Goat cheese

Currently, there are many different cheeses that are made on the basis of cow’s milk. Such cheeses are very high in calories and are not recommended for use in various diets. In contrast, goat cheese is considered a more useful dietary delicacy, which is appreciated in many European countries. He enjoys particular popularity among the French, who cook it in brine, with herbs, and with a variety of spices. There is even a variety of this cheese with a noble mold. In fact, it is a rather refined, expensive product, valued not only for its luxurious taste, but also very beneficial properties for the body.

A bit of history

Goat cheese has quite ancient roots. Its appearance falls on those distant times, when man first began the domestication of wild animals. Goats were among the first to go through this process. They were valuable for their endurance and unpretentiousness, they could withstand long transitions and severe weather conditions. In ancient times, they were often grown for their hides and meat. Especially valuable product was healthy goat milk.

At the time of the Arab wars, the secret of making goat-based cheese spread throughout the Mediterranean coast. The Arabs, conquering more extensive territories, moved inland until the famous Karl Martell stopped them in the battle of Poitiers in 732. After this carnage, they returned to their southern origins, leaving behind them the precious way of making goat cheese.

In the Middle Ages, they could pay, using it as a valuable currency. It was also often used as food in long crossings: at that time pilgrim routes were common. In particular, it was used on the famous Path of St. James – El Camino de Santiago. Due to this, the fame of goat cheese spread very far, hitting even the most remote villages.

In the middle of the XIX century, such a method of processing products as pasteurization was proposed. This process proposed by the famous French microbiologist Louis Pasteur introduced new changes in the production technology of the product, allowing it to be used even longer than before.

Appearance of goat cheese and cooking process

Goat cheese is a fermented milk product, the basis for the preparation of which is healthy natural goat milk. There is a wide variety of types of this cheese: soft, hard, curd, with mold. Currently, more than 28 varieties of goat cheese are known, among which are tofu that is well-known to all. Most often on the shelves of the supermarket you can find a soft creamy look of cheese.

Natural goat cheese has white color without any shades and impurities. Their predominance speaks about the use of chemical dyes and preservatives in the product. Goat cheese has a natural creamy taste with a characteristic sharp touch. But it may differ depending on various factors: the breed of goats, animal nutrition, conditions of their housing, the percentage of fat, and others.

Goat milk of sufficient fat content is used for making cheese. It is heated to approx. 33 degrees and ferment is added. The product should be classed within 24 hours. Then it is laid out in special molds in order to remove excess serum. After that, it is placed in a cellar, where, under certain temperature conditions and a given humidity, the process of maturation of the product occurs. In some cases, it is smoked. In cheeses that ripen much longer than other types, there is a characteristic specific flavor.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of goat cheese

The energy value of goat cheese is 290 kcal. Protein in the product contains about 21,3 grams, fat – 21,7 grams, and carbohydrates – about 0,7 grams.

Goat cheese is a useful source of vitamins and minerals. The vitamin component in it is represented by B vitamins (thiamine – about 0,03 mg, riboflavin – 0,4 mg, pantothenic acid – about 1,2 mg, pyridoxine – 0,2 mg, folic acid – 39 μg, cobalamin – 0,6, 0,4 μg), vitamin A – 0,4 mg, vitamin E – about 4,2 mg, vitamin H – 2 μg, vitamin C – 3,62 mg and vitamin PP – about XNUMX mg.

The mineral complex is represented by:

  • sodium – 1900 mg;
  • copper – 60 mg;
  • zinc – 3,5 mg;
  • iron – 1 mg;
  • phosphorus – 410 mg;
  • potassium – 180 mg;
  • magnesium – 50 mg;
  • calcium – 740 mg.

Useful Properties

Due to the content in its composition of a large number of useful elements, goat cheese brings to the body valuable and nutritional properties that help it function properly.

This product is rich in calcium, which is a natural builder of bone tissue, strengthens it, serves as a remarkable prevention of the occurrence of oncological diseases of the mammary glands and colon. However, it is able to normalize blood pressure and ensure the normal functioning of the central nervous system. It also effectively fights caries, thereby improving breathing and eliminating bad breath.

Benefits for the body in the use of goat cheese is significant. He is able to:

  • improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • normalize the microflora in the intestines;
  • strengthen the immune system and promote the body’s natural defenses against the environment;
  • normalize metabolic processes in the body;
  • to deal with high blood pressure.

In addition, goat cheese is an excellent dietary product. It is much easier to digest, in comparison with the varieties of cheeses made with cow’s milk, thanks to the saturated fatty acids contained in its composition. He is also able to enhance metabolism, which will undoubtedly lead to the loss of extra pounds.

This is a hypoallergenic product, it can be used even in baby food. It is unique in that it is allowed to use even to those who have lactose intolerance.

It is also useful for the female body. Regular use of it in food contributes to the normalization of the female microflora, which by all means is the prevention of fungal infections, as well as candidiasis or vaginitis. He is also able to relieve discomfort and pain during the menstrual cycle.

Goat cheese is practically free of bad cholesterol. Which in turn has a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, is the prevention of thrombosis and atherosclerosis.

