Glucophage – instructions for use

Glucophage - instructions for use

Glucophage tablets produced by the French company Merck Sante belong to the pharmacological group of drugs for the treatment of diabetes. This drug is intended to lower blood sugar levels, and is not positioned by manufacturers as diet pills.

Composition of the preparation:

  • The main active ingredient is metformin hydrochloride.

  • Excipients – magnesium stearate, povidone;

  • Substances of the film shell – hypromellose, macrogol.

Glucophage is available in the form of round (500 mg, 850 mg) or oval (1000 mg) tablets. The tablets are film-coated.

Glucophage and Glucophage Long are medicines that are used to treat type XNUMX diabetes. In endocrinological practice, they are used quite often. After reading the article, a person who has been prescribed Glucophage or Glucophage Long will find answers for himself to all the questions that he did not ask the doctor. Here you will find information on the features of taking the drug, its contraindications and side effects, the possibility of taking it with alcohol and other drugs, and much more.

How does it work? Glucophage is a drug that lowers blood sugar levels on an empty stomach and after meals. The drug also helps to reduce the level of glycated hemoglobin.

Taking the drug prevents excessive absorption of carbohydrates in the digestive tract and delays the production of glucose in the liver.

The drug does not stimulate the production of insulin, so there is no risk of hypoglycemia.

Taking Glucophage helps you lose weight. Weight goes steadily and moderately.

What happens in the body after taking? At the heart of the drug Glucophage is an active substance called metformin. It is excreted by the kidneys.

If a person has no problems in the functioning of the urinary system, the drug will not linger in the body.

Glucophage Long has a long exposure time and is absorbed more slowly in the body.

Indications for use

Glucophage - instructions for use

Glucophage is prescribed for people with diabetes. In addition to taking the drug, the patient will have to follow a diet and exercise.

The doctor may also recommend Glucophage and Glucophage Long as part of a complex diabetes treatment regimen or during insulin therapy.

Some people take drugs to lose weight, and also as a cure for early aging.

Women are prescribed Glucophage for polycystic ovaries.

Important notes: When prescribing a drug to a person who has contraindications to taking it, the likelihood of developing lactic acidosis increases. This condition poses a threat not only to health, but also to life, as uric acid begins to accumulate in the blood, and the blood pH level drops below 7.2. Symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, severe weakness, shortness of breath, pain in the abdomen will indicate lactic acidosis. The person may fall into a coma. If there are no contraindications to treatment and the person takes the medicine, then there will be no harm to health.


Glucophage reduces high blood sugar without causing hypoglycemia. In this case, insulin is not produced, hypoglycemia does not develop in a healthy person. Glucose that enters the body is utilized by its cells, its absorption into the digestive tract is inhibited. Under the influence of the drug Glucophage, the liver reduces the production of glucose, and the synthesis of glycogen is stimulated.

At the same time, the metabolism of dietary fats is normalized, the indicators of total cholesterol, LDL, TG are reduced. This feature of the pharmacokinetics of the drug makes it possible to maintain normal weight or gently reduce it.

Glucophage is completely absorbed from the digestive tract. This process may be delayed depending on the food intake. The drug is distributed in the tissues, excreted by the kidneys.

Contraindications to use

Glucophage - instructions for use

The drug is not recommended for use in the following diseases and conditions:

  • Renal and liver failure;

  • Acute forms of inflammatory and infectious diseases;

  • Pregnancy;

  • Lactation;

  • Acute alcohol poisoning;

  • Diabetic coma and precoma, ketoacidosis (lactic and diabetic);

  • A low calorie diet;

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;

  • Condition after severe injuries and surgical operations;

  • Cardiovascular insufficiency, condition after myocardial infarction;

  • The time period for 2 days before and after studies, accompanied by the introduction of an iodine-containing contrast agent;

  • Old age after 60 years (taken with caution);

  • Heavy physical exertion (due to the risk of lactic acidosis).

The effect of the drug on the liver and kidneys

Glucophage is not prescribed to patients with hepatic and renal insufficiency, regardless of the severity of the pathological process.

However, the drug can be taken with fatty liver hepatosis. If the patient adheres to a dietary diet and leads a healthy lifestyle, then this will get rid of the existing problem and improve well-being.


