Glen Scotia (Glen Scotia)

Whiskey Glen Scotia (Glen Scotia) produces one of the smallest distilleries in Scotland. The company managed to recreate the unique style of drinks typical of Victorian England. The distillery specializes in high-strength and long-term aging products; the permanent range includes whiskeys aged from 15 to 45 years.

Historical information

The distillery is located in the small town of Campbeltown on the Scottish peninsula of Kintyr. Whiskey has been distilled in the region since the 1832th century, thanks to the availability of all the necessary ingredients: good barley, clean water, fuel and peat. The Glen Scotia distillery was built in XNUMX by the city’s guild dean James Stewart and Provost John Galbraith.

Throughout the XNUMXth century, Campbeltown was one of the major distilling centers in Scotland. Three dozen whiskey distilleries operated here. The high concentration of factories was due to the location of the city – the sea route to the shopping centers in Glasgow took only nine hours.

Glen Scotia operated successfully until the early 1920s. The decline began in 1923 when the Drumlemble mine, which supplied cheap fuel, closed. The Great Depression brought nearly all of the city’s whiskey production to a halt. The owner of Glen Scotia tried to save the distillery for a long time, but Prohibition in the United States led to a record drop in demand for alcohol, so in 1928 the production facilities were mothballed.

Five years later, restrictions on the sale of alcohol were lifted. The distillery was bought by the Bloch brothers and started production again. Subsequently, the plant experienced more than one change of ownership and was again stopped in 1984, when the industry was in a deep crisis. Five years later, whiskey production resumed under the leadership of Gibson International, but until 1999 the distillery worked intermittently.

In 2014, the company was acquired by the Loch Lomond Group, which invested heavily in the modernization of production and opened the distillery to visitors. The alambicas were re-lacquered, the warehouses were expanded and renovated. Now the plant employs only nine employees, and the output of finished products does not exceed 750 liters per year. Further expansion of production and replacement of obsolete equipment is planned.

Production features

The company uses water from two sources: Croshill Loch and an artesian well. Slightly peaty barley is brought from the southwest of Scotland. There are two alembics of a standard onion shape with short and thick necks in the workshops. Alcohols are aged in American Oak bourbon oak barrels, which are stored in a small warehouse located on the territory of the plant.


Brand drinks have been awarded gold medals in international competitions:

  • World Whisky Awards — 2017, 2018, 2019;
  • The Spirits Business — 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019;
  • San Francisco World Spirits Competition — 2016, 2018;
  • International Wine & Spirit Competition — 2019.

Interesting Facts

  1. Времена Великой депрессии связаны с трагическими событиями в истории винокурни. Владелец Дункан МакКаллум в стремлении спасти предприятие влез в огромные кредиты, не выдержал долговой нагрузки и в 1930 году покончил жизнь самоубийством. Среди сотрудников предприятия ходит легенда, что ночью в цехах можно встретить призрак бывшего хозяина завода.
  2. The distillery traditionally produces whiskey in bottles with special stickers for significant events in the life of the city. A small batch of drinks with original design was made for the centenary of the Campbeltown House of Photography.

Types of whiskey Glen Scotia

Glen Scotia 15 Years Old, 46%

Single malt whiskey of golden amber color with aromas of vanilla, sea salt and spicy fruits. The flavor bouquet shows citrus fruits, apricot and caramel, the finish is long and dry. The drink is well distinguished woody shades characteristic of whiskey aged 15 years.

Glen Scotia 18 Years Old, 46%

A drink with a fresh aroma of sea salt, flowers and toffee. The flavor range is characterized by pronounced notes of apricot and pineapple, generously flavored with vanilla. The finish is long and warming, with nuances of ginger, cinnamon and hot pepper.

Glen Scotia Victoriana 51,5%

Cask whiskey is created in the traditions of Victorian England and is aged in charred containers, specially selected by the master of the enterprise from the reserve cellar. The color of the drink is dark amber, the aroma reveals shades of caramel, creme brulee and noble wood. The bouquet is rich and complex – at the start there is blackcurrant, to which green beans and chocolate are then added. In the aftertaste, notes of smoke and vanilla are felt.

Glen Scotia (Glen Scotia)

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