Gluten-free slimming according to Dr. Davis! Lose extra pounds without worrying about calories!
Gluten-free slimming according to Dr. Davis! Lose extra pounds without worrying about calories!

The gluten-free diet was created for people who cannot eat gluten for health reasons. However, in recent years, it has been breaking records of popularity among people who want to get rid of unnecessary fat ballast.

Dr. Davis, a well-known American cardiologist, convinces us that a gluten-free diet is conducive to a slim figure. By eliminating from meals products containing wheat, spelled, rye, oats, barley and triticale, we can lose up to 5 kilograms in two weeks!

Why the fuss about gluten?

By removing cereals containing a troublesome protein called gluten from the diet, we prevent the accumulation of fat, which occurs through a sudden increase in insulin secretion. We should also give up wholemeal bread, which is generally considered very healthy. It is worth noting that eating only wholegrain products gives us 400 more calories each day. As evidenced by Dr. Davis, whole grains promote a more rapid increase in blood insulin levels, even from the action of sugar.

In the opinion of the creator of the diet, giving up gluten is also supported by the fact that whole grain products affect the brain, because they cause euphoria comparable to the effects of opiates. In addition to omitting products containing this protein from the daily menu, it is also recommended to limit carbohydrates, such as: potatoes, rice, corn starch, legumes, dried fruits, sweets, carbonated drinks and fruit juices. When using a slimming gluten-free diet, carbohydrates marked with the symbol of the crossed grain are also inadvisable.

What can you eat as part of a gluten-free weight loss?

  • First of all, eat vegetables (with limited corn and potatoes), preferably when they are grown without pesticides.
  • Full-fat cheeses, such as parmesan, blue cheese, or mozzarella.
  • Unsweetened coconut milk, almond milk and other milk substitutes.
  • Fishes and seafood.
  • Yes Yes.
  • Unprocessed poultry and meat, without the addition of sodium nitrate, preferably organic, freely prepared (except frying).
  • Large amounts of healthy fats: olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, nuts.
  • Small amounts of fruit are recommended, especially blueberries, raspberries and strawberries.
  • Herbs, mustard, spices.
  • Water, freshly squeezed fruit juices. Very rare: red wine, tea and coffee.

Controversies surrounding weight loss on a gluten-free diet

A lot of reservations are growing around the foundations of all protein diets that avoid carbohydrates responsible for the production of serotonin, the happiness hormone. No wonder that there are reservations whether this diet will not cause side effects in the form of apathy, depression, concentration, memory or sleep disorders.

In favor of Dr. Davis’ gluten-free diet, it is rich in nuts and healthy vegetable oils. 


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