GIS issues a warning to seniors. She recommends avoiding public places
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The Chief Sanitary Inspectorate warns: “large clusters of people are an environment conducive to the spread of coronavirus and other viruses transmitted by airborne droplets”. The Department of Health has published recommendations for seniors who are most threatened by the new pathogen.

Coronavirus in public places

The first element of prevention mentioned by the GIS is to eliminate the risk of contact with the coronavirus. Older people should stay in public places only when it is really necessary, and ask relatives to do shopping, deliver medicines and run official matters. Seniors need to know that a safe distance from a person who is coughing, sneezing and having a fever is 1-1,5 meters.

Basic hygiene rules

Good hygiene is just as important as avoiding large clusters of people. Those who cough or sneeze should cover your mouth and nose not with your hand, but with a disposable tissue or with your bent elbow. Throw the used tissue into a closed rubbish bin as soon as possible, and then wash your hands thoroughly.

Frequent hand washing with soap and water is a basic GIS recommendation – not only for seniors. The virus spreads through the hands we touch our eyes, mouth and nose with. Therefore, if you do not have access to water and soap, you should disinfect hands with alcohol-based liquids and gels (in a minimum concentration of 60%).

For the same reason, it is necessary to clean as often as possible the surfaces that household members touch every day: countertops, door handles, handrails, light switches. It is best to wipe them regularly with a cloth soaked in water and detergent or disinfectant. Seniors should especially remember about their phones, on which a lot of viruses and bacteria accumulate. They should be disinfected with e.g. wet wipes. GIS reminds you not to put your phone on the table and not use it while eating.

Also read: The seven dirtiest things in the world you touch every day

Coronavirus and diet. Healthy habits

The risk associated with coronavirus infection can also be reduced by the elderly by maintaining other healthy habits, e.g. an optimal diet. The GIS says it is advisable to eat at least five servings of vegetables and fruits a day and avoid processed foods. Do not forget to hydrate the body. Every day you need to drink about 2 liters of water. When it comes to stockpiling food, the GIS makes it clear that there is no need to do so.

It is worth following reports on the coronavirus in proven sources based on scientific knowledge, e.g. on the website of the Ministry of Health.

The editorial board recommends:

  1. Chinese doctors examine the lungs of coronavirus patients. The results are appalling
  2. A letter from a well-known virologist came to the network. The doctor advises his friends on how to prepare for the epidemic
  3. Will we forget about the coronavirus soon? Here’s how other epidemics ended

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