Glycemic index – table, products, low and high GI levels [EXPLAINED]

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The glycemic index (GI) is a type of food product ranking, based on the content and type of sugars in a given product. IG shows the effect that the sugars in the foods we eat have on our blood sugar levels. Thanks to this, IG helps to compose a correct and healthy diet.

What is the glycemic index?

The glycemic index is a fairly new method of food analysis and until the development of IG, meals were analyzed only in terms of the content of individual food components (sugars, proteins and fats). IG goes beyond this approach by determining the direct effect of food on blood sugar levels. Glycemic index determines the percentage rate of increase in blood glucose after eating food products compared to the increase that occurs after consuming the same amount of carbohydrates in the form of pure glucose. In other words, instead of giving the total amount of carbohydrate in a food raw (undigested by the human body), GI measures the rate and level of blood sugar rise after consuming the product.

The glycemic index allows you to assess the effect of individual carbohydrate-containing foods on postprandial glycemia. Foods with a high GI are quickly digested and absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, which is manifested by a sharp increase in postprandial glycemia followed by a rapid decrease in blood glucose.

The glycemic index is calculated from the formula:

IG = blood glucose after consuming a product containing 50 g of carbohydrates / blood glucose after consuming 50 g of glucose x100

Glycemic index of products

The glycemic index of glucose is 100. Products with a GI lower than 50 are products with a low glycemic index, products with a GI between 55 and 70 are products with an average glycemic index, and products with a GI above 70 are products with a high glycemic index.

See also what the index diet looks like.

What does the glycemic index depend on?

The glycemic index is a great starting point to correctly determine if whether our meal is healthy. However, it should be remembered that the glycemic index of a given product was calculated in laboratory conditions and may be changed as a result of many factors:

  1. type of carbohydrates present – the more simple ones, the higher the glycemic index,
  2. the amount and form of starch in a given product (the greater the ratio of amylose to amylopectin, the higher the glycemic index),
  3. the content in the product: fats, proteins, fatty acids or phytic acid, which slow down the work of digestive enzymes and gastric emptying,
  4. method of preparation – depending on the combination of different products, it must be remembered that the high content of fat, fiber and acid (e.g. lemon acid or vinegar) reduces the glycemic index of a given product. It is also good to remember that the length of cooking also affects GI, e.g. long cooking pasta increases its glycemic index (hence it is recommended to cook pasta al dente),
  5. degree of fragmentation of the product – the more fragmented, the larger the index,
  6. ripeness of fruits and vegetables – the glycemic index of some fruits and vegetables increases as they mature. This trend is clearly visible in the example of bananas,
  7. combining foods with a different glycemic index – it is worth combining products with a different level of the glycemic index, because, for example, combining high GI products with low GI products causes the overall glycemic index of the entire meal to decrease,
  8. a person’s physical condition – age, level of physical activity, and the speed at which food is digested – also affect a person’s GI levels.

Do you want to reach for fruits with a low glycemic index? You can choose freeze-dried strawberries by weight from the Medonet Market offer.

See also: Why are fatty acids so important to our body?

What is the practical significance of the glycemic index for us?

In practice, the glycemic index tells us how long will we be satisfied after consuming a given product or meal. And yes, high GI products satisfy the appetite very quickly, but we’ll get hungry just as quickly. Low GI products give feeling of satiety for a long time as sugar levels rise and fall slowly.

In recent years, it has been noticed that a diet based on low GI meals is associated with a reduction in the risk of many diseases, including:

  1. cardiovascular diseases,
  2. type 2 diabetes,
  3. chronic kidney disease
  4. formation of uterine fibroids and breast cancer,
  5. colon cancer,
  6. prostate cancer,
  7. pancreatic cancer.

See: Why Is Diet So Important In Heart Disease?

Products with a high and low glycemic index

1.products with a high glycemic index, including: boiled carrots, pumpkin, fries, crisps, beer, baked potatoes, white bread. The listed products are very quickly absorbed and digested in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, their consumption causes the immediate production of insulin and subsequent reduction of glucose in the blood, which in turn leads to greater appetite and glucagon secretion,

2. products with a low glycemic index: among them we can mention, among others: zucchini, garlic, tomato, green vegetables, raw carrots, soy and al dente noodles, whole grain bread. These ingredients, in turn, slow down the absorption of glucose and, for a long time, gently increase glycemia and postprandial insulinemia.

It is worth knowing that products with a high glycemic index can be successfully replaced with products with a lower index. For example, Bio Intenson coconut sugar has a glycemic index that is two times lower than that of regular white sugar.

Glycemic index in sample products


  1. pineapple IG 59,
  2. burak IG 64,
  3. bananas IG 52,
  4. IG 38 apples,
  5. powdered potato powder IG 85,
  6. baked potatoes IG 85,
  7. cherries IG 22,
  8. IG 40 strawberries,
  9. sweet potatoes IG 61,


  1. 0% fat yogurt IG 27,
  2. condensed milk, sweetened IG 61,
  3. IG 36 natural yoghurt,
  4. soy milk 1.5% fat, 120 mg calcium IG 44,


  1. IG 95 baguette,
  2. IG 70 wheat bread,
  3. semolina IG 55,
  4. boiled white rice IG 64,
  5. brown rice IG 55,
  6. couscous IG 65,
  7. IG 41 wheat grains,
  8. IG 45 spelled grains,


  1. IG 47 tube noodles,
  2. IG 40 rice noodles,
  3. white flour spaghetti, cooked 5 min IG 38,
  4. wholemeal flour spaghetti (wholemeal) IG 37,


