Girls of Yekaterinburg with an unusual appearance: photos, details

On the street, they are looked back at more often than at beauties of model appearance. And they like to shock and attract attention. Woman’s Day presents 10 girls from Yekaterinburg who are beautiful, although they look unusual!

Anna Solodyankina, journalist

– I once had thick chic hair and long eyelashes. I was no different from other girls and unconsciously followed the standards of female beauty and attractiveness. But three years ago, my body started a riot, and I began to lose hair. The doctors said that this disease – alopecia – was due to stress.

During the first months I went to mesotherapy, did masks, but there was no result. Then I shaved my head and bought a wig. She did not tell anyone except her closest friends about this. I myself could not believe that in the reflection of the mirror – I …

For a whole year I put off things, thought: here I will solve the problem with hair loss and start running, taking pictures and drawing. And life at that moment passed by! And one day I realized this. After putting my thoughts in order, the first steps towards friendship with a new self followed. Sometimes I started to take off my wig, wear different hats … It was not easy because of the feeling of insecurity, as if I were naked in front of society.

But since it was not possible to change the situation with hair loss, it was necessary to change your attitude towards her in order not to go crazy. Self-confidence and self-love came gradually, displacing anxiety about the opinions of others. At first, I carefully watched the reactions of the people on the street. There were some funny cases. Once my grandfather came up to me and asked: “Are you acting in films, actress?” I hesitated, because I was actually filming a short film at that moment. And the interlocutor summed up: “Well, of course, an actress! Why else would such a hairstyle, if not for a movie! “. He smiled, showed his thumb up and left. I smiled back.

Now I do not pay attention to the views of people. Rather, I simply do not notice them. No, the alopecia has not gone away, but my fortitude has strengthened, and now I do not care about things that seemed important before.

Patti Jackitensky, musician

– The first experiments in appearance? Perhaps the glam rock or even rave outfits of my childhood. The dashing nineties were still then …

I am a musician, I play in different styles – from underground noise punk to dance music. My appearance is a protest against stereotypes, against stable social concepts “it should be so”, “so decent”, “a girl should” and so on.

However, I do not consider my style to be unusual, on the contrary, given current trends, I do not really stand out. Against the background of freaks, I have a pretty standard appearance. But if you put a resident of the working area next to him, the difference will be felt immediately. But this will not embarrass me in the least – I purposefully look so that the external matches the internal as much as possible, and not the surrounding world.

Describing my style, I can highlight some points: the bias towards androgyny, the imprint of punk culture, experiments with hair, as well as the predominance of black in clothes and the desire for minimalism.

When I wore black hair and long bangs, I heard from almost everyone I met: “Are you emo or goth?” At first it was funny, but then it became annoying.

It is strange that some people associate girls with short haircuts with gay, even when I was in an embrace with some handsome man. In my personal piggy bank there are many trash situations when gopniks were seen off with obscenities and insults or compared to Zhanna Aguzarova. But I have long outgrown the period when people’s opinions were important to me. And my parents have always perceived me as an integral person.

Karina Yanitskaya, Afro hairstylist, tattoo artist, handmaker and artist

– Since childhood, I have had different views on beauty. In fourth grade, I came to school with a shaved temple and a mohawk. It turned into a real scandal! I immediately became the main enemy of teachers and students. But I didn’t care. Most of the guys I was friends with also looked informal and I didn’t feel lonely.

I never cared about the opinions of others. Parents also had to get used to it – she confronted them with the fact of new changes in their appearance. And for 23 years there were a lot of them: I tried everything – from different hairstyles to afrocos. For the past five years I have been wearing dreadlocks. It is very convenient!

I just do what I like, this is the norm for me. It is much more important to remain a good and worthy person in all life situations. This is a bigger indicator of personality than hair color.

Maria Krupp, editor-in-chief of student TV

– As a child, I dreamed of becoming a designer: I was crazy about the process of choosing fabric, sewing and, of course, fitting. My parents still have a huge box with sketches of all my collections somewhere. I was given a bag of shreds and a children’s sewing machine. I sewed a whole mountain of clothes onto the dolls. I had flares, which I myself embroidered with satin stitch, which I was terribly proud of. But my mother only allowed them to be worn once. This surprised me, because my love for sewing arose precisely under her influence: what beautiful costumes my mother sewed for me is just a fairy tale!

