
The goby, like many other representatives of small fish, is the collective name of a whole galaxy of aquatic small predators at once. According to the biological classification, they are recorded in the ranks of gobies, which joined the perch-like order.

Such a fish has a number of distinctive external advantages, among which the elongated body, which shrinks closer to the tail, stands out in particular. Also marine and any other species has a fairly impressive head and close-set eyes.

In addition to the upper fins, which are distinguished by their outstanding size in relation to the body, they received fused pelvic fins. As a result of an unusual evolution, the fish acquired a suction cup, with which it can attach itself to almost any object at the bottom. Thanks to such a natural idea, the river dweller tolerates fast currents well, and also survives storms without consequences.

Variety of species

Usually, consumers know at least approximately what this fish species looks like. But many still have difficulties with its habitats. Predators prefer to live in the coastal zone, which is used by fishermen and representatives of the fishing industry on an industrial scale.

In total, there are about two thousand varieties of gobies. Only the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov have become a haven for three dozen types. About fifteen more species live in river mouths. They can be found even in the Dnieper reservoirs, because there a freshwater tenant is far from uncommon.

Despite many common features, they also have outstanding differences, which are almost always based on a dimensional grid or color. Specialists, on the other hand, distinguish one species from another, even simply by the characteristic painting of the carcass, which includes either stripes or spots.

A little less often, the method of counting scales in certain places or the number of rays on the fins is used for recognition. But such a difficult to remember method is suitable only for zoologists and fishermen with many years of experience. Ordinary people usually do not pay much attention to a particular family, estimating, for the most part, the weight and taste characteristics of the finished product. Moreover, the consumer decides how to cook the catch, because the fish is tasty with any heat treatment.

The average length of the body does not exist here, if only because some subspecies have a modest size of about 5 centimeters, and there are giants reaching 35 cm. The weight of the harvested water crop varies from here: from 50 grams to half a kilogram.

Also, the name of the species predetermines the life cycle of an individual, which never exceeds four years. There are even options when bulls manage to live only a year.

Since these are predators, regardless of their habitat, they prefer to eat young fish, small crustaceans or mollusks. About how voracious all their species are, there are almost legends. Passion for food is enjoyed by anglers who use almost everything as bait, as long as it turns out to be edible.

Depending on where a particular representative is found, its spawning should fit into the framework of the spring-summer season. The females are responsible for laying eggs in pre-prepared recesses, which are pulled out by males for future offspring. If there was no surface suitable for digging, then parents attach future children to algae or even stones. Then comes the era of caring popes who will defend their territory to the last. The fathers will shake the silt off the laying and scare off potential caviar lovers until the fry appear from the eggs.

How to recognize someone?

Experts divide all gobies by habitat into just two camps. The first provides for a marine group that came into the Black Sea straight from the Mediterranean. And the second selection is called brackish and refers to the original inhabitants of the Black Sea and Azov waters. There they live in shallow estuaries or swim in river mouths. No wonder they were nicknamed the Azov goby.

Their trump card over other relatives is operational adaptation to the level of water salinity. They practically do not care where exactly to hunt, whether it is a sea body of water or a freshwater environment. The most important thing is the food source.

The most popular varieties that are often found by fishermen from the countries of the former Soviet Union are called: martovik, Gorlach, round timber, bubyr, tsutsik.

But this does not mean that in the water bodies of the country it is impossible to find variants similar to them by kinship. The same Black Sea goby is annually sold in literally tons at the resorts closest to the sea in dry and boiled form.

Depending on which species the specimen is assigned to, they will differ in preferences in the ground. Nimble sandboxers, whose weight rarely exceeds 200 grams, choose the sandy soil of the same name, densely covered with a shell layer.

According to the principle of the favorite habitat format, the sculpin was also named. But herbalists prefer the bottom, which is abundantly overgrown with plants. The stony bottom is preferred by martoviks, along the way being the largest representatives of gobies. Their mass sometimes reaches 500 grams, for which they are highly appreciated by gourmets who prefer cooking in a pan with an abundance of sunflower oil.

Despite the fact that today the tiger and other types of this extensive family are still regulars at festive and everyday tables, environmental degradation has greatly affected their population. Today, the black goby and its other brethren, acting as industrial fish, have lost about a third of their former percentage of prey.

The reason for this was the climatic conditions, poachers and unfavorable ecology, which people are not always in a hurry to deal with. Some scientists believe that the day is not far off when the razor-finned representative and other similar predators will be found only in pictures in biology textbooks.