Glucophage - instructions for use

Glucophage tablets are taken during or after meals as part of complex therapy or as the only remedy.

Adult Dosage:

  • 500/850 mg 2-3 times a day – initial dosage;

  • 1500-2000 mg / day – a maintenance dose of the drug, divided into 2-3 doses;

  • 3000 mg / day – the maximum dose, divided into 3 doses;

  • 500-850 mg 2-3 r./day – in combination therapy with insulin.

The exact selection of the dose of the drug is carried out, focusing on the level of glucose in the blood.

Dosage in children and adolescents:

  • 500/850 mg once – initial dose, adjusted 2 weeks after blood sugar test;

  • 2000 mg – the maximum dose, divided into 2-3 doses.

Dosage in the elderly:

  • It is selected individually, taking into account the functionality of the kidneys, by monitoring creatinine 2-4 times a year and more often.

The drug Glucophage is taken daily, without interruption, under the supervision of the attending physician. Symptoms of hypoglycemia are not observed even with a significant excess of the dose, there is a risk of developing lactic acidosis.


There are known cases of exceeding the dosage of Glucophage by 40 times or more. At the same time, a sharp decrease in blood sugar levels in such people was not observed. However, lactic acidosis developed if patients were not provided with timely medical care. An overdose requires hospital treatment. Moreover, a person must be hospitalized on an emergency basis. Dialysis will be required to remove the drug from the body as soon as possible, the rest of the treatment depends on the symptoms that occur in the victim

Glucophage and Glucophage Long – what’s the difference?

Glucophage - instructions for use

Glucophage Long is a long-acting drug. The drug contains an active substance that starts working a little later, but its exposure time is increased.

It is impossible to answer the question which drug is better: Glucophage or Glucophage Long. Each of them is appointed with a specific purpose. The long-acting drug is taken at bedtime so that there is no sharp jump in blood sugar levels in the morning. The drug Glucophage to a greater extent allows you to control glucose levels throughout the day.

Glucophage Long should be started with minimal dosages. If this method of treatment still leads to the development of diarrhea, then it is necessary to switch to taking the drug Glucophage.

What to choose: Glucophage, Glucophage Long or Siofor?

Glucophage is an original drug based on metformin. However, on sale you can find many of its analogues, one of which is the drug Siofor. Glucofage has an affordable price, but Siofor is even cheaper. Therefore, if the issue of price is crucial in choosing a drug, then preference should be given to analogues.

As for the drug Glucophage Long, it has a prolonged action. Therefore, if Glucophage and Siofor cause severe diarrhea in a person, then you can switch to taking it. Tablets are drunk before bedtime, which reduces the severity of side effects from the digestive system.

Benefit and harm

The drug can harm the body only if a person takes it in the presence of contraindications. When they are not, you can not worry about your own health.

As for the benefits of the drug, it is undeniable. The drug allows you to control type XNUMX diabetes and fight overweight. In addition, taking Glucophage makes it possible to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood, which protects a person from cardiovascular diseases.

Another advantage of the drug is that it reduces the likelihood of developing severe complications of diabetes mellitus, which allows prolonging the life of such patients.

The drug has stood the test of time. People have been taking it for over 50 years. This allows you to judge the absolute safety of the drug.

Prolonged use of the drug can lead to the development of B12 deficiency anemia. Knowing this, the patient should drink vitamin B12 in courses. This is done for preventive purposes.

Application for weight loss

Glucophage - instructions for use

Glucophage, like other drugs based on metformin, can be used to treat obesity. It helps to get rid of excess weight not only for patients with diabetes, but also for healthy people. In this case, weight loss will occur without harm to health. In parallel, indicators of cholesterol and blood triglycerides improve. This is confirmed by numerous reviews of people who have used metformin drugs to treat obesity.

You should tune in to the fact that the weight will not start to go away instantly. The first results can be assessed only after a few weeks from the start of treatment. Also, you do not need to rely on the fact that Glucophage will radically solve the problem of excess weight. With its help, it is possible to lose only a few kilograms. Diet and an active lifestyle can improve results.

In obesity, the treatment regimen is no different from the treatment regimen for diabetes. The dosage of the drug in the initial stages of therapy should be 500-850 mg per day. You need to increase it slowly. The average plumb is 2-3 kg, provided that a person continues to eat as before, and also does not increase his physical activity. The maximum weight loss equates to 8 kg. To keep the achieved result, you should take the drug on an ongoing basis. Otherwise, the lost kilograms will come back. For best results, a low carbohydrate diet is recommended.