  1. Coca-Cola IG 58,
  2. Fanta orange IG 68,
  3. IG 52 orange juice,
  4. IG 43 fresh carrot juice,


  1. white chocolate IG 44,
  2. salted potato chips IG 54,
  3. IG 85 pancakes,
  4. milk chocolate IG 43,
  5. popcorn IG 72,
  6. peanuts IG 14,
  7. Nutella IG 33,
  8. IG 64 rice cakes,


  1. IG 55 honey,
  2. cane sugar IG 87,
  3. xylitol IG 7,
  4. stevia IG 3,
  5. sucrose IG 68.

A diet with a low glycemic index

Diet with a low glycemic index, also known as the Montignac diet, characterized by the consumption of products with low glycemic index. Thanks to it, the absorption of glucose in the blood slows down, which ensures a feeling of fullness for a long time. Products with a high glycemic index are digested and absorbed faster in the digestive tract, which results in aincreased appetite.

Low GI Diet – Some Important Tips To Help You Maintain It:

  1. eat whole grain products – instead of buying bread made mainly of white flour (e.g. white bread, rolls) choose whole grain bread (where you can actually see the grains) made with real sourdough,
  2. for a good start of the day: replace highly processed breakfast cereals with natural muesli, traditional oatmeal or flakes marked with the low GI symbol,
  3. add legumes to your diet – dried and canned beans, lentils and chickpeas have a low GI, are also rich in nutrients, and provide optimal levels of protein and fiber in the body. Include legumes in your meals two or three times a week or more. You can add them to salads, casseroles or pasta. Make a quick and easy dip using canned beans and eat crispy vegetables.
  4. diversify your meals – you don’t have to completely give up high GI products – the trick is to combine these products with low GI products. This will allow you to obtain the appropriate GI level. In addition, some acids help lower the GI of other foods. Try balsamic vinegar for salads, plain yogurt for cereal, and lemon juice for vegetables.
  5. take care of healthy snacks – when referring to snacks, choose fresh and dried fruits, nuts and yoghurts. Avoid foods like cookies, crackers, and biscuits.
  6. Dairy Products – Most dairy products, including milk and yoghurt, are low GI and are important sources of protein and calcium.
  7. drink only water: choose water as the first and only choice. Avoid sugary drinks and alcohol.

An ideal meal in a low GI diet should include:

  1. vegetables – try to eat at least five servings of vegetables a day, preferably in three or more different colors,
  2. proteins – good sources are lean meat, chicken, fish, seafood, eggs, milk, yogurt, cheese, legumes, or tofu
  3. low GI carbohydrates – try pasta (cooked “al dente”), low GI rice, pearl couscous, quinoa.

Soybean noodles have a low glycemic index, which you will find at Medonet Market at an affordable price. Also order natural brown rice by weight, packed in ecological packaging.

Why is it worth using a low GI diet?

It helps in the treatment of diabetes

Research shows that following a low GI diet helps people with diabetes (type 1 and type 2) control blood glucose and cholesterol levels and reduces insulin resistance.

It helps in maintaining proper body weight

Overweight and obesity are the leading causes of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers. A moderately high protein, low glycemic index diet is the best diet for long-term weight management. A low GI diet helps you achieve and maintain your target weightby helping you cope with hunger, burning fat and maintaining an adequate metabolic rate.

Affects the health of pregnancy

The quality of the diet during pregnancy can have an impact on your baby’s future health. Inadequate diet during pregnancy may cause a predisposition to occur overweight, obesity and diabetes in a child. A healthy and well-balanced diet can prevent this from happening. Reducing GI in the diet is one of the safest and most effective ways to ensure your baby is developing properly.

Responsible for a healthy heart

A low GI diet can improve heart health by:

  1. lowering blood glucose levels after a meal, improving the elasticity of blood vessel walls and blood flow,
  2. improving the level of cholesterol in the blood,
  3. reducing the risk of atherosclerosis, a chronic disease of blood vessels, by reducing inflammation,
  4. supporting the reduction of abdominal fat.

It causes a constant level of energy

Adequate blood glucose levels play an important role in how aroused we feel. High GI foods provide fast surge of energy, while low GI foods provide longer energy. Low GI foods are broken down slowly, releasing glucose into the bloodstream over time, keeping your energy levels stable. On the other hand, high GI foods cause blood glucose levels to spike rapidly, leading to energy peaks and dips.

While blood glucose and insulin levels rise and fall or remain high rapidly, it disturbs the natural balance of glucose in the blood. Over time, this can lead to problems responding to blood glucose levels, which can contribute to the development of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is associated with many health problems including: diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, stroke and a range of heart conditions.

It causes a low risk of breast cancer

Research shows that eating a high GI diet for five years or more can increase your risk of breast cancer by 8% compared to a low GI diet.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Women with PCOS often develop resistance to the hormone insulin. It is essential for maintaining stable blood glucose levels. Eating a healthy low GI diet improves insulin sensitivity and is one of the best and proven ways to deal with PCOS symptoms such as unwanted weight gain.

Affects eye health

A growing body of evidence suggests that a healthy low GI diet may prevent age-related macular degeneration.

It reduces acne

High insulin levels from eating high GI foods are linked to the development of acne, a low GI diet can help improve acne by regulating insulin imbalances.

A low GI diet is not a trendy diet, but a diet that is balanced in the long term and supported by over 35 years of scientific evidence. Consuming good-quality, low-GI carbohydrates helps treat diabetes and lowers your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, its complications, and other chronic lifestyle-related diseases. Eating a low GI diet can also help you lose weight and, importantly, maintain a healthy weight. In fact, a low GI diet provides health benefits for everyone at all stages of life.

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