Global warming is devastating to health. Appeal of medical letters

On Monday, over 220 medical journals and services from around the world published an appeal on climate change. “A global temperature rise of 1,5 degrees C above the pre-industrial average risks catastrophic and irreversible health effects,” they write in the press release.

  1. The climate crisis has disastrous consequences for our health – doctors and scientists have been talking about it for a long time
  2. Over the past 20 years, the death rate of people aged over 65 has increased by 50% due to the heat.
  3. Climate change also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, allergies, lung disease and mental disorders
  4. More information can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Global warming. Appeal of medical letters

Editors-in-chief of prestigious medical journals jointly appealed to world leaders for extraordinary measures to combat global warming, which is a threat to human health. The call was published Monday in over 220 medical journals.

For years, health protection specialists and scientific journals have been warning against the increasing impact of climate change and environmental damage on human health.

Nowy artykuł wystosowali redaktorzy naczelni takich tytułów, jak «The Lancet», «New England Journal of Medicine», «The BMJ (British Medical Journal)», «PLOS Medicine», «East African Medical Journal», «Chinese Science Bulletin», «International Nursing Review», «National Medical Journal of India», «The British Medical Journal», «Revista de Saúde Pública (Brazil)», «Medical Journal of Australia», «CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal)», «Pharmaceutical Journal» i innych.

It is published ahead of the United Nations General Assembly, one of the last international meetings ahead of COP26, the climate conference to be held in Glasgow, UK, in November. World leaders will also meet at the Biodiversity Summit in Kunming, China.

Global warming. The critical moment has come

“This is a critical moment to start joint efforts to solve the global environmental crisis,” the editors write in a joint article. “Before these key meetings, we – editors of health magazines from around the world – are calling for urgent action to keep the global average temperature increase below 1,5 degrees Celsius, halt nature damage and protect health.”

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In their appeal, the editors emphasize that today people are dealing with losses in the public health sector, caused by an increase in global temperature and the simultaneous destruction of the natural environment. «The health risks associated with an increase in temperature above 1,5 degrees Celsius are well known. In fact, no temperature increase is safe »- write the authors of the appeal.

How is climate warming affecting our health?

They cite statistics according to which heat-related mortality among people over 65 has increased by half in the last two decades.

As they recall, higher temperatures increase the risk of dehydration, kidney failure, skin cancer, tropical infections, mental disorders, pregnancy complications, allergies, cardiovascular diseases and pulmonary. People with chronic diseases, children, the elderly, as well as representatives of ethnic minorities and poorer populations are particularly vulnerable.

The authors of the text mention another problem resulting from climate change. It is a drop in yields that translates into malnutrition.

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They also mention the issue of environmental damage. “Well-functioning ecosystems are essential for human health, and the widespread destruction of nature, including habitats and species, translates into a deterioration of water and food security and increases the likelihood of a pandemic,” they emphasize.

They also write that the effects of the crisis will affect the most severely those countries and communities that are least responsible for its emergence. This, in turn, may aggravate conflicts, undermine food security, cause forced displacement or increase the risk of zoonoses. Ultimately, all countries will eventually suffer from further consequences of the problems.

Global warming. Promises are not enough

Experts also point to the initiatives already taken to reduce emissions or environmental protection plans. Many governments, financial institutions and companies are creating programs to achieve zero net emissions, even as early as 2030. The cost of renewable energy is falling sharply. Many countries want 2030 percent to be protected by 30. of lands and oceans – emphasize the authors of the appeal.

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«However, these promises are not enough. It is much easier to set goals than to achieve them. Moreover, they are still not linked to credible short- and long-term plans to accelerate cleaner technology development and social transformation. The emission reduction plans do not take sufficient account of health issues »- the authors write.

They are also concerned that temperatures will rise more than projected 1,5 degrees C, which would be “catastrophic to health and environmental stability”.

“Healthcare professionals are uniting with environmental scientists, business and many others, rejecting the notion that such an outcome is inevitable. More can and must be done now – in Glasgow and Kunming – and in the years to come »- point out the experts.

Global warming. What do you have to do?

The authors of the appeal urge the observance of the principle of justice. In their view, wealthier countries that are more responsible for the crisis should take greater responsibility for overcoming it.

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Scientists are also proposing actions that will save the climate, environment and health. “To achieve these goals, governments need to make fundamental changes to the way our societies and economies are organized and to our way of life. The current strategy of encouraging markets to shift from dirty technology to cleaner is not enough. State intervention is needed to support the redesign of transportation systems, cities, food production and distribution systems, financial investment markets, health systems, and more. Global coordination is needed to ensure that the rush to cleaner technologies does not come at the expense of greater environmental destruction and human exploitation, ”they write.

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Fight against COVID-19 pattern

This is to be achieved by “massive investments beyond what is considered or implemented anywhere in the world”. As a model, experts cite the example of the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, for which unprecedented financial resources have been allocated. “As editors of health magazines, we call on governments and other leaders to act by designating 2021 as the one where the world will finally change course,” they conclude.

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The topic of the impact of climate change on health has been the subject of previous appeals. In December 2020, the Polish appeal “Doctors for the climate” was published, signed, inter alia, by the Supreme Medical Council. The HEAL Polska organization has also published a comprehensive report on how global warming will affect our health. According to UNICEF, the effects of climate change could directly affect the fate of XNUMX billion children worldwide.

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