively surround it with higher neighbors or combine with other undersized plants. Photos of Godetia Monarch flowers in a flowerbed do not fully convey their real beauty.

Godetia Monarch: photo of flowers in a flower bed, planting and care

Godetia Monarch looks good alone if you combine different shades of the same variety

The flower is great for ridges, front edges of borders. Its neighbors can be: ageratum, lobelia, nasturtium, undersized carnations, tricolor violet, cineraria.

Godetia Monarch: photo of flowers in a flower bed, planting and care

A good background for Godetia Monarch will be a lawn or various green plants that do not bloom.

Godetia Monarch can be grown on balconies. The flower looks good in pots and flowerpots.

Godetia Monarch: photo of flowers in a flower bed, planting and care

Growing Godetia Monarch in a pot allows you to move it around the garden, creating new combinations

Godetia Monarch: photo of flowers in a flower bed, planting and care

Godetia Monarch can be planted in a line along the house or make some bright accents.

Features of reproduction

Godetia is an annual plant, therefore it reproduces in only one way – by seeds. It is not necessary to buy them every time, since the seed can be prepared independently. Under certain conditions, its germination lasts 3-4 years.

You need to collect only matured seeds. To do this, after flowering, you need to wait about a month. When the boxes begin to darken, they should be carefully cut and dried. After that, you can shake out the seeds.

Attention! To maintain the germination of godetia seeds, they must be stored in a dark and cool place. High humidity is detrimental.

Growing godetia Monarch from seeds

To grow seedlings of Godetia Monarch from seeds, they must be planted in the last days of March or at the very beginning of April. First, they are sown in one box or container, then dive into individual containers.

For growing seedlings, it is advisable to buy a ready-made soil mixture suitable for flowering plants. Independently it can be made up of equal parts of garden soil, peat and sand. Decontamination of the soil is mandatory – freezing, heating in the oven or steaming, or another suitable method.


  1. Make a drainage layer in the selected container. Expanded clay is well suited for this.
  2. Fill the container with loose soil.
  3. Soak the seeds for half an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Such treatment is the prevention of diseases and pests.
  4. Mix seed with sand. This is for convenience, but is not required.
  5. Moisten the soil in the planting container, wait until moisture is absorbed.
  6. Spread the seeds evenly over the surface, sprinkle with earth. The layer is not more than 0,5-1 cm. You can make grooves with an interval of 3-4 cm and a depth of 0,5 cm.
  7. Organize a transparent shelter – glass, film, container lid.
  8. Place the container with crops in a warm place with good lighting.

Approximately 1,5-2,5 weeks will pass before the first shoots appear. During this period, it is necessary to ventilate and moisten the crops daily. For this, it is better to use a spray gun.

With the advent of the first seedlings, the shelter must be removed. Drafts are not allowed.

Picking is carried out when the plant has 2 true leaves. For seating, you can use small pots, cups – the optimal diameter is 4 cm. You can plant 2-3 bushes in one container, then its size should be larger. It is important to cut the central roots, removing a quarter of the length.

2 weeks after picking, seedlings need to be fed. Complex compositions should be used. Flower fertilizer “Ideal” is effective.

Attention! Within 2 weeks before planting, seedlings must be hardened off. Start with 5 minutes, increase the time gradually.
Godetia Monarch: photo of flowers in a flower bed, planting and care

All containers for growing seedlings must be thoroughly washed and sterilized – this is the prevention of many diseases

Planting and care in the open field

In open ground, Godetia Monarch is planted with seeds or seedlings. The pick up time depends on the chosen method. After it, the plant must be provided with comprehensive care.


Seeds in open ground Godetia Monarch are planted from mid-April to the end of the month. If seedlings were first grown, then they are moved to the garden in late May or early June. Seedlings should be 5-7 cm tall.

Seedlings are recommended to be planted in the evening after sunset or early in the morning before it appears. In the second case, if possible, choose a cloudy day.

In regions with warm and mild winters, winter sowing of Godetia Monarch is practiced. During this period, it is better to plant a plant in open ground with seeds. The plants that have emerged from them have higher resistance to adverse weather and stronger immunity, which means less risk of disease.

Comment! Godetia Monarch survives spring frosts down to -5 ° C.

Site selection and soil preparation

Godetia Monarch prefers sunny areas. At the same time, the plant does not tolerate strong heat, therefore, when forecasting for such a summer, it is worth choosing a place with a shadow in the middle of the day. The problem can also be solved by hiding.

