Giving birth with the help of homeopathy is possible!

Childbirth and homeopathy: instructions for use

Alternative medicine without side effects

« For my first pregnancy, I went to give birth without really preparing myself. Result: induction, emergency cesarean section and a series of very painful layers. The second time around, I took the lead. I went to see a midwife trained in homeopathy. She prescribed me several treatments and I approached the birth more calmly. I had my little magic marbles! I was able to give birth vaginally and better manage the flow of milk. It was still horribly painful, but shorter than the first time! », Says Sophie.

« Homeopathy respects the physiology of pregnant women», Explains Dr. Charvet, obstetrician-gynecologist. “ It has no side effects, unlike drugs used in allopathic medicine. This alternative medicine is quite indicated to facilitate harmonious work. »If you want homeopathy help before childbirth, always seek advice from a health professional: pharmacist, midwife or doctor, general practitioner or obstetrician, trained in homeopathy. This self-medication is certainly not dangerous, but you should never do a self-diagnosis! And at the slightest strange sign (migraine, edema…), consult. In the event of an acute problem, we cannot do without conventional medicine!

Pregnancy: homeopathy before labor

To de-stress before work

  • Before the big day, you can take Actaea racemosa 9 CH, 5 granules per day, three weeks before delivery. “ Thanks to this drug, the cervix of the future mother is more flexible », Explains Dr Charvet. “ She also has less anxiety, and less false labor is observed when the contractions stop. »
  • If you are very anxious before the baby is born, take Ignatia in 15 CH. In the weeks preceding childbirth, this medication will act on uterine spasms in women who have sometimes strong contractions, but whose cervix does not move. This is common in very anxious women, but does not bode well for the onset of real labor.
  • The day of deliveryOn the other hand, if your cervix is ​​flexible, you may have regular contractions that suddenly stop. In this case, take Gelsemium in 15 CH. It is a perfect medicine for women who panic as the date draws closer. « I prescribed them a “globule dose” to be taken at the start of real labor, before leaving for the maternity ward. », Continues Dr Charvet. “ It is a medicine which can be taken also by the husband, each one a dose. Indeed, some men can be even more panicked than their wives! »

Homeopathy to regulate and support contractions

If the contractions are very far apart, if labor takes a long time to set in, to be effective, take Caulophyllum. It is a plant known for thousands of years, it is also called the “plant of women” among the Amerindians. It will regularize the contractions at the start of labor. It is taken in 5 CH, every quarter of an hour, two hours maximum at the start of work, then in 9 CH, 5 granules every half hour to regularize contractions. If they are very frequent, but without effect on the cervix, it will make them effective. You can also take Actaea racemosa. These two drugs are obviously to be taken in consultation with the medical team who will accompany you during the birth. “ If it is an epidural delivery and your contractions are too weak, before deciding to increase the dose of synthetic oxytocin, tell the medical team that you want to take a dose of homeopathy. », Advises the gynecologist. “ Often midwives are quite open to taking homeopathic medicine. Nothing should be done behind the back of the team! »

Homeopathy cannot induce labor, but it can, on the other hand, accompany it and provoke nature a little, if you really want to give birth on a specific date and your body is following you (for example if you are afraid of a planned cesarean!). “ In this case, you can take a globule dose of Actaea racemosa and Folliculinum in 9 CH, then 6 hours later, still in a globule dose in 15 CH, and finally another 6 hours after in 30 CH. It can also work post-term, to help give birth. Finally, if you are going to be triggered for medical reasons, take Actea racemosa the day before and Caulophyllum, 5 granules, several times, until the triggering. », Continues the gynecologist.

Pregnancy and homeopathy: what about childbirth?

Immediately after giving birth, you can take arnica. When you return to your room, take a dose of 15 CH globule. If there has been a tear in the perineum, to promote healing, take arnica in 9 CH three times a day for a week.

Homeopathy for breastfeeding

In case of trenches (a physiological phenomenon, since the uterus empties its blood and returns to its place), if you want to breastfeed, you can take Caulophyllum in 9 CH, 5 granules before feeding and Colocynthis in 5 CH after feeding. Also for those who want to breastfeed, there are homeopathic medicines that promote a good start to breastfeeding. If there are small cracks that start to appear, take Nitricum acidum, in 9 CH, 5 granules, before and after feeding. Also, have your breastfeeding position checked, as crevices are not normal! Consider spreading colostrum (the first milk, thick and yellowish) on your nipple, it is a natural antiseptic that you produce. If your breast is red, swollen from rising milk, take 5 granules of Apis, several times a day, and Belladonna if the flow of milk is very painful. It will help you get over the first few days.

The moral homeo ordinance

For the little baby-blues who follow birth, take Ignatia, especially if you cry when around friends or your husband. On the other hand, if you feel better around you, take Pulsatilla, 15 CH, twice a day instead. If you feel really sad, with dark thoughts, that you are having trouble taking care of your baby, take Sepia. This medicine will help you get through this time, but if you are feeling very gloomy, remember to have your midwife or doctor see you so you don’t fall into postpartum depression.

Homeopathy and breast pain

If you do not want to breastfeed, you should not do welcome feed, not to “start the machine“.

In this case, take Bryonia in 9 CH and Apis in 9 CH, 5 granules of each, to reduce the pain of flowing milk, twice a day for 10 days. You can also take Lac Caninum in 15 CH, 5 granules three times a day, or Ricinus communis in high dilution, 30 CH, four to six times a day. With all these tips, you’re good to go!

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