Glycine is an amino acid that performs important biological functions in living organisms, is involved in protein biosynthesis, is responsible for the normal activity of the nervous system and regulates metabolic processes. Artificially derived aminoacetic acid is used in pharmaceuticals, medicine and the food industry.
Food additive E640 combines under one marking number aminoacetic acid (glycine) and its sodium salt – compounds that are used to optimize the taste and aroma of products. The supplement is safe and officially approved in most countries of the world.
Glycine and its sodium salt: general information
Glycine, also known as aminoacetic or aminoethanoic acid, belongs to a number of non-essential amino acids – the simplest organic structures that are part of proteins and their compounds. The substance obtained artificially is a colorless powder, odorless and has a sweetish taste.
On an industrial scale, glycine is produced by combining chloroacetic acid and ammonia. Aminoacetic acid, in turn, has the ability to form complex salts (glycinates) with metal ions.
Sodium glycinate is a salt of sodium and aminoacetic acid, which is also a substance of synthetic origin. Despite the fact that glycine and its salt are different chemical compounds, in the food industry they perform identical functions of flavor and aroma modifiers, are combined under one marking number and are considered as an E640 additive.
Name | Glycine |
Synonyms | Aminoacetic (aminoethanoic) acid, glycocol (obsolete) |
Group | Replaceable amino acids |
Chemical formula | NH2 – CH2 – COOH |
Structure | Fine monoclinic crystals (crystalline powder) |
Color | White (colorless) |
Smell | No |
Taste | Sweet |
Solubility | Completely soluble in water, partially in alcohols. Does not dissolve in ether |
Code Addons | E640 (including sodium salt) |
Origin | Synthetic |
Toxicity | Safe when taken within limits |
Areas of use | Food industry, pharmaceuticals, medicine, cosmetology |
The biological role of glycine and its sources
Glycine is found in the composition of protein molecules much more often than other amino acids and performs the most important biological functions. In the human body, this amino acid is synthesized by transamination (reversible transfer of the amino group) of glyoxylate or enzymatic cleavage of choline and serine.
Aminoacetic acid is a precursor of porphyrins and purines, the biosynthesis of which occurs in living cells, but the biological role of this compound is not limited to these functions. Glycine is also a neurotransmitter that is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses, regulates the production of other amino acids, and has an “inhibitory” effect on neurons and motor neurons.
The body of a healthy person independently synthesizes amino acids in the required quantities, so there is usually no need for their use as part of medicines and dietary supplements. Dietary sources of aminoacetic acid are animal products (beef liver and quail eggs), nuts, and some fruits.
The effect of glycine and its sodium salt on the human body
Aminoacetic acid as a neurotransmitter performs regulatory functions and primarily affects the central and peripheral nervous system. Glycine has nootropic properties, normalizes metabolism, activates the protective functions of the central nervous system and has a mild calming effect.
The positive effect of glycine on the human body:
- reduction of emotional tension, anxiety, stress, aggressiveness;
- improvement of mood and normalization of sleep;
- relaxation of muscles and removal of spasms;
- increase in working capacity;
- weakening the side effects of taking psychotropic drugs;
- decrease in the severity of vegetovascular disorders;
- reduced cravings for alcohol and sweets.
As part of the E640 additive, glycine and its salt do not have the above properties and do not have either a positive or negative effect on the human body when consumed within the normal range. The food supplement does not pose a threat to health, but in case of individual intolerance, it can provoke an allergic reaction.
Potential hazards can be additives in the composition of the additive and low-quality food products, in the manufacture of which taste and aroma optimizers are used.
The use of glycine and its sodium salt
The areas of application of glycine and sodium glycinate are limited mainly to the food industry, medicine and pharmaceuticals. However, aminoacetic acid has also found use in the cosmetics industry due to its hypoallergenic and antioxidant properties.
Cosmetic products containing E640 additive:
- therapeutic shampoos for weakened hair and anti-baldness products;
- anti-aging cosmetics, moisturizing creams and masks for all skin types;
- cleansing serums and tonics;
- lipsticks and balms.
Crushed glycine tablets can be used to make homemade skin care products, add to moisturizing masks and creams. Aminoacetic acid promotes the penetration of valuable nutrients into the deep layers of the dermis and enhances the effect of medical cosmetics.
Additive E640 in the food industry
Glycine and sodium glycinate are actively used in technological processes for the manufacture of alcoholic beverages. Additive E640, in particular, is part of the elite vodka, which allows you to neutralize the unpleasant odor and soften the sharp taste. There is also an opinion that the presence of glycine in alcoholic beverages helps to reduce the toxic effect of alcohol on the nervous system and prevents hangovers.
Food products containing the E640 additive:
- strong alcoholic drinks;
- jams, jams, jellies, marmalades;
- packaged juices with pulp;
- enriched table salt;
- sports fortified drinks;
- sauces, seasonings and spices.
Aminoacetic acid is used not only to optimize the taste and transport of biologically active substances, but also as an antibacterial agent. In particular, meat, fish and seafood are processed with it to neutralize the dangerous Escherichia coli.
Medical use
Glycine is actively used for the treatment and prevention of diseases associated with the central and peripheral nervous system. This substance is part of pharmaceutical preparations of nootropic, sedative, anticonvulsant and hypnotic action, has a mild antidepressant and tranquilizing effect.
Medical indications for the use of aminoacetic acid as a drug:
- reduced mental performance, sleep and memory disorders;
- emotional stress, stressful situations, neuroses;
- emotional instability and increased excitability;
- consequences of ischemic stroke, craniocerebral injuries and neuroinfections;
- vegetovascular dystonia, ischemia;
- increased muscle tone, muscle cramps;
- alcohol and drug addiction, the toxic effect of drugs that depress the central nervous system.
It has been proven that the use of 3 g of glycine per day has a positive effect on mental abilities and the general emotional state of a person, relieves daytime drowsiness and normalizes night sleep. The drug is also prescribed for pregnant women to reduce anxiety, children and adolescents who have difficulty with social adaptation and concentration.
Additive E640 and legislation
Taste and odor optimizer E640 is used in food production in most countries of the world, but there is no information about the additive in the Codex Alimentarius. There have been no cases of poisoning with glycine and sodium glycinate when eaten, so the E640 modifier is considered safe.
The additive is included in the list of officially approved for use in the food industry in the EU, USA and Canada. The legislation of the Russian Federation and Belarus also allows the presence of E640 in products within the permissible limits established by SanPiN. There are no data on the use of E640 as a flavor enhancer and flavoring agent on the territory of Ukraine.
Despite the fact that glycine and its salt do not have a toxic effect on the human body and are approved for use, products containing E640 can hardly be called useful. Most flavors and flavorings are used to draw the attention of the consumer to low quality products, the use of which should be minimized.