Glycerin suppository – for whom?

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Glycerin suppositories help with defecation problems. They are especially recommended for people who cannot take standard drugs containing chemicals, such as pregnant women, women after childbirth or infants. Their use is safe and effective. Meeting a physiological need does not have to mean prolonged sitting on the toilet. Glycerin suppositories are available over the counter.

Glycerin suppository – application

They should be kept cool, preferably in the refrigerator. Glycerin suppositories are applied rectally. Under the influence of heat, the suppositories dissolve in the anus and irritate the lower part of the large intestine, accelerating its worming movements. Glycerin has moisturizing and moisturizing properties. By dissolving in the anus, it facilitates the glide and passage of fecal content in the intestines. In this way, glycerin suppositories support defecation. They are used for constipation problems, often as an alternative to enemas. In the opinion of some people, glycerin suppositories do not clean the intestines as effectively as rectal enemas.

Glycerin suppositories for babies

Glycerin suppositories are safe to use. They can be used to eliminate constipation in young children, pregnant women, the elderly or people sentenced to immobility due to disability. Glycerin suppositories are absolutely safe during pregnancy. The studies did not reveal any negative effects of the preparation on the fetus. The active substances of the drug do not pass into breast milk. Glycerin suppositories are often used before diagnostic tests or procedures are performed to cleanse the intestines.

Babies often suffer from various types of constipation caused by factors such as lactose intolerance, stress, and gas retention (flatulence). These factors prevent you from passing stools and thus cause discomfort. The baby is crying because his stomach hurts. Crying additionally strengthens the constipation effect, because the baby tenses all the muscles of its body when crying (which is not done by people over 5 years of age). This discomfort makes it difficult to feed the baby and disturbs the rhythm of its sleep. Therefore, it is especially important to ease the suffering of the infant. Most drugs cannot be given to infants. Glycerin suppositories for babies are a safe and very effective alternative.

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