More and more people in today’s world suffer from a number of allergies, and some of them are food allergies. One of them, which is increasingly diagnosed, is hypersensitivity to gluten. This type of food allergy should not be confused with the disease called celiac disease, although both are characterized by gluten intolerance. What is gluten, what ailments should be expected when our body reacts badly to it? How to cope when we already know that gluten is not a good solution for us?
Gluten is nothing more than a type of protein that occurs primarily in cereals: wheat, oats, rye, spelled and barley. It is therefore included in cereal products such as bread and pasta. Next to milk, it is one of the most sensitizing allergens. More and more people are discovering that a number of tiresome ailments are caused by the infamous gluten. Gluten hypersensitivity is a case of gluten intolerance in which celiac disease has been ruled out, and yet gluten causes a number of undesirable symptoms.
Symptoms of a gluten allergy can appear immediately after eating something containing gluten, or even appear after a few hours. This is conditioned by the age of the person struggling with this problem. Gluten allergy affects adults more often than children, and each of these groups has a different course of action. The most common symptoms of gluten allergy are digestive problems such as diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, flatulence, heartburn, burning sensation in the esophagus, and the feeling of overflowing in the intestines. In children, hypersensitivity to gluten is usually characterized by skin problems such as various types of rashes, pustules or hives. Common symptoms are also problems with the respiratory system: runny nose, bronchial spasms. The difference in the course of gluten allergy in adults and children is that children usually outgrow the problem, while adults struggle with it throughout their lives. A common symptom of this disease is constant fatigue, analgesic headaches, skin problems, itching, problems with concentration, slow thinking.
Some of these symptoms are not specific and occur in cases not related to gluten intolerance, which is why it is sometimes very difficult to diagnose this problem. Feeling unwell, frequent headaches, irritability and weakness can be a symptom of stress or overwork, and are accompanied by hypersensitivity to gluten. If this condition persists, you should consult a doctor and perform diagnostic tests that will help diagnose gluten allergy. In the case of gluten allergy, symptoms such as headache or abdominal pain, diarrhea appear up to 2 hours after eating food containing gluten. If we suspect this disease, it is best to eliminate gluten foods and observe our own body. Already after a dozen or so days of a gluten-free diet, the condition improves so much that most of the ailments disappear. Living without gluten does not have to be difficult and deprive us of the pleasure of eating. Rice, potatoes, corn, almond or nut flour to prepare cakes – all these are not only tasty but also healthy ingredients. Use your imagination and treat it as a new challenge. After all, health is the most important thing!