Gmelin larch

Dahurian larch or Gmelina is an interesting representative of coniferous species of the Pine family. The natural area captures the Far East, Eastern Siberia and northeast China, including the valleys of the Amur, Zeya, Anadyr rivers, the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. In mountainous areas, the Daurian species grows at high altitudes, taking a creeping or dwarf form, it is also found in lowlands, on swampy marshes and peat bogs, and easily masters rocky mountain slopes.

Gmelin larch

Description of Dahurian larch

Gmelin or Daurian larch (Larix gmelinii) is a powerful, extremely hardy deciduous tree, reaching a height of 35-40 m in adulthood. Average life expectancy is 350-400 years.

Comment! This species got its name from the region of growth – Dauria (Daurian land) – a historical territory covering Buryatia, Transbaikalia and the Amur Region.

Young shoots of the Daurian variety are distinguished by light yellow, straw or pinkish bark with little pronounced waviness and pubescence. With age, the bark becomes thick, deeply fissured, its color changes to reddish or brownish-gray.

The needles are of a rich bright green hue, thin, narrow and soft to the touch, smooth on top, with two longitudinal grooves on the bottom. The length of the needles is 1,5-3 cm, on shortened shoots it is formed into bunches of 25-40 pieces. In autumn, the color of the crown changes to honey-yellow.

The needles of the Dahurian larch (Gmelin) bloom in the last days of April or early May, earlier than in other types of larch. During this period, the earth at the roots has not yet completely melted. Along with the appearance of new needles, flowering also occurs. Male cones are oval in shape, mostly located below the branch on short bare shoots. The pollen of the Dahurian larch does not have air sacs and does not spread over long distances. Female cones are egg-shaped, do not exceed 1,5-3,5 cm in length. Scales are arranged in 4-6 rows, the average number is 25-40 pieces. The color of young female inflorescences is lilac-violet, in adulthood the color changes to red, pinkish or green. Pollination occurs through the wind, a month later the cones are fertilized. Seeds ripen in late summer or early autumn, in clear, dry weather, the cones open, allowing the seeds to fall out.

Attention! Seed germination of Dahurian larch lasts 3-4 years.

Dahurian larch in landscape design

Dahurian larch (Gmelina) is a valuable species for decorating a personal plot or garden. Most often it is planted as a tapeworm – a single plant that draws attention to the whole composition. Dahurian larch is also used to create groves.

Daurian larch, combined with other deciduous trees, is a classic version of the layout of the northern garden. It also looks favorably against the background of evergreen conifers – pine, fir or spruce. The species tolerates pruning well, but is not suitable for curly haircuts. Young shoots of Dahurian larch (Gmelin) are elastic and flexible, they can be easily intertwined with each other, creating living arches, arbors or pergolas.

Gmelin larch

Planting and caring for Dahurian larch

Daurian larch is a northern tree species that can tolerate temperatures down to -60°C. It is extremely photophilous, but it is not at all demanding on the composition of the soil. It can grow both on rocky slopes and on sandstone, limestone, wetlands and peat bogs, in places with a shallow layer of permafrost. The best soil for Gmelin larch is moist loam with the addition of lime.

Seedling and planting preparation

Since the Daurian larch (Gmelina) tolerates transplanting well, both adult specimens (up to 20 years old) and annual seedlings are suitable for a summer cottage. For landscaping work, 6-year-old specimens are used in soft containers, older trees are transplanted in rigid containers or with a frozen earthen clod.

Transplantation is carried out in early spring before bud break or in autumn after the complete fall of the needles. Thanks to a powerful root system that goes deep down, Daurian larch is not afraid of strong winds. For her, they choose a sunny open place and dig a hole 50 * 50 cm, depth – 70-80 cm. The distance between adjacent trees should be at least 2-4 m. Prepare the soil mixture by adding peat and sand to the leafy ground at the rate of 3: 2: one. The pit is left for 1 weeks so that the soil settles.

Advice! If the soil in the area is acidic, it must be normalized with dolomite flour or slaked lime.

Seedlings are inspected for mechanical damage and pests. It is important that there are no scratches and cuts on young roots, since the mycelium of a symbiotic fungus is located on them, which acts as root hairs.

