Gluten free diet
A gluten-free diet, according to nutritionists, can contribute to overall health and improve intestinal health. The menu for the week will help you understand the allowed products.

With a gluten-free diet, weight loss is not very active, and results can be difficult to achieve, since you need to monitor the composition of products and adhere to restrictions.

Pros of a gluten-free diet

Initially, the diet appeared for people with allergies, as well as those suffering from an autoimmune disease – intolerance to gluten – the gluten found in most cereals, and especially in wheat. Thanks to this protein, the dough turns out to be elastic, gluten tends to glue the components into a homogeneous mass.

Gradually, the diet became more and more popular. The percentage of people with an autoimmune disease has increased, and the propaganda of the “harmfulness of gluten” has gained momentum. This type of diet has taken its place among the standard weight loss diets, as it has been observed that excess weight can go away in the process.

Also, the exclusion of gluten from the diet allows you to relieve the burden on the intestines, improve its microflora and normalize metabolic processes. When allergic to gluten, discomfort in the abdomen, flatulence, and headaches are often observed. The absence of gluten in the diet will help improve well-being. Sometimes a gluten-free diet is given to young children due to colic and gas.

Cons of a gluten-free diet

Most gluten-free ready-made products contain synthetic substitutes that are quite harmful to the body. It is worth carefully studying the composition.

Gluten-free products are usually more expensive than similar products containing this substance, so the diet is not the most budgetary.

A gluten-free diet can be psychologically difficult to tolerate, as the list of prohibited foods is very large and it is tiring to constantly have to carefully study the composition of even the most familiar foods, such as yogurt. The exclusion of such a list of products leads to a lack of certain vitamins.

Weekly menu for a gluten-free diet

The essence of the diet is the exclusion from the diet of all products containing gluten in their composition. The main sources are wheat, barley, rye and all products containing them. There are a lot of restrictions and, to be sure, you need to carefully study the composition for the presence of gluten.

You can not eat all the main popular cereals, except for the permitted ones: buckwheat, corn, millet, rice, flax; bean, soy flour; plus a few exotic ones like tapioca and amaranth flour. Everything else: wheat, oats, etc., is banned.

In addition to cereals, their derivatives are also prohibited: kvass, beer, products with malt sugar – molasses, vinegar, flavors. Flour products, pasta, many sweets are made on the basis of cereals, so they will also have to be excluded.

You can not use almost all ready-made sauces like mayonnaise, bouillon cubes. Under the ban canned food and semi-finished products: sausages, sausages, sausages, crab sticks, canned vegetables and meat. Be wary of packaged teas, instant coffee, ice cream, and yogurt, which can also contain gluten.

Below is a menu made up of allowed foods during this diet.


It is important not to add gluten ingredients to the dish and study the composition: for example, do not put noodles in meatball soup. Replace the usual snacks with buns and cookies for fruits and vegetables.

Day 1

Breakfast: millet porridge

Lunch: stewed beef or veal, boiled rice

Dinner: vegetable salad, fat-free kefir without additives

Day 2

Breakfast: rice porrige

Lunch: soup with meatballs and cauliflower

Dinner: crumbly buckwheat, boiled chicken breast

Day 3

Breakfast: Cornmeal porridge with dried apricots

Lunch: stewed beef or veal, boiled rice

Dinner: vegetable salad, fat-free kefir without additives

Day 4

Breakfast: millet porridge

Lunch: scrambled eggs, rice cake with cheese, chicken broth glass

Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese without additives, apple

Day 5

Breakfast: rice porrige

Lunch: crumbly buckwheat, boiled chicken breast

Dinner: baked apples, rice cakes

Day 6

Breakfast: cornmeal porridge

Lunch: stewed beef or veal, boiled rice

Dinner: grated carrot salad, stewed vegetables

Day 7

Breakfast: millet porridge

Lunch: boiled white fish, mashed potatoes

Dinner: rice cakes, fruit salad

The results

It is possible to lose up to 5 kilograms per week with such a diet, additionally excluding sweets and fatty foods. But usually the results are more modest.

The main plus of the diet is to improve the general condition, well-being, restore bowel function, and a healthy complexion.

Dietitian Reviews

– There are still debates about the dangers of gluten, but it can only cause really noticeable harm to people suffering from its intolerance, which are very few. The diet is useful for those who cannot refuse flour and are accustomed to a large number of pastries and sweets – often it is from them that they gain excess weight. A gluten-free diet will help you learn how to replace unhealthy snacks with healthy meals. Since the diet is quite balanced and does not limit calories, weight loss is quite imperceptible, but it will not cause harm and will give a stable result if, after switching to a regular diet, you don’t start “jamming” everything with pastries,” says Dilara Akhmetova, dietician-consultant, nutrition coach.

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