Glycemia – How to Measure Your Blood Sugar? Glycemic norms

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Glycemia is a special indicator that shows you what your blood glucose is. It is not a constant value, therefore tests can be performed at different times of the day. Glycemia is expressed in two units (mmol / L and mg / dL). We decided to check what the norms look like, why they fluctuate and who should test blood glucose more often.

Glycemia – why do the test?

Glycemia is the basic test that will allow us to determine what concentration of glucose in the blood / plasma is achieved. The measurement is performed both in healthy people and in patients whose symptoms may indicate elevated (hyperglycemia) or lowered (hypoglycemia) levels of sugar in the body. Glucose concentration should also be monitored by people at risk of being genetically burdened with type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes. Glycemia must also be performed by pregnant women.

In order to regularly monitor the level of glucose, as well as other blood parameters, it is worth ordering a Multifunction meter – glucose, cholesterol, uric acid – NOVAMA MultiCheck Pro +, which can be used comfortably and safely at home.

Glycemia – preparation for the test

There are three ways of testing blood glucose. Therefore, there are three different ways to prepare for research. Fasting glucose is performed in the morning. At least 12 hours should pass from the last meal.

Another way to measure sugar is oral glucose load test (OGTT) also called the diabetic curve. In this case, preparations for the tests should be started three days in advance. You should give up stimulants (alcohol and cigarettes) and refrain from excessive physical exertion. The OGTT examination takes approximately two hours. It is performed on an empty stomach. During this time, the patient drinks the glucose solution. He has twice drawn blood. For pregnant women, blood is taken three times.

The final way to measure your blood glucose is random glucose test. The patient does not need to be fasting. The test is performed at home, before or after a meal.

Organic Chromium – a YANGO dietary supplement, which is available on Medonet Market, can help in regulating blood glucose levels.

Glycemia – standards and three types of tests

Depending on the chosen method, blood glucose standards may fluctuate slightly.

Fasting Glucose:

  1. Norma: 70 — 99 mg/dl (3,9 — 5,5 mmol/l)
  2. Exceeding the norm: 100 – 125 mg / dl (5,6 – 6,9 mmol / l)
  3. Diabetes mellitus: ≥ 126 mg / dL (7 mmol / L)

Oral Glucose Load Test:

  1. Norma: < 140 mg/dl (7,8 mmol/l)
  2. Exceeding the norm: 140 – 199 mg / dl (7,8 – 11,1 mmol / l)
  3. Diabetes mellitus: ≥ 200 (11,1 mmol / L)

Convenient Glucose Test:

  1. Diabetes mellitus: ≥ 200 (11,1 mmol / L)

Do you want to take care of the correct level of sugar in your body? Regularly drink DIABETEX WITH MORWĄ – herbal tea. You can also try Herbal Monasterium White Mulberry Juice, which is available in 500 ml bottles.

Glycemia – disturbances in the norm

The most common cause of elevated blood glucose levels is diabetes. However, there are factors that may also be responsible for this. These include insulin resistance, Cushing’s syndrome, chronic kidney failure, medications such as antidepressants and corticosteroids, acromegaly, and meals full of carbohydrates.

In addition, the test must be performed twice to confirm diabetes. Elevated sugar levels are called hyperglycemia. If your glucose level is low, it is known as hypoglycemia. It often affects diabetics who take insulin.

To take care of your blood sugar level, use the Sugar Supplements you can buy on Medonet Market. We recommend, for example, White Mulberry + for the correct blood sugar level, which is currently available at a promotional price.

Gestational diabetes – what is it characterized by?

Gestational diabetes is a condition that affects mothers-to-be. This is a symptom of hyperglycaemia. Gestational diabetes is most often detected between 24 and 28 weeks. Treatment consists mainly in changing eating habits and physical activity adapted to the needs of the future mother. In some cases, insulin therapy is used.

DIABETEFIX – herbal tea with bean pods, nettle herb / leaf, couch grass rhizome, dandelion herb with a root – will help to regulate blood sugar levels.

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