Gluten-free diet – good or bad? Features of gluten-free products

Why is the gluten-free diet so popular? Can it be considered undeniably useful? In what cases can it be beneficial, is harm possible from it?

Gluten is a plant-based protein found in wheat and other grain-based foods. Whole grain products that contain gluten are usually nutritious due to micronutrients and vitamins.

Research shows that whole grains help:

  • reduce the level of bad cholesterol;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • reduce the risk of heart and vascular disease.

It is important to understand when high gluten content can harm the body, and when not. See also: What is a superfood?

Why is gluten-free eating so popular?

The basis of the new trend was the active study of gliadin and glutenin, proteins that are part of the gluten group. Studies show that gliadin can provoke celiac disease – the inability to tolerate gluten, an acute immune response to its ingestion. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease. It is estimated that about 3% of people are affected by it. But it is impossible to identify this disease on your own.

It is recommended to consult a doctor if:

  • pain and bloating;
  • constipation, flatulence;
  • causeless fatigue;
  • uncontrolled weight loss;
  • infertility.

None of these symptoms are indisputable signs of celiac disease – careful analysis is needed. Specialists examine the mucous membrane of the small intestine and confirm the diagnosis in the presence of specific antibodies.

To clarify the diagnosis, genetic tests are also carried out, which help to identify the patient’s tendency to celiac disease. This allows you to adjust the diet in a timely manner and exclude products containing gluten from it. A gluten-free diet is really the only solution for people with celiac disease today. Also Read: Sports Nutrition Supplements

Other reasons for avoiding gluten besides celiac disease

You may be allergic to wheat or other grains. However, it is not known in advance whether the reaction is related to gluten. To clarify this issue, you need to be examined by an allergist and other specialists.

  1. Sometimes gluten, even if a person does not have celiac disease or an allergic reaction, causes an inflammatory process. Inflammation can be sluggish, without causing pain, but affecting weight and immunity.
  2. The proteins that cause this reaction are broken down by beneficial bacteria that live in the intestines. It is important that the microbiotic balance of the body is not disturbed and that there are enough such bacteria. To check this, a special test is carried out and, if necessary, preventive measures are prescribed to restore the intestinal microflora.

Is a gluten-free diet really that safe?

It is important not to engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment, not to prescribe a gluten-free diet to yourself. If a medical examination did not reveal objective reasons for this, then a gluten-free diet is capable of:

  • make food less varied;
  • reduce the amount of useful fiber;
  • deprive of microelements and vitamins.

The gluten-free diet has become popular in popular culture. However, many of the products included in it are characterized by high fat content and increased sugar content. But useful substances, such as iron or folic acid, due to the composition in such food may be less.

There is another reason: due to their “hype”, gluten-free products are more expensive, although there are no objective reasons for this. Therefore, the independent decision to exclude bread or, for example, pasta from the diet, to switch to something gluten-free, is often a useless or even harmful step. See also: Truths and myths about sports nutrition

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