Land for a flower should be loose and rich in organic matter. The best option is loamy slightly acidic or neutral soil. It must be properly prepared:

  1. Fertilize – per 1 m², 0,3 kg of ash, 5 kg of humus, 2 tbsp. l. potassium-phosphorus combination (nitrophoska is effective).
  2. Dig and carefully loosen the selected area.
  3. Plentifully shed the earth. Use a watering can with small holes.
Godetia Monarch: photo of flowers in a flower bed, planting and care

Godetia Monarch does not like dry and clay soil, this is bad for the growth and development of the flower

Landing algorithm

If you plant Godetia Monarch seedlings, then the algorithm is as follows:

  1. After fertilizing, digging and watering, mark the site. A 20×20 scheme is recommended.
  2. Make recesses for seedlings of 5 cm. It is convenient to form them with a shovel handle.
  3. Take out the bushes from the pots carefully and together with an earthy clod.
  4. Alternately carefully place the seedlings in the pits, dig in and mulch.

When planting Godetia Monarch with seeds, the soil is prepared in the same way. For the convenience of sowing, it is better to make grooves. This is a must if you want to create even rows of flowers. The seeds are buried 1 cm.

After germination, thinning is necessary. Between the bushes should remain 20-25 cm.

Comment! Sowing Godetia Monarch with seeds in open ground means more material consumption. When planting seedlings, some seedlings die, creating holes in the plantings.

Watering and fertilizing schedule

For Godetia Monarch, regular but moderate watering is very important. The flower does not tolerate drought, especially on hot days. Waterlogging is also fatal for him.

Another important measure of care is top dressing. For abundant flowering of godetia, it is necessary to give a full-fledged mineral fertilizer with a low nitrogen content once every 1-3 weeks. Effective use of nitrophoska. To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve 4 tbsp. l. fertilizer in 1 liters of water.

Loosening, weeding, mulching

One of the obligatory measures for caring for the Godetia Monarch is loosening the soil. This should be done systematically, combining with weeding. It is necessary to loosen the earth after watering, rains. Together with weeding, such a measure contributes to the development and strengthening of plants, improves soil aeration.

For mulching, you can use peat, straw, sawdust, needles. Such materials prevent the evaporation of moisture, the growth of weeds, and the formation of a crust on the soil.

Installation of supports

Godetia Monarch is a dwarf variety, therefore it does not need supports. They are necessary for bushes 0,5-0,6 m high. Planting Godetia Monarch in the foreground allows you to cover the supports of its larger neighbors from the views.

Care during the flowering period

While the Godetia Monarch is blooming, it is important to regularly follow basic care measures – water, weed, loosen. In order for the flowering to be as lush as possible, it is necessary to systematically remove the seed pods. The plant spends on their development the force that can be directed to the buds.

It is recommended to remove wilted flowers. It’s best to do this every week.

Diseases and pests

One of the main problems of Monarch godetia is root rot, also called black leg. It can be caused by fungi or high humidity. Affected roots turn black and begin to rot. Sick annuals should be removed and burned.

Godetia Monarch: photo of flowers in a flower bed, planting and care

For the prevention of root rot, moderate watering, disinfection of the soil and garden tools are important.

Godetia Monarch may suffer from peronosporosis (downy mildew). The disease is manifested by stunting, thinning of the stems, a whitish coating on the back of the leaves. For the fight, fungicides are used – Alirin-B, Baktofit, Vectra, Raek. Effective Bordeaux liquid, colloidal sulfur, blue vitriol.

Godetia Monarch: photo of flowers in a flower bed, planting and care

Peronosporosis is a fungal disease that can affect many garden plants and horticultural crops.

One of the main enemies of Godetia Monarch is aphids. Plants because of it quickly weaken, their vital activity is disturbed. The pest is very dangerous because it multiplies quickly. It feeds mainly on tender young leaves and buds.

Of the folk methods, it is good to deal with aphids with soap or ash-soap sprays. Effective infusions of garlic, onions, tobacco, dandelions, chamomile, sorrel, citrus peels.

Godetia Monarch: photo of flowers in a flower bed, planting and care

Aphids are often carried by ants, so you need to get rid of them too.


Godetia Monarch is a beautiful annual with lush and long flowering. It is important for him to provide proper comprehensive care. Grow a flower in open ground and on balconies. You can plant it with seeds or seedlings.

Godetia grandiflora Monarch. Brief overview, description of the characteristics of godetia grandiflora Monarkh

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