Glossorrhoea – symptoms. Methods of treatment of verbal language

Słowotok is a communication disorder involving chaotic, chaotic, fast speech, “throwing out” a stream of words, that is, uttering a large number of words at an accelerated pace. The utterance in the vocabulary has little or no sense at all. It is characterized as chaotic, incoherent talkativeness. Glossorrhoea is a symptom of some mental and neurological diseases and disorders: for example, aphasia, lesions of the cerebral cortex in the thalamus area, it occurs in mania and catatonic schizophrenia.

Symptoms of glossary

Logorrhea it is constant speaking, without “order and composition”, that is, without giving the utterance an understandable form and meaningful content. Sometimes it is incomprehensible gibbering, to himself or to someone else. A person with word of mouth she talks constantly, not really caring whether anyone is listening to her or understanding her. Logorrhea requires you to see a doctor as soon as possible as this usually indicates a serious illness or damage to the brain. Most of the physiological causes word of mouth it is treatable with pharmacological agents.

The causes of word-of-mouth

The cause of word language usually there are changes in the brain in the speech center located in the frontal lobe. These changes can occur as a result of an injury, stroke, or other physiological problem. By word of mouth in mental illness, damage to the frontal lobe (speech center) may or may not be present.

One of the possible the causes of word of mouth there is aphasia, which is a disorder of language functions due to brain damage. Often, aphasia occurs as a result of a stroke. This kind of condition and related to it logorrhea requires immediate intervention and medical attention.

Another possible the cause of word-of-mouth there is damage (funnel) to brain tissue (cortex of the brain) as a result of e.g. inflammation or removal of a specific area of ​​the brain (frontal lobe), cutting of nerve connections in that area, or destruction of brain tissue, e.g. as a result of an accident.

Another possible the cause of word-of-mouth there is a mental disorder called mania. It consists in the presence of an elevated, often irritable mood, sometimes combined with word of mouth. In this state, there is a race of thoughts, the patient is unable to focus his attention on anything, it is also associated with the constant reproach of utterances that are not very sensible or completely meaningless. Mania is caused by an increase in the level of neurotransmitters: serotonin and norepinephrine. Its other causes are, for example, infections, cancer, trauma or stroke, hyperthyroidism, renal failure, temporal epilepsy, pellagra, Huntington’s chorea, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and Cushing’s syndrome. Each of these diseases and associated with it logorrhea requires immediate medical intervention.

Logorrhea it also appears in bipolar disorder, in manic episodes. In this state, the patient experiences a race of thoughts, her utterances take the form of “word lettuce”, and her talkativeness is difficult or even impossible to control. Also in this case, consultation and medical (psychiatric) help are necessary.

Sometimes logorrhea it may arise from the use of psychoactive substances such as amphetamines, cocaine and certain drugs, for example levodopa, corticosteroids (used to treat peripheral diseases). These drugs have a strong effect on the brain and can have side effects similar to taking psychoactive substances. This condition also requires the immediate intervention and assistance of a doctor.

Logorrhea it can also be a symptom of catatonic schizophrenia, a mental illness involving increased or decreased physical activity (including speaking).

Methods of treatment of verbal language

Logorrhea heals depending on his causes. In case of word of mouth caused by mania and catatonic schizophrenia, you will be given sedatives and antipsychotics (neuroleptics). In case of word of mouth caused by mechanical or physiological damage to the brain, direct detection as soon as possible is essential causes damage (for example, whether it results from a stroke or damage to the brain tissue due to inflammation) and its site and treatment – surgical or pharmacological. Usually whenever it appears word of mouthregardless of his causes, it is necessary to see a doctor (neurologist or psychiatrist) as soon as possible.

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