Rules of landing

The algorithm for planting Dahurian larch (Gmelin) does not differ from planting other representatives of this genus:

  1. In a place prepared in advance, they dig a recess commensurate with the earthen clod of the seedling.
  2. On heavy clay soils, a drainage layer is necessarily laid on the bottom – at least 20 cm (broken brick, crushed stone, gravel).
  3. When planting in the soil, you can add humus or compost, the use of manure is highly undesirable.
  4. The pit is poured 2-3 times with water and allowed to soak.
  5. The young seedling is placed in the center, if necessary, the roots are straightened and covered with earth, trying not to deepen (the neck should be at ground level).
  6. A young tree is watered with non-cold settled water, spending at least two buckets per copy.
  7. The near-stem circle is mulched with sawdust, peat, pine bark or needles.
  8. At first, young seedlings of Dahurian larch need shading from direct sunlight.

Watering and top dressing

Gmelin larch loves well-drained soil. The top layer of soil should not dry out. Adult larches are quite drought-resistant, unlike young seedlings, which need regular watering 2 times a week.

In order for the conifer to take root faster and grow, it must be regularly fed with complex mineral fertilizers with a high content of potassium and phosphorus. 1-50 g of top dressing is applied per 100 m².

Attention! If there is an excess of nitrogen in the soil, the Gmelin larch will grow in height, to the detriment of the development of lateral shoots of 2-3 orders and will quickly lose its decorative effect.

Gmelin larch

Mulching and loosening

Loosening and removing weeds is especially important for young seedlings of Gmelin larch. So that the top layer of soil does not dry out quickly, the ground near the trunk is covered with mulch from peat, sawdust, bark, needles. The layer must be at least 5 cm.


Daurian or Gmelin larch grows somewhat slower than other species and rarely needs pruning. It is possible to form a tree only at a young age, adult larches are subjected only to sanitary pruning, in which dried and damaged branches are removed. The procedure is carried out when the period of active growth of young shoots ends, but lignification has not yet begun. Gmelin larch pruning is also necessary to control the growth of the tree in height.

Preparation for winter

In addition to resistance to drought, waterlogging and salinity of the soil, Daurian larch (Gmelin) perfectly tolerates the most severe frosts. Mature trees do not need shelter; young trees can be wrapped in two layers of burlap for the winter.

Comment! This species received its second name by the name of the German botanist, explorer of the Urals and Siberia – Johann Georg Gmelin, who was in the service of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

Reproduction of Dahurian larch (Gmelina)

The Gmelin larch is propagated by seeds. After the needles fall on the tree, light brown cones are selected, they are dried at room temperature until the scales open. The fallen seeds are put in a paper bag and placed in the refrigerator until spring.

Seeds of Larix gmelinii germinate well without stratification, however, this procedure will noticeably increase the percentage of germination. A month before sowing, the seeds are soaked for a day in water at room temperature. Then mixed with moistened coarse sand in a ratio of 1:3 and placed in a refrigerator.

Warning! If the temperature during the stratification period is above 2 ° C, the seeds may germinate ahead of schedule.

Gmelin larch seeds are sown in late April or early May. They are sealed to a depth of 1,5 cm, sprinkled with a sand-peat mixture on top. Upon completion of sowing, the soil is slightly compacted and covered with spruce branches or straw. When the Dahurian larch seedlings emerge from the ground, the mulch is removed. Young larches do not tolerate the slightest shading, so regular weeding of plantings is the key to active growth and proper development of seedlings.

Gmelin larch can be propagated by layering and grafting, however, this method is very difficult for the average gardener and is used in industrial nurseries or greenhouses. For planting in a garden plot, it is easier to buy a ready-made seedling.

Diseases and pests

Gmelin larch can suffer from a number of pests:

  • larch mining moth;
  • hermes;
  • coniferous bugs;
  • sawflies;
  • larch sheath;
  • bark beetles;
  • beetles;
  • barbels.

Systemic insecticides are used to fight, for the prevention of beetles in early spring, the larch crown and the soil around the trunk are treated with karbofos.

Gmelin larch is susceptible to some fungal diseases, such as:

  • schütte (merioz);
  • rust;
  • Alternaria;
  • tracheomycotic wilt.

Fungicides are used for treatment, severely damaged specimens should be uprooted and burned.


Daurian larch (Gmelin) has found wide application in landscape design due to its unpretentiousness, exceptional frost resistance and high decorative effect. It will become an ornament and the main accent of any personal plot, it will delight the eye with its fluffy juicy green crown.

Dahurian larch in the country

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