GIS is recalling a batch of rice oil. Austria considered the product unsafe

“Attention! Public Food Alert »- On July 22, GIS decided to phase out a batch of Rizi Rice Oil. Following the tests, the Austrian authorities considered the indicated batch of oil as a hazardous product. GIS also banned its sale in Poland. What was the reason for the decision? And which specific batch was withdrawn?

Which batch of rice oil was discontinued and why?

On July 22, GIS withdrew from the market a batch of the product called “Rizi Rice Oil”, 500 ml. The batch number is RBHSSCO9A. The importer is Heuschen & Schrouff Oriental Foods Trading (the product comes from Thailand). The date of minimum oil life is 09.03.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX

The GIS cautions those who purchased the oil from this batch against consuming it.

As the inspectorate explains, on the basis of research carried out by the Austrian authorities in the batch of rice oil covered by the report, the maximum permissible level of glycidic esters (2779 ± 1034 µg / kg) was exceeded. “Based on these test results, the Austrian authorities considered this batch of oil to be a dangerous product,” reports GIS.

At the same time, GIS reports that the Dutch entity Heuschen & Schrouff Oriental Foods Trading informed its customers about the risk associated with the product.

The State Sanitary Inspection supervises the recall process and actions taken by the recipients of the product in Poland.

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