This product, and especially its hard varieties, contains a large amount of vitamin D, which is necessary for pregnant women, the elderly and young children. It contributes to the normal and proper formation of the skeleton, improves joint function, together with calcium strengthens bone tissue. The use of this product has a wonderful effect on the skin condition, prevents the risk of developing diseases such as psoriasis or eczema. It will be useful in the cold seasons, when the body lacks vitamins. It will be an excellent prevention of vitamin deficiency, due to the content of a huge amount of substances necessary for the body.

Cooking application

Goat cheese is used as an independent product, and as one of the constituent parts of various dishes. For example, very tasty for breakfast will be sandwiches with this product and whole grain bread. On its basis, you can cook a variety of sauces and cold snacks. Often it is added to Italian pasta and pizza. It is wonderfully combined with vegetables, so the salads, prepared with it, have an exquisite touch, which adds spice to the finished dish.

You can use this product with wine and beer, and sometimes it is also used for desserts.

Cooking goat cheese at home

This product can be easily prepared at home. There are many different recipes and features of its preparation. For example, in France – the largest supplier of goat cheese – almost every housewife has her own original recipe for its preparation.

For the simplest technology of its manufacture, you will need:

  • goat milk – 2 liters;
  • sour cream – 2 tablespoons;
  • cottage cheese – 2 tablespoons;
  • Vinegar – 1 tablespoon;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon.

Heat the milk over low heat to a temperature of about 40 degrees. Add cottage cheese and salt to it and boil over. In the process of boiling, put sour cream and continue cooking, stirring constantly for about fifteen minutes. If at the end of this time the milk has not curdled, you must add vinegar to the mixture. After the formation of a real curd clot, it must be filtered to remove excess serum. To do this, put gauze on a colander and drain the liquid. The resulting mass must be covered with a cotton or linen cloth and put under load in a dark, cool place. After about an hour, the goat cheese will be ready to eat.

Warm Goat Cheese Salad Recipe

For preparation it will be required:

  • sweet Bulgarian pepper – 1;
  • zucchini – 1 pcs;
  • goat cheese – 100 grams;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • vegetable oil – 25 ml;
  • dried tomatoes – 20 grams;
  • olive oil – 120 ml;
  • pitted black olives – 100 grams;
  • greens (salad frieze, basil, thyme);
  • filo pastry.

For the salad you will need baked peppers. It must be washed, peeled, put garlic and thyme inside, sprinkle with olive oil, wrap in foil and put in the oven for about 40 minutes. After cooling, peel and cut into strips. Salt, pepper, add thyme and some olive oil. Let it brew.

Beat the olives with ¼ of the garlic and olive oil in a blender until smooth. Cut zucchini into small strips and add salt.

Cut the dough into four pieces and grease with sunflower oil. In the middle of each lay basil, goat cheese, sun-dried tomatoes and slices of olives. Wrap the dough and put the resulting bags in the oven for 4 minutes. Bake at 180 degrees. Mix zucchini and pepper strips and season with tapenade (a mixture of olives and garlic), place bags of goat cheese next to it and decorate with a frize salad, also dressed with tapenade.

How to choose and store

When choosing a quality product in the store, it is important to know that the most popular time for the production of goat cheese is the end of spring – the beginning of autumn. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the production time to make sure that the product is fresh.

Carefully study the packaging: on the high-quality natural product there will always be a stigma – “pur chevres”.

It is necessary to store goat cheese in vacuum-packed in the refrigerator, in the extreme case, wrap it tightly with cling film. The shelf life of soft varieties – two weeks, solid – three months. For longer storage, the product can be frozen, while it retains its amazing taste and texture, and the water content does not decrease.

Before serving, it is recommended to remove the cheese from the refrigerator beforehand – about an hour before the treat. Due to this, its aroma will significantly increase and wake up the appetite.

Harm and Hazardous Properties

Goat cheese has a slightly increased acidity, so it is not recommended to use it in the period of acute gastritis, peptic ulcer or gout. It is contraindicated in case of intolerance to milk protein. Of course, a low-quality product may also be dangerous for the body, so you should always make sure that it is natural and fresh before you buy it. Also, freshly made natural cheese may contain harmful microorganisms and dangerous bacteria, such as salmonella or tubercle bacillus.


Goat cheese is a wholesome gourmet delicacy that is greatly appreciated throughout the world. Its benefits to the body are invaluable, as it is just a storehouse of the necessary minerals and vitamins for humans. Its merits include the fight against various diseases, the normalization of metabolism and blood pressure, preventing the development of cancer and preventing the growth of cancer cells. It can be used with diabetes, and with problems with the cardiovascular system. Goat cheese is a hypoallergenic, easily digestible, dietary product. It can be used for weight loss and baby food. It will be useful for pregnant women and the elderly. Good quality cheese is quite expensive in supermarkets, but with a strong desire it can be prepared at home. And he will absolutely not yield to the store product. It is successfully used in cooking, giving the dishes an exquisite savor and original taste. It is not recommended to use such a product for people suffering from gastritis, ulcers, problems with high acidity of the stomach.

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