A woman’s intimate places are exposed to many problems – bacteria, fungi, abrasions, inflammations and infections. The most important thing in the prevention of recurrent intimate infections is careful care, prevention and control. Below we present 5 valuable habits that are worth introducing into your life to prevent constant relapses.
- Be careful with underwear and antibiotics – if you often get sick and take antibiotics, the problem may lie in their “devastating” function. The role of the antibiotic is to kill pathogenic organisms, but unfortunately, at the same time, it destroys the beneficial bacteria, without which it is impossible to maintain a proper environment in the vagina. That is why, when using antibiotics, it is recommended to take a probiotic at the same time, which contains a bacterial strain inhabiting the vaginal epithelium and the digestive system. If the doctor does not suggest the use of a probiotic, remind him of it yourself. In addition to the medications you take, the type of underwear you wear is also important. Lace panties and thongs are allies of recurrent infections. The best option is cotton underwear, which does not overheat the vaginal area and is breathable. The best way is also to sleep naked, absolutely not in panties (!), and if you can’t break free, wear loose, airy and cotton pajamas for the night.
- Take care of your hygiene – absolutely do not use soap or shower gel to wash your intimate area. Get a special intimate hygiene liquid, preferably one that is fragrance-free and has a low pH. Some even have lactic acid in their composition, which helps to rebuild the bacterial flora of the vagina. The direction of washing is also important – do it from the back to the front, because the opposite direction transfers bacteria from the anal area to the vaginal area. After bathing, the intimate area should only be dried, never rubbed. The ideal is to have a separate towel for this zone so as not to carry bacteria from other parts of the body.
- React quickly – as soon as you feel burning, itching, a change in the consistency, color or smell of vaginal discharge, start treatment as soon as possible. Prolonged procrastination will not help anything, but will only allow the disease to develop. The most common cause of such symptoms is vaginal mycosis. It’s best to go to the doctor, and if you prefer to do it yourself, you need to measure the pH of the vagina (you can find such products in pharmacies) and choose the right treatment.
- Sex with a condom – unfortunately, only a condom or sexual abstinence is able to protect us from sexually transmitted diseases. Sperm has a neutral reaction, so after inserting it into the vagina as a result of intercourse, the pH level of your genitals rises. Infection can also occur as a result of abrasions, so you need to ensure the proper level of hydration.
- Cut down on sugar – also diet has an impact on the formation of intimate infections. Too much sugar in the diet increases susceptibility to these types of diseases. If yeast develops in the mucus, you may experience burning, inflammation and itching. Simple sugars, i.e. those contained in sweets, juices and sweetened drinks, have the worst impact.