Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties

Godetia comes from warm California; in nature, this flower grows only in South and North America. There are many varieties and varieties, this flower is loved by many gardeners, today it is grown everywhere and in different climatic zones. Godetia is loved not only for large flowers and bright colors, but also for its long flowering – from the first days of July until late autumn. You can use these bright lush flowers in different ways: in the design of flower beds and flower beds, in mixed and single plantings, as a decoration for window sills, balconies and flowerpots.

Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties

About the features of this type of flowers, about different varieties and about the rules for growing godetia large-flowered from seeds will be described in detail in this article. It will also talk about how to take care of the southern guest in the climatic conditions of the middle lane.


Large-flowered godetia is one of the varieties of a beautiful plant. Of the dozens of species, domestic flower growers prefer to grow large-flowered and terry varieties. It is these varieties that are considered the most beautiful and feel great in temperate climates.

Attention! Godetia grandiflora is able to withstand temperatures down to -5 degrees.

Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties

The features of an elegant flower are as follows:

  • godetia large-flowered – a herbaceous plant, annual, intended for open ground;
  • belongs to the fireweed family;
  • stems erect, well branched, can reach a height of 60-80 cm;
  • racemose inflorescences, lengthening as new flowers bloom;
  • cup-shaped or bell-shaped flowers;
  • inflorescences are large, numerous, the diameter of the flower can be 8-10 cm;
  • the color of godetia can be absolutely anything: from salmon to purple and cherry;
  • in place of flowers, fruits appear over time – small boxes with seeds;
  • godetia propagates by seeds or seedlings;
  • the plant is unpretentious, does not need special care;
  • the flower loves loose soil, warmth, sufficient moisture;
  • the scorching sun is detrimental to the delicate grassy godetia;
  • a delicate flower is great for decorating the local area, decorating gazebos and terraces, godetia can be planted in flowerpots and boxes, it looks great in bouquets and flower arrangements.

Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties

Important! If earlier flowering is necessary, seedlings are planted. In other cases, it is more convenient and easier to sow annual flowers with seeds.

Varieties and types

Large-flowered godetia is not the only species planted by the country’s flower growers. There are four large groups, each of which contains several dozen excellent, very beautiful varieties.:

  1. Godetia grandiflora. The stems of this plant are erect, at the beginning and middle of the growing season – herbaceous, fragile (therefore, flowers can lie on the ground). At the end of the season, the large-flowered stem becomes woody and denser. The leaves are lanceolate, small. The bushes are compact, the height of the plant ranges from 20 to 40 cm. The inflorescences are very large, up to 10 cm in diameter. The shape of the flower is cup-shaped or bell-shaped. The petals are very delicate, silky, can be white, pink, red, cherry or lilac. Flowering begins in mid-July and ends around October with the onset of the first frost. Most often, large-flowered godetia is used to decorate borders and carpet flower beds.

    Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties

  2. A lovely godetia can grow up to 60 cm. It is a shrubby plant with smooth, erect stems that are not very resistant. The leaves are narrow, pointed. The flowers are medium in size, their diameter sometimes reaches 5 cm. The shape of the petals is spatulate, the surface is satin. The coloring of a lovely appearance is most often red, but flowers of a purple or crimson hue can be found. This variety of godetia blooms from early July to mid-September.

    Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties

  3. Terry Godetia is one of the varieties of large-flowered varieties. Depending on the density of inflorescences, terry varieties are divided into: semi-double, terry and densely double. Such flowers are usually called azalea, they are very good in compositions, they can have a lot of shades.

    Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties

  4. Tall Godetia capable of growing up to a meter high. This variety has both regular and double flowers. Due to their long and strong stems, tall varieties are great for cutting, so they are actively used in bouquets.

    Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties

Below are the most popular varieties of godetia, the merits of which will help to verify the photos of these flowers.

Sybil Sherwood

Compact bushes growing up to 30-40 cm. The stems of this godetia are painted in a greenish or pinkish hue. The leaves are pointed, strongly elongated. The flowers have a semi-double structure, their color is pale salmon. Petals tend to lighten from the middle to the edge, acquiring a more pink color. The diameter of the inflorescences is quite large – about 5 cm.

Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties

Weiser Ostrich

A large-flowered annual shrub about 40 cm high. The flowers are painted in a snow-white shade, have a wavy edge, their diameter is about 6-8 cm. This variety loves the sun, so it must be planted in well-lit areas. Godetia Weiser Ostrich tolerates cold well, making it suitable for growing in the northern regions of the country. A tender plant will bloom until October, until frost begins.

Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties

Advice! Variety Weiser Ostrich is recommended to be planted in the foreground of borders, rabatok and complex flower beds.


Bush variety of mixed colors. Godetia varieties Bohemia can be grown both in open ground and in pots or boxes. The bushes are compact, up to 40 cm high, the inflorescences are painted in carmine red and white. Flowering in this species is very plentiful and long. The big advantage of Bohemia is early flowering – the buds open a few days earlier than other varieties.

Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties


Semi-double variety, the bushes of which rarely grow above 40 cm. The flowers are large, carmine-red, the edges of the petals are wavy. The plant is very resistant, it can grow both in the sun and in partial shade, it tolerates cold well, it can bloom even on wet, moist soils.

Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties

Important! In order for the Lava bush to have the shape of a neat ball, it is necessary to follow the planting pattern of 20×40 cm.

The Bride

Large azalea-shaped inflorescences of this godetia variety are painted in a snow-white shade. The flowers are double, very large (about 10 cm in diameter), with silky petals. Sometimes pinkish shades can appear on the petals of the Bride, which makes the flower even more beautiful and interesting.

Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties

Orange Glory

Semi-double variety with an average height of a bush – up to 45 cm. Bushes are spherical, compact. The inflorescences are large, dense, painted in a pale orange hue with pink undertones. It is recommended to plant Godetia in the sun, it tolerates temperature drops and fluctuations well. The best place for Orange Glory is the front of the flower beds and borders.

Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties

Maiden Blash

Large-flowered godetia, intended for planting in open ground, in pots, boxes. Luxurious lush bushes of medium height reach 40 cm. The flowers are large, painted in rich pink. The diameter of the flower varies from 5 to 8 cm, the edges of the petals are wavy, which gives volume to the inflorescence. Godetia blooms from July to October.

Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties

honey moon

This godetia is a mix, the package contains a mixture of red, pink and white flowers. Bushes are spherical, small (up to 35 cm). It is good to bloom Godetia Honey Moon will be in a sunny and warm place with fertile loose soil. However, the plant also tolerates bad conditions: partial shade, cold, high soil moisture.

Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties


Terry variety with hemispherical compact bushes, up to 30-35 cm high. The leaves of the godetia are lanceolate, elongated, and the shoots are painted in a greenish-pink hue. The edges of the petals are wavy, the flowers are painted pink, covered with small spots of a red hue along the edge. The diameter of the flower is 5-6 cm, the edges of the petals are slightly indented.

Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties


This variety of large-flowered godetia impresses with a rich shade of flowers – carmine red. Petals are glossy, shiny. The inflorescence is dense, densely double. It is necessary to plant compact meteor bushes according to the 30×40 cm scheme, then their shape will be correct, and the bush will be sprawling.

Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties


It is recommended to propagate large-flowered Godetia by seeds. The seeds of this flower take root well when sown directly in warm soil. Usually planting flowers begins in mid-April.

Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties

In the northern regions or where it is necessary to speed up the flowering of Godetia, it is grown through seedlings. Soil for seedlings needs nutritious and loose. The seeds are simply laid out and lightly pressed. After 10-12 days, tender miniature sprouts should appear.

Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties

Attention! Godetia seedlings are very fragile. In addition, it must be dived, otherwise the plant will be weak and unable to withstand further transplanting into the ground. Therefore, through seedlings, this flower is grown extremely rarely.

You can also collect godetia seeds yourself, just keep in mind that hybrid varieties are unstable (you will have to buy such seeds annually).


For a fragile but persistent godetia, a well-lit area protected from strong winds is chosen. The soil must be fertile. On sandstones, the flower grows poorly; loams are more suitable for it.

Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties

If the soil is poor, before planting it is necessary to fill it with humus, wood ash and a complex of mineral fertilizers. It is possible to sow godetia seeds already in early May (in the south of the country – from mid-April).

Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties

It is necessary to make small grooves in the ground and simply spread the seeds at the desired interval (at least 20-25 cm). Sprinkle plantings with a thin layer of dry earth and pour abundantly with warm settled water.

Important! The first shoots of godetia should appear within 12-14 days after sowing the seeds.


Caring for large-flowered Godetia is simple, because this flower is very unpretentious. However, such a plant does not forgive mistakes. To make the flower bed beautiful and tidy, you must do the following:

  1. Properly water the flowers using warm water. Do not overmoisten the soil or bring the soil to dryness – the irrigation schedule should correspond to the weather conditions in the region.

    Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties

  2. Although the flower loves the sun, overheating is very dangerous for Godetia. In strong heat, it is better to shade a flower bed with this species.
  3. Insects and caterpillars love to gnaw tender leaves, so you should inspect the bushes and, if necessary, spray them with special products.
  4. In order for the flowers to bloom profusely all season, at least a couple of dressings are needed. Mineral complexes are used, which are simply diluted in warm water.

Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties

Attention! If you remove wilted godetia inflorescences in a timely manner, you can significantly extend the flowering of the entire plant. The fact is that the shoot with inflorescences has the ability to lengthen, forming new flower buds.


Godetia is a beautiful flower, very bright, but at the same time very delicate. Large flowers of various varieties are perfectly combined both with each other and with other types of plants, allowing you to create unique compositions.

Godetia grandiflora: photo + review of varieties

Caring for graceful flowers is simple – this does not require special knowledge and skills. All this proves once again that starting a godetia next season is a “minimum” task for every grower.

GODETIA (GODETIA) fam. Fireweeds

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