Gluten – what is it and why is it harmful? What is gluten in?

In recent years, there has been a lot of talk about gluten. People interested in the natural lifestyle warn against it, we can read about its negative effects in the press and on the Internet, and cinema and music stars proudly tell about their transition to a gluten-free diet. What’s all the hype about? What is this ingredient? What is gluten in? Which ingredients can you eat and how do you choose gluten-free foods? Read our short guide to learn about the most important things about gluten.

What is gluten?

Gluten is a group of proteins that are found in various foods, including in cereal grains. The ingredient is responsible for the suitably elastic consistency of the dough, as well as for its resistance to drying out. Such properties of gluten are possible when we combine flour with water. Gluten also helps maintain the aroma of a given food, so it is sometimes also added to products in which it is not naturally present.

The name gluten is not accidental. Glue means glue. This property makes the dough elastic, making it possible to produce tasty and fluffy pastries. When mixed with water, gluten proteins form a sticky goo that looks like glue. Most of us associate gluten mainly with grain products, but it is also added, among others, to for cold cuts.

What is gluten in?

Gluten is found primarily in grains and products made from grains such as flour and bran. Cereals containing gluten are: wheat (and its various varieties), oats, spelled, triticale, rye and barley. Due to the fact that gluten has a positive effect on the smell, texture and taste of a food product, manufacturers also willingly add it to: sausages, frankfurters, pates, luncheon meat, as well as instant soups and sauces.

Where else can we find gluten? First of all, in ready-made desserts, delicatessen products, mayonnaises and mustards, grain coffee and various confectionery products. It is also contained in milk-cereal and cereal porridges, wheat and rye pasta. Gluten can be found in wholemeal and white bread, rolls and crispbread. They also contain biscuits, biscuits, rusks and gingerbread.

If you love pasta and you need to follow a gluten-free diet, try Vegan Pasta – Diet Spaghetti Konjac Noodles OstroVit.

Why is gluten harmful?

There is no single answer to this question. One hypothesis is that people began to consume gluten too late, so their bodies had not yet developed an adequate defense mechanism to digest the ingredient. Nevertheless, this theory has no scientific confirmation. Moreover, it has also not been found that a gluten-free diet has health benefits for anyone who adopts it.

Consuming gluten is harmful to three groups of people. The first group includes people suffering from celiac disease, an autoimmune and genetic celiac disease – they constitute about 1-2% of the population. Why is gluten harmful to them? Well, in the course of the disease, intestinal strands are damaged. For this reason, the body has trouble absorbing nutrients.

The second group includes people allergic to gluten. The symptoms of allergy are similar to those of celiac disease, but there are also skin changes. Unlike people with celiac disease, allergy sufferers have a healthy lining of the small intestine. The third group includes people who are hypersensitive to gluten, but not suffering from celiac disease and not allergic to gluten. They do not have intestinal villi atrophy.

Do you want to get tested for food allergies? You can make a flour and meat panel taking into account cross-allergies – the test is a mail-order test based on the analysis of a blood sample sent to the laboratory.

Read more on celiac disease

Foods that do not contain gluten

Foods that are naturally gluten-free include grains such as rice, corn, tapioca, cassava, buckwheat, and sorghum. In addition, in stores you can also find other flours that have been processed without gluten or contain only traces of it. Other foods that are naturally gluten-free include: nuts, fats, eggs, milk, some groats, soybeans, puddings, kissels and many more.

On Medonet Market you will find, among others Pro Natura natural brown rice in 400 g packets, as well as Pro Natura roasted buckwheat flakes in 200 g packets, Rice – Pro Natura 300 g rice flakes or Pro Natura rice noodles.

Food intolerances can occur parallel to each other. Do you want to get tested? Through Medonet Market, you can order a mail-order test for lactose and gluten intolerance.

Millet – does it contain gluten?

Millet is a grass of the grass family. Featured about 500 species of millet that are naturally gluten-free. It is one of the oldest plants grown all over the world. It has characteristic threaded leaves and edible seeds. Millet, from which millet is made, is also eaten by people suffering from celiac disease. Nevertheless, this group of people is recommended to buy products with appropriate certificates that guarantee the absence of even trace amounts of gluten.

Millet is chosen not only by people intolerant to gluten. The plant supports the work of the cardiovascular system because it contains a large amount of potassium and magnesium. Thanks to them, it allows you to maintain adequate blood pressure, protects against diabetes and helps in detoxification of the liver, because it has valuable antioxidants.

Read more on the 10 most common cardiovascular diseases

Cereals containing gluten – health benefits

Recently, gluten has become almost synonymous with the word “harmful”. However, in fact, the ingredient itself only harms those who are allergic to it. Eating gluten-containing grains also has benefits – the less processed they are, the more nutrients they offer. These types of plants include:

  1. wheat – its grains are great sources of energy. More than half of their composition is sugar. In addition to them, wheat also contains nutritious protein, a small amount of fiber and fat. What’s more, wheat also contains vitamins and minerals such as phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.
  2. rye – has a large amount of fiber, it contains, among others vitamin B6 and folic acid. Grain has similar properties to wheat.
  3. barley – consuming it helps in the treatment of skin diseases, such as acne and ulcers. Young barley, despite the fact that it is a grain containing gluten, accelerates metabolism and lowers the concentration of cholesterol in the blood.
  4. oats – some people who are allergic to gluten also eat it. However, it can harm people with celiac disease the most. Oat ingredients lower blood cholesterol and have anti-cancer properties.

Get tested for celiac disease now by ordering your celiac disease screening test. It is available in several variants and can be performed on the basis of a blood test or a cheek swab.