I didn’t become a designer. I considered this profession not serious enough, so I am a certified manager in the field of state and municipal administration. I stayed to work at my native university, but not in my specialty – I have been working in the field of student television for more than 10 years. Working with creative youth is conducive to self-expression. I am especially pleased when my style is celebrated at multimedia festivals. In general, it is always very pleasant to hear compliments addressed to you, because the appearance is a reflection of the inner world.

Husband, friends and family always guess my state of mind from my appearance. Although with the birth of a child, my mood is usually called “practicality and convenience.”

In my youth, I was often told that I was not like everyone else. I don’t know what they meant, but for me there is no term “crowd”. I believe that each person is unique. One of my favorite pastimes: looking at passers-by, studying the details, putting them into a big picture and be sure to find out the most intimate.

Svetlana Kotenyatkina, teacher-organizer

– At the age of 14, I tried to join the rock culture and its ideals of protest. At one time, the style was like a decoy: you see a person, and it’s immediately clear who he is and what is playing in his player. Hair was the first to go: by the end of 11th grade, I had tried all the colors. Then there was the piercing. Considering that I come from a small town in the Krasnodar Territory, this was extreme. I understood that my appearance was defiant, so I wore a scarf to school in my bag. However, it never came in handy, and I graduated from school with a gold medal.

Now I have settled on a blonde. I am naturally blonde, only my natural color is somewhat darker. So white is perfect for my eyes and skin color. Although in itself it is a very complex and capricious shade. But I have already learned to live with him and have developed my own life hacks. For example, to achieve a subtle shade, you can mix direct pigment with a regular hair balm.

I love attention and feel confident when I catch surprised looks. All people who look outside the box want to spark interest in their person. I also noticed that it strengthens character: try 500 times to answer the questions and claims of strangers: “Why do you need this? You’re a girl! You will be left without hair! “

And I try to keep track of my hair, and I have developed optimal care over my long experience with dyeing. I change the means depending on the length of the hair, although I usually go with a short hairstyle, which can mask even the critical condition of the hair, and continue experimenting further.

– As far back as I can remember, I always sing and am on stage. At the same time, she received her higher education at the Academy of Architecture, specializing in “fashion designer”. Here, in my opinion, the puzzle was formed. Being on stage, I am happy to experiment with style. I love to do needlework, so I develop stage images myself. Mom helps with complex models – she has her own atelier.

On weekdays, I dress more restrainedly, preferring a basic wardrobe. I love flat shoes, in particular, sports ones. Fortunately, sneakers now even with a dress are the norm.

In general, I have always loved to dress up, stand out from the crowd, combine incongruous things. Often she caught glances on herself, not always approving. But I just try to look stylish and dress tastefully every day.

And on stage I can take my soul away, afford a little more and add shocking to the image. In general, this is a part of me, I could always look like this, but in everyday life I do not consider it necessary to demonstrate this. And on stage – why not?

Sasha Marmiladova, jewelry designer

– In 2012, I was at the Sisto ethnic music festival, which takes place in the forest. There my hair began to tangle in strands, like dreadlocks. I believe that the forest suggested that it was mine, and helped to realize our plans. I got the hint right away. Before that, I had been thinking about braiding for five years, but I could not find a master to whom I would entrust my hair. And after the festival, wonderful people found themselves.

I have been wearing dreadlocks for 4 years now. I think it’s beautiful and comfortable – always a chic and voluminous hairstyle without any extra effort. But because the dreadlocks have become too long, it becomes more and more difficult to wear them. So the plans are to unravel them and dye their hair pink, cotton candy, make a fine perm and become such a “soft pink cloud of love.” But then I want to braid again, after all, dreadlocks are mine.

I also have tattoos, but because of their color – white, blue, blue – people think that they are just drawings on the skin. I do mehendi, so even my relatives at first thought that I painted them with henna myself.

Of course, when people ask you the same questions for the thousandth time, you feel a little annoyed and try to hush up the conversation. I often hear comparisons with Bob Marley and Decl’s sister – the associations end with these characters.

All friends and relatives have long been accustomed to the fact that I often change outwardly, and all my images are a little eccentric and magical. The main thing is that I should like and live comfortably. People on the street also have a positive attitude, especially in other countries: there has never been any aggression towards me. It all depends on the energy, and I am a kind and positive person!