Insulin is a hormone that allows glucose to be absorbed faster by the body. When a person has high levels of insulin, it blocks the process of breakdown of fat cells, as a result of which he begins to gain weight. The tissues themselves perceive insulin with difficulty. This condition is called insulin resistance.

Glucophage allows you to partially eliminate this violation, accelerating metabolic processes. As a result, the level of insulin in the blood returns to normal and the person begins to lose weight. This effect allows the use of the drug to combat excess weight and type XNUMX diabetes. The closer the insulin level to normal values, the faster the person will get rid of obesity.

You need to understand that only with the help of taking the drug Glucophage it will not be possible to achieve significant weight loss. The best result can be obtained by combining a diet with medication correction.

Side effects

Glucophage - instructions for use

The period of bearing a child and the period of breastfeeding. The drug Glucophage and Glucophage Long should not be taken during pregnancy. Also, they are not prescribed during lactation. However, at the stage of pregnancy planning, this drug can be used to treat polycystic ovary syndrome.

Sometimes it happens that a woman became pregnant, but until that moment in time until she found out about it, she continued to take the drug Glucophage. There is nothing dangerous in this, but taking the drug at the time of gestation should be stopped.

At the beginning of therapy with the use of the drug, the following symptoms are felt:

  • decreased appetite,

  • Metallic taste in the mouth;

  • Diarrhea;

  • Nausea and vomiting;

  • Flatulence;

  • Hypovitaminosis by vitamin b12;

  • Skin rash;

  • Megaloblastic anemia;

  • Lactoacidosis.

Interaction with other drugs

  • Danazol – the development of hyperglycemia, control over the level of glycemia is needed;

  • Chlorpromazine – the development of hyperglycemia, a decrease in the amount of insulin;

  • Hormonal agents – the risk of ketosis, the development of hyperglycemia;

  • Diuretics – the risk of lactic acidosis;

  • Insulin, Acarbose, salicylates – increased hypoglycemia.

When the drug is combined with alcohol, lactic acidosis occurs. The situation is aggravated if a low-calorie diet is additionally applied, fasting is practiced, there is a history of liver failure.

Features of taking the drug Glucophage

Glucophage - instructions for use

Before starting treatment, you must read the instructions for the drug. Be sure to make sure that there are no contraindications to its reception. It is recommended to take tests in advance, which will make sure that taking the drug is possible and will not provoke the development of serious side effects. This is especially true for the condition of the kidneys and liver. You can buy Glucophage in a pharmacy without a prescription.

The main side effect that develops while taking the drug is diarrhea and other disorders of the digestive system. To prevent this from happening, you need to start therapy with minimal dosages. During this period, the daily dose is equal to 500-850 mg. Be sure to take the drug with meals. The first time you can increase the dose no earlier than 10-15 days from the start of therapy. This is done only when the patient feels well. For the treatment of type 2550 diabetes and obesity, Glucophage Long is taken at a dosage of 2000 mg per day, and Glucophage at a dosage of XNUMX mg. It is strictly forbidden to exceed these values.

If diabetes mellitus is difficult to correct and has a severe course, then a combination of its intake with insulin injections is possible. In this case, the dose of insulin is reduced by 20-25%. If you do not reduce the dose of the hormone, then a person may develop hypoglycemia. Therefore, it is necessary to combine Glucophage and insulin carefully. The dose increases smoothly and under medical supervision.

Diet is the main component of diabetes management. If you do not follow the principles of low-carbohydrate nutrition, then the effect of treatment with sugar-burning drugs and insulin injections will be minimal.

Is Glucophage addictive?

After some time from the start of taking Glucophage, the blood sugar level returns to normal and the person begins to lose weight. The drug makes it possible to keep weight and diabetes under control. The person begins to feel much better.

You need to understand that Glucophage only allows you to eliminate the symptoms of diabetes, but it is impossible to cure it. Therefore, it is required to combine treatment with diet and an active lifestyle.

If a person does not change his habits and continues to eat harmful foods, then over time the reserves of the pancreas will be completely exhausted. As a result, sugar will begin to rise even while taking the drug. Many Lyuli perceive this fact as an addictive organism. However, the reason is completely different. Man destroys his own health. Eventually, even the most effective drugs stop working.

