GIS warns: listeria bacteria in hamburgers

“Attention! Public warning about food »- On July 8, GIS decided to recall some batches of the product” XXL poultry and pork hamburger “and” Poultry hamburger “by Konspol. The reason for the decision is the detection of Listeria monocytogenes in them. What is the risk of consuming a contaminated product? Which specific lots were withdrawn from sale?

Which batches of burgers were withdrawn?

Listeria monocytogenes bacteria were detected as a result of an inspection by the Veterinary Inspectorate and the State Sanitary Inspection.

On its basis, GIS decided to recall one batch of Konspol poultry hamburgers 300 g. The number of the withdrawn product is: 294 / VI with the use by date until 20.07.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX.

The batch of XXL poultry and pork hamburgers 450 g with the number 276 / VI with the expiration date on July 16.07.2020, XNUMX has also been withdrawn.

According to GIS, Konspol Holding Sp. z o. o. decided to recall a batch of poultry hamburgers, 1,5 kg, batch number 294 / VI with the use by date on 17.07.2020.

What is the risk of consuming a contaminated product?

The GIS warns that consumption of food contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes can lead to an infectious disease called listeriosis. “Do not eat the product from the batch covered by the announcement, especially without proper heat treatment” – warns the GIS and reminds that in case of symptoms, it is necessary to contact a doctor.

  1. Read more about bacterial food poisoning

The Listeria monocytogenes bacterium can be found not only in food products, such as raw or frozen meat and poultry, but also, for example, in poorly washed raw vegetables and fruits, and unpasteurized dairy products. It is worth remembering that it is also found in soil, sewage, water, rotting plants, wild and farm animals.

People who have poisoned themselves with Listeria complain of flu-like symptoms: muscle and joint pain, high temperature, cough. Symptoms appear approximately four hours after eating the contaminated product.

Konspol sent a message to consumers

As GIS emphasizes in the announcement, in connection with the detection of the threat, Konspol Holding Sp. z o. o. has undertaken full cooperation in order to identify the source of infection and withdraw the questioned batches of products from the market.

The company carried out additional disinfection of the plant and started the procedure of additional testing of products, technological lines and employees for Listeria monocytogenes.

Konspol also sent a message to consumers. «We ask consumers who may have these products at home to throw them away or return them to the point where they were purchased. We make every effort to deliver safe, high-quality products, and the health and safety of our customers is a priority for us – therefore we immediately took all steps to withdraw these batches of the product from sale »- appeals the company. The entire announcement is available at

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