Today, on the shelves of shops and supermarkets, you can find a huge variety of products, in which it is possible to observe various nutritional supplements. Modern manufacturers use food additives to improve the taste of the product, increase the shelf life, add attractiveness and appetizing. When buying a product, it is important to pay attention to the amount of food additives in its composition. Let’s look at the food supplement E575 and determine the level of harm and benefit in relation to the human body.
Glucono delta lactone (GDL, E575, glucono lactone or gluconic acid lactone) is an odorless white crystalline powder and belongs to the group of food safe supplements. Lactone powder is soluble in water with hydrolysis, forming acidic solutions and slightly soluble in alcohol, at the same time it is insoluble in ether and chloroform.
E575 is a cyclic ester of D-gluconic acid. D-gluconic acid is obtained by fermentation of glucose, then crystallized in the form of GDL. Glucono-delta-lactone exists naturally in honey and grape juice.
Gluconolactone is a multifunctional safe food additive that is used as a protein coagulant, acidifier, extender, preservative, seasoning, chelating agent, color preserver. Widely used in the production of cheese, meat products, tofu and culinary products, baby food, bakery products, dairy products, desserts, fish products, frozen dough, cooked salad sausages. The chemical formula of the additive is C6H10O6.
The substance is also used as an antioxidant (binds some metals, prevents magnesium and calcium from branching, eliminates the growth of some microorganisms).
Features add-ons
Among the main functions of this food additive, it is worth noting: the ability to precipitate protein, regulate the level of acidity of certain products, the ability to stabilize the consistency of smoked and raw smoked meat products, the ability to replace conventional yeast due to slow gas formation.
E575 is used as a thickener in the process of making soy curd, as a result, the product is completely defatted and snow-white; as a jelly-forming element, the additive is often used in the production of a variety of fermented milk products and hard cheese.
It is actively used in the meat processing industry, as it is included in the composition of meat rolls, sausages, sausages, sausages, biscuit cookies, giving the final product the necessary appetizing color, significantly reducing the time for heat treatment, accelerating the process of color formation and ripening of natural semi-finished meat products and sausages, adding taste of products.
The additive allows to reduce the amount of nitrites and other toxic substances used in the meat industry. GDL can be seen in the composition of jams, jams, jams, juices, as it acts as an acidity regulator (adds sourness to the product).
Thanks to the use of additives in the food industry, it is possible to keep seafood and fish fresh for a little longer.
Often E575 can be found in the composition of the dough for cookies, biscuits and pizza. It should be noted that GDL is also actively used in the chemical industry, in cosmetology and pharmacology.
Gluco-delta-lactone is in the hypoallergenic group, in the body it is completely absorbed, and at the maximum speed. Based on this, this additive (subject to reasonable use) is not harmful to the human body. But it is not recommended to abuse products with the presence of E575 in the composition. Be careful.
Food Group Emulsifier Benefits
The benefit of this dietary supplement may lie in the ability to activate the work of antioxidants. The main purpose of use is as a synergist of antioxidants and acidity regulation.
It is important to remember that E575 has a fairly pronounced sweetness, which can gradually change and become slightly acidic over time.
E575 belongs to the group of nutritional supplements of natural origin, as it can be found in small doses in dried fruits (mostly in raisins). But most often the additive is obtained through chemical artificial manipulations.
Side effects
For this substance, the ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake) was set at fifty mg/kg body weight. No side effects or adverse effects on human health are known.
This is a harmless and safe substance, if you take more than 200 grams of gluconic acid, it will act as a laxative.
Form of issue
E575 is distributed in the form of blocks or bags weighing from two kilograms. Bags must be made of strong paper. Without fail, the powder additive is first packed in a bag made of strong and thick polyethylene, hermetically sealed, and only after that it is packed in a paper bag.
Each package contains all detailed instructions for use, as well as information regarding the production date, expiration date, manufacturer, manufacturer’s logo, hologram, etc. It is important during the purchase period to carefully inspect the packaging for tears and other damage. It is recommended to buy E575 exclusively from trusted and reliable distributors who, upon request, can provide a quality certificate.
Additional Information
This food additive is approved for use in industry in the EU, Ukraine, Russia and other countries of the world. E575 is a safe food additive, as it has a minimal level of danger.