Applications not only in cooking

The popularity of gobies is so great that over time people began to start even aquarium relatives of predators. They are not considered noteworthy specimens in private collections, but many buyers who simply enjoy having animals in an aquarium are often content with just such tenants. They are loved for their unpretentiousness in food and living conditions. But still, more often the mention of gobies is found in the context of how to clean them to make a simple but hearty lunch.

In seaside areas, residents not only know how to cook such seafood correctly, but also have a whole carload of all sorts of tricks and secrets to improve taste characteristics.

Historians point out that during the war times there would have been much more civilian casualties if the villagers near the coast did not have constant access to marine stocks of gobies.

Those fish lovers who live far beyond the coastal zone are usually forced to be content only with the riches brought from the seabed. Another favorite alternative for bachelors, students and busy moms is the famous canned food. They offer to taste the legendary gobies in a tomato, which have turned from tourist food into regulars in busy people’s refrigerators.

If the buyer is lucky enough to find a frozen version, then the seller will offer whole fish that are not gutted and still remain with the head not cut off. Such a catch can not only be sent to the soup, but also to cook delicious gravy.

There is a separate category of eaters who are crazy about cutlets based on them. But for those who are preparing this dish for the first time, experts recommend that you first look for pouches with frozen rounds. Only this species does not have many small seeds that spoil the whole taste.

Also, cookbooks can offer recipes that feature frying in hot oil. And here the main secret is a thorough washing of the main ingredient without subsequent cleaning of the scales. It is she who will provide the finished product with a pleasant crispy crust.

A large percentage of the consumption of gobies falls on their preparation in dried form. But here you should be very careful about observing all sanitary standards at the preparatory stage of the procedure. You should be even more vigilant if the eater intends to buy already dried fish mating from his hands. Such a purchase often turns into Russian roulette, since it is not clear under what conditions the drying was carried out.

Ready-to-eat goods should not have an unpleasant extraneous stock, as well as a bitter aftertaste. All carcasses must be whole without bursting places and not have “rusty” stains on the surface.

Composition and use

In addition to outstanding taste characteristics, such fish is able to please with the presence of easily digestible proteins. Also, the content of each individual will please with a rich composition of trace elements like:

  • molybdenum;
  • calcium
  • chromium;
  • gland;
  • fluorine;
  • zinc.

Especially significant reserves of nutrients are preserved in dried versions, which are prepared in accordance with all food safety standards.

Their meat loses about 80% of water, but at the same time leaves a huge amount of vitamins of groups D, A, C, B, E.

There is a sufficient amount of polyunsaturated acids of the Omega-3 and Omega-6 format. Their human body is not able to generate on its own, so you have to get them from incoming food.

With a cumulative effect, acids slow down the aging process and are a reliable protection against the possible occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. If you use goodies on a regular basis in the dosages necessary for the body, then after a while it will be possible to achieve significant success in this field.

In particular, gobies are useful for the prevention of the following diseases:

  • stabilization of the state of the intestine;
  • prevention of atherosclerosis due to the presence of iodine;
  • lowering bad cholesterol;
  • reducing the risk of depression;
  • prevention of senile dementia.

Moreover, to obtain all of the above, it is absolutely not necessary to eat exclusively steamed gobies in their pure form. To simplify the task for adherents of a healthy lifestyle and all those who adhere to the basics of dietary nutrition, experts have developed a special algorithm. He tells you what other ingredients the predatory sea and river fish will perfectly combine with.

Vegetables like tomatoes, onions, beans and bell peppers came first. Citrus fruits are especially distinguished among fruits, and cloves, bay leaves and rosemary with black pepper will be the best pair of spices. Good goby goes with parsley, basil and dill.

Under the tomato sauce

If the hostess doubts that store-bought “gobies in tomato” are a good solution, then preparing their home-made counterpart is not difficult.

He will appreciate the absence of chemical additives and the ability to customize the list of spices to personal preferences.

To prepare 500 grams of gobies you will need:

  • a liter of tomato juice with pulp;
  • 2 bulbs;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil.

Salt, like other spices like pepper and bay leaf, should be added purely according to personal preference.

First, the main ingredient is thoroughly washed under running water, getting rid of mucus, and the insides are removed. At the same stage, the fins are cut off and the head is removed. After that, the vegetables are cleaned, where the onions are then cut into small half rings, and the carrots are rubbed on a fine grater.

The vegetable preparation is sautéed in a frying pan with vegetable oil until the onion becomes transparent. In the prepared stewpan, first lay out a layer of vegetables, then fish, and then seasonings. Vegetable leftovers are laid out on top. The final link is the tomato dressing.

You need to stew the goodies from an hour to an hour and a half on low heat. During this time, all the small bones will have time to become soft. If you want to add spice, then add a little vinegar to the yushka and add a spoonful of sugar.

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