Gleophyllum oblong (Gloeophyllum protractum)
- Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
- Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
- Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
- Subclass: Incertae sedis (of uncertain position)
- Order: Gloeophyllales (Gleophyllic)
- Family: Gloeophyllaceae (Gleophyllaceae)
- Genus: Gloeophyllum (Gleophyllum)
- Type: Gloeophyllum protractum (Gleophyllum oblong)
Gleophyllum oblong refers to polypore fungi.
It grows everywhere: Europe, North America, Asia, but is rare. On the territory of the Federation – sporadically, most of these fungi are noted in the territory of Karelia.
It usually grows on stumps, dead wood (that is, it prefers dead wood, loves barkless trunks), conifers (spruce, pine), but there are specimens of these mushrooms on deciduous trees (especially on aspen, poplar, oak).
He likes well-lit places, often settles in burnt areas, conflagrations, clearings, and is also found near human habitation.
Gleophyllum oblongata causes extensive brown rot, and can also harm treated wood.
Season: Grows all year round.
The mushroom is an annual, but can overwinter. Fruiting bodies are solitary, caps are narrow and flat, often triangular in shape, elongated along the substrate. Dimensions: up to 10-12 centimeters long, up to about 1,5-3 centimeters thick.
The structure is leathery, while the caps bend well. The surface is with small tubercles, shiny, there are concentric zones. Color varies from yellow, dirty ocher to brown, dark gray, dirty gray. Sometimes there is a metallic sheen. On the surface of the caps (especially in mature mushrooms) there may be cracks. The pubescence is absent.
The edges of the cap are lobed, wavy, in color – either completely similar to the color of the cap or slightly darker.
The hymenophore is tubular, red or light brown. In small mushrooms at an early age, dark spots form when pressure is applied to the tubes.
The pores are very large, round or slightly elongated, with thick walls.
The spores are cylindrical, flat, smooth.
It is an inedible mushroom.
Since the populations of Gleophyllum oblongata are quite rare, the species is listed in the Red Lists of many European countries. In the Federation, it is listed in Red Book of Karelia.
A similar species is log gleophyllum (Gloeophyllum trabeum). But it, unlike Gleophyllum oblongata, has a mixed hymenophore (both plates and pores are present), while the pores are very small. Also, in Gleophyllum oblong, the surface of the cap is soft.