The apple tree is the most popular fruit tree. Its fruits are used both fresh and in cooking and for conservation. They contain a large number of trace elements and vitamins. The Gloucester apple tree is rich in nutrients and very popular in Western Europe.

Gloucester apples: photo and variety description, reviews, country of origin

A strong, fast-growing tree with a pyramidal crown gives up to 35 kg of yield

History of breeding

The Gloster apple variety belongs to the German selection. Bred in 1951 in Germany by crossing hybrids Glockenapfel (Glockenapfel) and Richard Delishes (Richard delicious). Initial tests were carried out on the territory of Ukraine. Production was organized in scientific institutions and private farms in the steppe and forest-steppe zone. In Our Country, the Gloster apple variety is popular among gardeners in the southern regions.

Description of the Gloucester apple tree with a photo

The plant has a fast growth rate. The type of fruiting experts characterize as mixed. That is, ovaries are formed on rods, rings and fruit bags.

tree appearance

Medium thickened, pyramidal crown acquires rounded outlines in adulthood. The tops are directed to the sky. Skeletal branches form an angle of 45-600 with a stem. The kidneys are easily excitable, have low shoot formation.

Gloucester apples: photo and variety description, reviews, country of origin

The Gloucester apple variety has a high keeping quality and can be transported over long distances without the use of stabilizers.

Description of fruits

The skin is bright crimson, the flesh has a delicate creamy hue. At the time of collection, it has a yellowish-green barrel. The fruit is large, reaches a weight of 140-200 g.

Conical rounded shape with pronounced ribbing at the top. The skin is strong, glossy and smooth. There are multiple subcutaneous dots of light tone. Recessed closed cup.

The funnel is wide and narrow. Rusting may appear. Subcup tube in the form of a cone of medium size. The stem is strong, medium in size. Heart-shaped center with oval seeds.

Gloucester apples: photo and variety description, reviews, country of origin

Medium sized axial cavity

Characteristics of the Gloucester apple tree

Winter apple tree Gloucester long-term storage. The juiciness of the fruits is preserved until the spring of next year. They acquire bright taste qualities while lying down. Long flowering in mid-late periods. The inflorescence consists of 3-4 flowers.


Juicy, sweet fruit with an implicitly pronounced sour taste. Creamy, light green firm flesh. Tasting assessment of experts – 4,6 points.

Gloucester apples: photo and variety description, reviews, country of origin

During storage, the greenish flesh becomes creamy.

Gloucester apple tree ripening dates

Fruits reach technical maturity in September-November. To get a good taste, apples are stored until January. In the basement, the fruits lie until February-March, and in the refrigerator until May. The variety has a low requirement for transportation.

Important! The Gloucester apple tree is commercially grown for winter and spring consumption.


The Gloster apple tree begins to bear fruit in its fourth year. Dwarf rootstocks – for 2-3 years. Every year, fruiting increases with proper agricultural technology. Gloucester gains the highest apple yield in the tenth year and is 40-70 kg.

Gardeners realize high productivity on dwarf trees. Already for 2-3 years they get up to 5 kg of apples.

Winter hardiness

Experts note high frost resistance. The variety withstands up to -35 0C. In the northern regions of Our Country, the Gloucester apple tree is not grown. Gardeners plant a variety in the south and in the middle lane.

Gloucester apple pollinators

Neighborhood with the best pollinators increases yield by 10%. This is evidenced by statistics: usually tied up to 16%, and with the help of a carrier – up to 26%. Breeders consider Gala, Spartan, James Grieve, Idared and Jonathan to be the best varieties for increasing yields.

Growing regions

The culture is mainly grown in the south. A good harvest is obtained both in central Our Country and in the Moscow region. In the Urals and in the north, the variety is more demanding in care.

And the suburbs of the Gloucester apple tree are more often watered in the dry summer period and fertilized. The variety tolerates frost and sudden changes in temperature. The plant does not need shelter.

Gloucester apples: photo and variety description, reviews, country of origin

Gloucester apple tree is resistant to powdery mildew, withstands long spring floods

Siberia has long snowy winters. So that the Gloucester apple tree does not freeze, in the fall the trunk circle is insulated with humus, and the trunk is wrapped with non-woven material, newspapers or burlap.

Attention! So that rodents do not settle for wintering under shelter, the trunk is covered with spruce branches, elder branches or stalks of wormwood are placed.

In the Urals, the Gloster apple tree grows well. When planting in loamy soil, sand and humus are added. The first year is tied to a support to protect it from the wind. So that the Gloucester apple tree does not get a sunburn in summer or winter, the trunk is covered with lime.

