How do we set ourselves up so as not to achieve the goal. And how — to achieve?
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To achieve your goals, you need a good head to form a vision, grope for a movement strategy and make a specific plan of action. Health, connections, education and determination will always help.
Achieving the goal involves work, here you need to do something: namely, set the goal correctly, think over the plan, organize (motivate) yourself to fulfill the plan. As a rule, perseverance and strong-willed efforts are needed here.
Hoping that the goal itself will inspire and motivate you — like it will lift you up, it will organize you for you — do not rely on it. Inspired aspiration is born from the combination of two things — a high goal and a person who can be inspired: a person with a lively and cheerful face and attentive eyes. A person with a tired face, an indifferent face and a mouth twisted in skepticism is not capable of inspired activity, since this is determined not by the soul, but simply by the body. (for more details see →) Get yourself in order, gentlemen!
However, mental tension and strong-willed efforts to move towards the goal are not always required: over time, such work turns into a habit, automatism.
Choice of goal and strategy
If you are interested in something, want something and are ready to move towards achieving what you want — that’s great, but the path ahead is not always easy.
Imagine: you were in the forest, wandered for a long time, hungry, tired, you want to relax. And behind the ravine, through the bushes, you see a beautiful hillock in the distance, there are cheerful houses. How you want to get there! Only — are you really there? And if there, how to get there? Go through the ravine or bypass? On the path or on the highway? Or maybe stop a car on the highway, she will give a lift?
There are no single right answers in life, but there are people who go through life cheerfully, choose reasonable paths and successfully achieve their goals. If you already have a general understanding of what you want in life, it is helpful to gain clarity on the following:
- Which way to move through life. You need to determine the strategy of your movement in life. See →
- What needs to be achieved. It is important to define specific goals and find optimal formulations. See →
- Movement towards the goal. Plan, stages, steps, your personal style. See →
- How to organize yourself. Any business needs desire and motivation: to start, continue and bring the matter to the end. See →
Responsible goal setting format
The more consciously and responsibly a person lives, the more often he uses a responsible format in setting his goals, where all the important details are carefully thought out. See →