Cereals containing gluten – disadvantages

Opponents of cereals containing gluten, in particular wheat, criticize it, among others for the presence of phytates. Phytinates (phytic acid) are anti-nutritional substances that prevent the absorption of calcium, zinc and iron. However, we can find them not only in wheat, but also in rapeseed, legumes and sesame seeds. Nevertheless, products containing phytic acid are rich in iron, which compensates for the problems with its absorption.

Another argument against grains containing gluten is the dominant sugar in them. In some people, it can cause an insulin reaction and severe hunger. The consequence will be snacking, which may turn into gluttony and overweight. However, this does not mean that you should completely eliminate these dietary components. It is simply because of them that the digestibility of certain substances will be difficult.

How to replace gluten grains?

There are many products on the food market that will successfully replace gluten grains. They include, among others:

  1. buckwheat – contains a large amount of protein and minerals such as: calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. Many of its enthusiasts believe that the best groats are natural buckwheat. Roasted and buckwheat in bags contain half as much vitamins.
  2. quinoa – it is consumed by both people allergic to gluten grains and vegetarians. Quinoa contains protein like that of animals. In addition, it also contains a large amount of calcium, manganese, phosphorus and omega fatty acids.
  3. rice – is a great replacement for groats. Nutritionists recommend brown rice in the first place. However, just like groats, it has a high glycemic index.

In addition to the aforementioned millet, gluten grains can also be replaced with corn grits, which also does not contain gluten. It is easy to digest, does not cause allergies and is a good source of carbohydrates when following a reduction diet. Instead of ordinary bread, we can buy gluten-free bread, although it is not available in all bakeries. If we have the opportunity, it is worth starting to bake bread yourself using gluten-free mixtures.

You can order both millet and roasted buckwheat, unroasted buckwheat and quinoa at Medonet Market. These are products available by weight, fresh, weighed and packed immediately after ordering.

What are the side effects of a gluten-free diet?

The effect of gluten on the body can be neutral, beneficial or harmful. After giving up the ingredient, people with celiac disease and gluten sensitivity will experience the most benefits. On the other hand, in fully healthy people, there may be some side effects, such as constipation. Gluten-free diets are often low in fiber. This makes the intestines difficult to work. People who want to be gluten-free are advised to eat high-fiber grains.

Lack of gluten in the diet will result in a nutrient deficiency. Without eating foods such as cereals, bread or pasta, the body will not receive valuable vitamins and minerals. In order to avoid deficiencies, it is worth consuming appropriate supplements on a regular basis. Many gluten-free products are poorer in minerals.

There are also some positive effects from a gluten-free diet. By giving up gluten, we will have more energy to work during the day. Joint pain will also decrease. The more sensitive a person is to gluten, the better the results will be when they are discontinued. In addition, avoiding gluten in food can make you lose or gain weight in the beginning.

Gluten allergy – symptoms in children and adults

Contrary to appearances, recognizing whether we suffer from gluten intolerance is not a simple task. Diseases such as the celiac disease and gluten allergy mentioned earlier have different symptoms. Moreover, they do not always concern the digestive system only. The red lamp should light up when we notice that, apart from abdominal pain and diarrhea, we start feeling sleepy and tired. Both allergy sufferers and patients with celiac disease can be additionally irritable and a bit apathetic.

In children, the symptom of gluten allergy is usually atopic dermatitis. In their case, complications from the respiratory system are much less common. Most children have only a temporary allergy and will grow out of it over time. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for celiac disease, which is mostly a lifelong disease.

Adults have a gluten allergy differently. In their case, the most common symptoms are angioedema, diarrhea and the so-called hives. Unlike children, adults suffer from a gluten allergy for much longer. However, to get it, they need to ingest much more gluten than children. Allergy symptoms in adults appear even minutes after consuming a gluten-containing product.

Gluten allergy – diagnosis

Doctors and nutritionists are still looking for the causes of allergies, because there is not only one. According to them, allergy can be caused by genetic, immunological and metabolic factors. To determine if you are allergic to gluten, your doctor must first perform a blood test and a skin test (usually in children over 4 years of age). If the result is negative, it means that the test person is not allergic to gluten. You can do the food intolerance test without leaving your home by purchasing it at

An effective way to diagnose a gluten allergy is to use an elimination diet to which the allergenic ingredient is incorporated over time. This is the most reliable test. The results of laboratory tests do not always reflect the actual condition of the patient. Not everyone with a food allergy will get a positive skin test. Moreover, it has been observed that people who are not allergic to gluten get a positive result. That is why it is worth using various methods.

At Medonet Market, you will also find a test that will help you determine your food intolerances. Purchase genetic testing for food intolerance to gluten, lactose and fructose or genetic testing for food intolerance to gluten, caffeine and alcohol, and it will be easier to adjust your diet in such a way as to avoid unpleasant ailments.

Who initiated the fashion for gluten-free products?

The creator of the fashion for being “gluten-free” is Peter Gibson, a professor at Monash University. The scientist put forward the thesis that the gluten contained in food is the cause of intestinal disorders. He quickly gained his followers in the world of doctors, nutritionists, as well as athletes, musicians and artists. In 2011, Gibson’s thesis was supported by William Davis, an American cardiologist and author of best-selling books promoting a wheat-free diet. The nutritional trend in question appeared in Poland around 2013.

Many people wonder why a gluten-free diet is so fashionable. Is Eating Gluten Really Harmful? Why is there so much talk about gluten today, even though people have been eating grains that contain this ingredient for centuries? First of all, it should be said that the human diet has changed significantly in recent years. The huge number of different types of cereals that were eaten by humans in the past has now been replaced by just a few, among which wheat is the leading one.

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