In Belarus, the Gloucester apple tree has passed production tests. However, the plant is affected by scab, so it becomes demanding to care for. Timely treatment completely heals the fruit crop from the disease.

In Ukraine, the Gloucester apple tree grows and gives a good harvest, subject to agricultural technology. When planting, minerals and humus are added. The Gloucester apple tree is planted in the steppe areas.

Resistance to diseases

The Gloucester apple tree is resistant to powdery mildew but can be susceptible to scab. The bark is sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. Burns may occur. Prophylactically, gardeners recommend whitewashing the trunk in autumn and spring.

Advantages and disadvantages

The fruits of the Gloster apple tree have an attractive presentation, so the variety is popular among farmers. The fruit tree is suitable for industrial production due to its taste.

Gloucester apples: photo and variety description, reviews, country of origin

Starting from the fourth year, the Gloucester apple tree bears fruit, up to 12 years the yield increases annually


  • well preserved during long-term storage;
  • undemanding to transportation;
  • the yield increases every year;
  • large fruits, weighing up to 200 g;
  • frost-resistant variety to -35 0WITH;
  • undemanding to watering, drought-resistant;
  • resistant to powdery mildew.


  • in the northern regions, winter shelter is required;
  • the bark is susceptible to ultraviolet rays;
  • at high humidity it is affected by scab.

Planting a Gloucester apple tree

For planting choose seedlings at the age of two years. A place on the site is chosen sunny, protected from the wind from the north side. Landing is carried out in the fall 20 days before the onset of frost or in the spring after the earth has warmed up. When planting several seedlings, leave a distance between them of 3-5 m.

Gloucester apples: photo and variety description, reviews, country of origin

In autumn, superphosphate is chosen with a low nitrogen content, and in spring – with a high one.

Dig a hole 70 * 70 cm. Sprinkle a drainage layer of sand, then a layer of humus. Sprinkle the harvest of superphosphate, evenly distributing it over the surface. The roots are saturated with water, the dried ones are cut off. A peg 100-150 cm high is prepared. The seedling is placed in a prepared hole. A stake is driven in nearby. Sprinkle the roots with earth so that the neck is 3 cm above the ground level. Abundantly soak with water. Sprinkle earth on top.

Care instructions

After transplanting, do not allow the soil to dry out. In the first year, the Gloucester apple tree is watered three times a month, 20 liters each. Minerals and fertilizers are added, diluted with water according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

In the northern regions, the Gloucester apple tree needs additional shelter. The crown is covered with agrofiber, the trunk is wrapped with burlap, the trunk circle is insulated with a layer of humus 10-15 cm high.

Double superphosphate is applied in autumn. It stimulates the formation of new roots. In the spring, fertilize with nitrogen-containing preparations for the growth of green mass. During the flowering period, phosphorus agents are introduced, and at the time of fruit ripening – potash.

Gloucester apples: photo and variety description, reviews, country of origin

In order for mineral fertilizers to be better absorbed by the roots, deepenings of 15-20 cm are dug around the circumference of the near-stem circle.

After planting, the central conductor is cut to 1/3 of the branch. Such an event stimulates the active growth of side shoots. So that in the future the crown does not thicken, in February-March, the formation of the Gloucester apple tree is carried out.

Collection and storage periods

Technical ripeness comes at the end of September. In the northern regions, harvesting begins before the onset of primary frosts. In central Our Country and the Moscow region, fruits are harvested in late September, early October. In the south, apples can hang on a tree until November. The main thing is not to leave the fruits to frost.

Gloster apples are stored in the cellar at a temperature of 4-10 0C. Fruits lie until March next year. In the refrigerator at 4 0Apples remain juicy until April-May.


The Gloucester apple tree pleases the summer gardener with a sweet-sour taste and juiciness. Consumer demand for the variety attracts industrial producers and farmers. Undemanding to the conditions of transportation allows you to deliver apples to the far northern regions, while maintaining an attractive appearance.

Reviews of gardeners about the Gloucester apple tree

Elena Makeeva, Astrakhan
I am an experienced gardener. The Gloucester apple tree attracted me with its taste and attractive appearance. After receiving the first good harvest, I realized that Gloucester apples have excellent keeping quality and a long shelf life.
Margarita Yasnookaya, Alchevsk
Before planting, carefully studied the characteristics of the variety. I was attracted by the unpretentiousness of the Gloucester apple tree. I feed in spring and autumn. During the period of stagnation of drought, I water it by sprinkling. From one tree I get 50 kg of crop.
Large apple tree “Gloucester”

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