Glycerol and diacetyltartaric and fatty acid esters (E472e)

Esters of glycerol and diacetyltartaric and fatty acids are better known under the code “E472e”. The substance is included in the group of food additives E472, in which, in addition to it, there are six more varieties: there are citric, lactic, and acetic acids, and their various combinations. As for the stabilizer E472e, the main role is assigned to diacetyltartaric anhydride or tartaric acid. The action of the E472e additive is to stabilize and emulsify the texture of the product, which is why it began to be used in the food industry. According to international classifications of food additives, E472e is considered an additive with a low level of danger. It can often be found in the compositions of flour baking, as structurally this nutritional supplement is similar to wheat gluten. In addition to the production of buns and bread, another area of ​​application is the manufacture of confectionery.

Chemical properties of a substance

Esters are obtained from both plant and animal raw materials. Its chemical composition is mixed esters of glycerol, in which several hydroxyl groups are transesterified into esters of diacetyltartaric acid and fatty acids.

The substance is obtained only by artificial means; it does not exist in wildlife. Science knows several methods for synthesizing the additive E472e. In the first variant, a reaction is carried out between fatty acid glycerides, tartaric acid and acetic anhydride. Another way is the interaction between diacetyltartaric anhydride, acetic acid and mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids. Most often, the raw materials from which fatty acids are extracted for such reactions are soybean oil or lard.

The active substance in the supplement is glycerol molecules with a free secondary hydroxyl group and residues of diacetyltartaric and stearic acids. Due to these particles, the additive is able to create a viscous, sticky texture of mixtures and components.

Stabilizer E472e appears as a solid or waxy substance, oily liquid or greasy paste. Color – from white to yellow-brown. The substance has a characteristic acetic odor and taste. The additive is perfectly soluble in water, alcohols and acetone.

In international regulations, esters of glycerol and diacetyltartaric fatty acids are abbreviated as DATEM.

The main properties due to which E472e is highly valued by food manufacturers is giving dough plasticity.

As an emulsifier, the additive allows you to create mixtures of components that cannot be mixed homogeneously under normal conditions.

However, the most common way to use a food additive is as a stabilizer. It provides the necessary viscosity of the product, improves the taste parameters and allows them to be stored for a longer time.

Use in food preparation

The food industry began to massively use the E472e additive back in the 20s of the last century. At that time, and even today, it belongs to the group of the most common emulsifiers.

It can be found in:

  • ice-cream;
  • dry mixes for preparation of coffee drinks;
  • cookies;
  • confectionery;
  • of bread.

It is the preparation of flour pastries and bakery products that practically cannot do without the “participation” of this substance. It is added to products made from low and medium quality flour. Due to the structural features, esters of glycerol and diacetyltartaric and fatty acids can improve the quality of flour with weak gluten, and make it a plastic, elastic, well exposed dough. Thanks to the E472e stabilizer, the structure of the bread becomes porous and airy, the weight of the finished product increases, the shelf life of the product slightly increases, the bread does not go stale so quickly. In addition, the additive facilitates whipping dough, reduces the resistance of the product to hydrolysis, and reduces the melting area. Interestingly, esters decompose during baking, so they can no longer be found in the finished product.

For introduction into the dough, the substance is pre-dissolved in fats. The content rate is up to 0,2% by weight of the product.

Benefit or harm

In fact, nutritional supplements generally do not bring any benefit to the human body. An exception may be natural substances such as pectin or carotene. Esters of glycerol and diacetyltartaric and fatty acids do not belong to such elements. Their main benefit is the absence of harm to humans.

A long process of studying the substance, experiments involving experimental animals showed that the substance does not cause allergic reactions, is not a toxin, mutagen, does not provoke the appearance of malignant tumors or infertility.

Upon contact with the skin or mucous membranes, no reaction, burns or allergies on the skin also occur.

In the human stomach, the supplement breaks down into fats and acids, and is absorbed accordingly, like similar natural components.

In this regard, in most countries there is no maximum permitted daily intake of the substance. Only in Canada there is a corresponding restriction – no more than 50 mg per 1 kilogram of adult weight.

To date, the emulsifier, plasticizer and stabilizer E472e is considered harmless. Its use by experimental animals during the relevant experiments did not determine the substance as dangerous, did not reveal any negative consequences for the health of the observed animals. Therefore, it is widely used in the preparation of confectionery, cookies, and, especially often, bread. The additive allows you not to buy expensive and high-quality flour, but to use lower quality flour with the addition of an inexpensive component, while such savings are practically not reflected in the quality of the finished product – the bread turns out to be airy, porous, it is stored longer than without the use of esters of glycerol, diacetyl tartaric and fatty acids. Since the substance has not shown any toxic and allergic properties, it is not forbidden to use it for children and the elderly. Also, there are no special recommendations and contraindications for people with problems in the digestive tract.

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