Glycemic index from scratch! Discover 10 healthy products!
Glycemic index from scratch! Discover 10 healthy products!

Information about the glycemic index can also be found in studies by searching for “GI”, because this is the abbreviation that is usually used for this term. By definition, the glycemic index is a specific list of products, their classification in terms of how they affect blood glucose after consumption (after about 2-3 hours).


Why pay attention to the glycemic index?

One may ask why such a term and such a classification were created at all. Why is it so important to control blood glucose after eating a meal? For a healthy person, it makes no difference, because his pancreas works so efficiently that he can “knock down” any sugar level to normal. However, this index becomes important in all diseases, such as diabetes, where the body itself has a problem with proper control of blood glucose levels.

Glycemic index:

  • Low GI foods: below 55
  • Medium GI foods: 55-70
  • High GI foods: over 70

Glycemic index and the impact of glucose on health

A healthy lifestyle for diabetics and other sick people also involves constant control of blood sugar levels. The glycemic index does just that. The foods with the highest index values ​​will be the foods that digest the fastest. On the other hand, those with the lowest index are digested shorter, so that the increase in glucose after eating these meals will be smaller. Therefore, it is recommended to eat products with the lowest and medium GI levels. They are often healthy also because they improve immunity, contain many vitamins and micro- and macroelements.

10 products recommended for diabetics and other sick people!

  1. Any green vegetables, e.g. green beans, cabbage
  2. Tomatoes
  3. Raw carrots (cooked already has a high GI)
  4. Fresh apricots
  5. makaron al dente
  6. Whole grain bread
  7. Soya pasta
  8. Garlic
  9. Zucchini
  10. Milk

What are the benefits of consuming the above products?

  • Glucose concentration remains unchanged
  • They are recommended especially for diabetics and people suffering from diabetes
  • They improve slimming processes, making it easier to lose unnecessary kilograms
  • They prevent overweight and diabetes
  • Decreased appetite
  • Providing your body with the necessary vitamins, elements and nutritional values
  • Balanced diet, which will also be a great diet for athletes or people on a diet

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