Gleophyllum odorous is a perennial fungus belonging to the Gleophyllaceae family. It is characterized by the large size of the fruiting body. It can grow singly or in small groups. The configuration and size of different representatives may vary, but a characteristic feature of this species is a pleasant anise smell. In official mycological reference books, it is listed as Gloeophyllum odoratum.

What does Gleophyllum odorous look like?

The shape of the fruiting body of this species is non-standard. It consists only of a cap, the size of which in adult specimens can reach 16 cm in diameter. In the case of growing in small groups, fungi can grow together. Their shape is hoof-shaped or pillow-shaped, and often with various growths on the surface.

In young specimens, the hat feels felty to the touch, but in the process of many years of growth it becomes much coarser and becomes rough. Often, small tubercles appear on it. The color of the fruit body varies from yellow-cream to dark ocher. At the same time, the edge of the cap is bright red, blunt, thick, rounded.

When broken, you can see the pulp of cork consistency. It exudes an aniseed smell, for which the mushroom got its name. The thickness of the pulp is 3,5 cm, and its shade is reddish-brown.

The hymenophore of the odorous gleophillum is porous, yellow-brown in color. But with age, it noticeably darkens. Its thickness is 1,5 cm. The pores can be rounded or elongated, angular.

The spores of this species are elliptical, oblique or pointed on one side. Their size is 6-8(9) X 3.5-5 µm.

Gleophyllum odorous: photo and description

Gleophyllum odorous tightly adheres to the substrate with a wide base

Where and how to grow

Gleophyllum odorous is a common species that grows everywhere. Since it is perennial, it can be seen at any time of the year. Prefers to grow on dead wood and old stumps of coniferous trees, mainly spruces. Sometimes it can be seen on treated wood.

Main places of growth:

  • central part of Our Country;
  • Siberia;
  • The Urals;
  • Far East;
  • North America;
  • Europe;
  • Asia.
Important! Gleophyllum odorous causes brown rot, as a result of which the wood quickly collapses.

Is the mushroom edible or not?

This species belongs to the category of inedible. It cannot be eaten in any form.

Twins and their differences

Gleophyllum odorous in appearance is in many ways similar to other members of its family. But at the same time, each of them has certain differences.

Existing twins:

  • Gleophyllum log. The cap of this species is rough, its diameter does not exceed 8-10 cm. The color of the fruiting body is gray-brown, and subsequently becomes completely brown. The flesh is thin, leathery, odorless. Its shade is brown-red. Settles on stumps and deadwood of aspen, oak, elm, rarely needles. It also causes the development of gray rot as odorous gleophyllum. Refers to inedible mushrooms. The official name is Gloeophyllum trabeum.
    Gleophyllum odorous: photo and description

    Gleophyllum log is found on all continents except Antarctica.

  • Gleophyllum oblong. This twin has a narrow, triangular hat. Its size varies between 10-12 cm. The surface is smooth, sometimes cracks may appear. The edges of the cap are wavy. The color of the fruiting body is gray-ocher. This double is inedible. The official name of the fungus is Gloeophyllum protractum.
    Gleophyllum odorous: photo and description

    The cap of Gleophyllum oblongata has the ability to bend well.


Gleophyllum odorous is of no interest to mushroom pickers. However, its properties are carefully studied by mycologists. The position of this species has not yet been determined. Recent molecular studies have shown that the family Gleophyllaceae bears a resemblance to the genus Trametes.

Niszczyca anyżkowa (Gloeophyllum odoratum) 02.05.2017 Lipnica

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