Ksenia Savchenko, hairdresser

– My style was formed in 2007, which was the peak of the emo subculture. I considered myself one of them: I listened to emocore, wore black hair with bangs and was fond of face piercings. I started with the lower lip, then pierced the upper lip, tongue, ears, nose. But after a year I took it all off.

At the age of 17, she became interested in tattoos. Now I have 12, but I always want more. I did the first two for my 18th birthday. It was my mother’s gift. I deceived her a little with the sketch: I said that I would make two birds on my back, and I came with Mexican fortune tellers on my chest. She was shocked! After a while, I got two more rather large tattoos on my thighs – then my mother was already terrified, although she was always loyal to my external changes. In anger, she called me “a shame of the family,” but by the evening she calmed down.

There are a lot of people in Yekaterinburg with tattoos and bright hair, but passers-by still whisper and point fingers. Most often, surprise is read on their faces, there is delight, well, negative – where can we go without it. I recently had light green hair. I think this period is special: I have never received so much attention! Three months later, I got tired of constant glances – I had to repaint. Although in the future I plan to continue dyeing my hair with colored paint and getting a tattoo.

I was very lucky with work. I work as a hairdresser in the most creative salon in Yekaterinburg. All colleagues are also tattooed and have an unusual hair color. We are the only ones who dye our hair in every possible color. I hope that soon the city will get used to bright hairstyles and stop reacting violently to a girl with an unnatural hair color. At least we are working on it.

Natalia Lee, makeup artist and permanent makeup artist

– Soon I will be 31 years old, I have two daughters, and I am in the process of “hammering” my body. Now I have two large-scale tattoos on my body: one on the thigh, the other on the entire back. To do it, I specially went to Novosibirsk. A tattoo is a small painting, and I want to decorate my body only with high-quality works of real artists.

I’ve always wanted to stand out. At each age in different ways: at school – study, then there was a passion for body fitness. And at the age of 25, I plucked up the courage and gave myself the first tattoo for my birthday. Now I am interested in piercing, I have already made 4 punctures.

I do not meet people who would have a negative attitude towards tattoos or piercings. And skeptics, when they look at my pictures more closely, as one agree that it is beautiful. Of course, this is art!

If someone doubts whether to beat or not beat a tattoo, out of fear that tattoos will negatively affect their career or personal life, I will say: do not be afraid! At work, professional skills and a desire to work are important, not the body. In other areas of my life, personally, changes have occurred only for the better. For example, the circle of friends has expanded: interesting, creative personalities, with whom we understand each other perfectly, seem to be attracted to me. And I also felt that with the changes in my appearance I freed myself from the burden of “what will people say?”, Became more courageous and straightforward.

I never would have thought, but tattoos had a positive effect on relationships with daughters. Friends of the older child constantly say: “What a young and beautiful mother you have!” I think my daughter is proud of me. When you have children, you need to work a lot on yourself, both externally and internally, in order to keep up with the times and set a good example. In general, I do not want to be a boring and grumpy mom!

Olga Muss, restaurant manager

– Since childhood, I loved to draw and rock music. The musicians attracted me with their bright and non-standard appearance. Therefore, the desire to get a tattoo has always been, but in adolescence it began to intensify. But my mother was categorically against it, and I had to persuade her for a long time.

When at the age of 18 I started dating a tattoo artist, I said: “Mom, this is fate! The universe says you have to hit! ” And she stuffed her first watercolor finch on her right shoulder. Later, a colored Medusa Gorgon was stuffed into his company. It turned out to be difficult to stop, and soon there was a ladybug and a tyrannosaurus on my leg … Now I have 10 tattoos, but this is far from the end.

My brightest and most noticeable is an owl with snake eyes on its wings, stuffed on its chest. Later, I put microdermallets in her eyes (intradermal decoration. – Approx. WD). I think this is very unusual – I have never seen anything like this before. By the way, for a couple of my tattoos I went to a St. Petersburg salon known throughout Russia. I always carefully select the masters: I study their work, customer reviews, listen to the recommendations of friends, take into account the specialization.

I perceive tattoos as decoration. I don’t give much meaning to them. I just like tattoos, or rather, I like myself with them. And those around them often have a positive attitude towards body painting. I am often given compliments and invited to a photo session. Once in a store a girl came up to me with the words: “God, she is beautiful! Very cool owl! Can I touch it? “

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