Why take Glucophage Long before bed?

Taking Glucophage Long at bedtime allows you to control fasting blood sugar levels. As a result, the medicine will act throughout the night.

Glucophage is not suitable for these purposes, since its effect will end before the morning comes. Therefore, Glucophage Long is prescribed to those people who have a sharp jump in blood sugar in the morning. If during the day its action weakens, and the state of health begins to deteriorate, then the treatment is supplemented with insulin injections. Compliance with this recommendation will help maintain health and prevent the development of complications of diabetes.

Diet and treatment

Patients with diabetes and obesity are advised to follow a low-carbohydrate diet. It should be followed already at the stage of development of prediabetes. You need to stay away from foods that are sources of fast carbohydrates, sugars and preservatives. The menu should contain only the right and healthy food.

Treatment with Glucophage allows you to consolidate the results of dietary nutrition. If necessary, therapy is supplemented with insulin injections.

It is important to take into account that it is not enough just to limit yourself in fats and kilocalories. Of fundamental importance is the reduction of carbohydrate foods. Only in this way will it be possible to reduce blood sugar levels and get rid of the problem of obesity.

Glucophage and blood pressure

Glucophage does not lead to an increase in blood pressure, it even slightly enhances the effect of taking diuretics, ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers. It is these drugs that are prescribed for hypertensive patients.

As practice shows, taking Glucophage allows you to keep blood pressure within normal limits. However, this cannot be achieved without a low-carb diet. It allows you to remove excess fluid from the body, eliminate edema and enhance the effect of taking antihypertensive drugs. Often, treatment with Glucophage allows you to completely abandon therapy with drugs that reduce pressure, since they are no longer necessary.

Can I take Glucophage with alcohol?

Glucophage does not imply a complete rejection of alcohol. A person can afford to occasionally drink a small portion of alcoholic beverages, but only if he has no other contraindications for this.

It is important that alcoholic beverages are taken in small doses. Failure to comply with this recommendation leads to the fact that a person develops lactic acidosis. Therefore, it is forbidden to get drunk while taking metformin preparations. If a person is not able to control himself, then alcohol should be completely abandoned.

If the drug does not work – what to do?

Glucophage - instructions for use

If a person takes Glucophage for 1-2 months, but the blood sugar level does not return to normal, then you should consult a doctor. It is possible that he will recommend to be tested for thyroid hormones. These patients are often diagnosed with hypothyroidism. This will require additional treatment.

If the sugar level still does not decrease, this can only mean one thing – type XNUMX diabetes has a severe course, and the pancreas has completely exhausted its resources. Insulin is no longer produced in the body, which requires its injections. Otherwise, the person will simply die.

It is also known that Glucophage does not help lower blood sugar levels in diabetics with low body weight. In such patients, it is recommended to start insulin therapy immediately.

The main goal of treatment is to keep the sugar level at a stable level of 4,0-5,5 mmol / l. If this rate cannot be achieved by taking Glucophage, then insulin must be administered. You cannot refuse to use it. Indeed, serious complications of diabetes mellitus begin to develop after its blood level exceeds 6,0 mmol / l.


Glucophage - instructions for use

Most patients who are treated with Glucophage leave positive feedback about it. They indicate that this drug does indeed lower blood sugar levels. Comparing the effect of taking Glucophage and its analogues, patients prefer the original drug.

Glucophage allows you to lower the sugar level to normal and keep it at these levels. In addition, the drug made it possible for some patients to lose weight by 15-20 kg. Although such a plumb line is not observed in all patients.

You can also find reviews of patients who were disappointed in the drug, as it did not relieve them of excess weight. The effect occurs no earlier than 2 weeks after the start of treatment. Weight loss occurs smoothly, which allows you to consolidate the result. An instant effect should not be expected. To combat excess weight, it is recommended to use the drug Glucophage Long, which rarely provokes diarrhea.

Negative reviews are most often left by people who have placed incredible reliability on the drug. However, during treatment, they continued to eat unhealthy foods and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Not a single drug, even the most expensive one, will allow you to lose weight and keep your sugar levels under control if you do not change your mindset, do not stick to a diet and do not play sports.

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