After a revision in the classification, the mushroom umbrella girl was assigned to the genus White champignons of the Champignon family. Known in scientific writings as Leucoagaricus nympharum or Leucoagaricus puellaris. Previously, mycologists called the maiden umbrella mushroom Macrolepiota puellaris, considering it a subspecies of the blushing umbrella.

The fringed hats of girlish umbrellas are held on graceful, thin legs.
Where does the umbrella mushroom grow?
The species is distributed in Eurasia, but is extremely rare. Especially in the European territory of Our Country. More often graceful representatives of a rare variety can be seen in the forests of northwestern Europe, as well as in the Far East. Fruiting bodies of small white mushrooms are found from August to October:
- in pine forests;
- forests where coniferous and deciduous species grow nearby;
- in fertile meadows.
What does a girl’s umbrella look like?
A variety of white champignons has an average size:
- hat width from 3,5 to 9-10 cm;
- leg height is rarely higher than 15 cm, usually within 6-11 cm;
- leg thickness up to 9-10 mm.
The mushroom that appears from under the ground first resembles an egg in shape. Then the veil breaks, the cap grows, becomes bell-shaped, later fully opens, remaining slightly convex and with a low tubercle in the middle. The white skin is strewn with light fibrous scales except for the darker center of the cap. The thin border of the upper part is fringed. In old mushrooms, the scales turn brown.

Narrow fibers of white scales form a fringe on top of the cap
The pulp is white, thin-meaty, with a slight smell of radish. At the point of detachment from the leg, it turns slightly red after the cut. Densely arranged plates are not attached to the cap, freely separated from the pulp. On young fruiting bodies, the plates are white, with a barely noticeable pinkish tint. When damaged and with age, they turn brown. Spore powder is creamy white.
The base of the fungus is thickened, without a volva, the thin stem narrows towards the top, sometimes bending. The fibrous stalk is hollow inside, with a whitish, smooth surface that turns brown with age. The remnants of the original veil have been transformed into a wide and mobile ring with a wavy, fringed border due to a flaky coating.
Is it possible to eat a girl’s umbrella
The mushroom is edible, in terms of nutritional value it belonged, like all umbrellas, to the 4th category. But now, in many areas, a variety of white mushrooms is listed among the protected objects of wildlife.
False doubles
The girlish umbrella mushroom, even according to the photo and description, looks like a blushing umbrella, also edible.

A striking difference between blushing umbrellas is a change in the pulp on the cut
Is different:
- lighter hat;
- graceful, medium-sized fruiting bodies;
- the flesh reddens slightly compared to the twin.
Rules for collection and use
A rare species of the White mushroom genus is rare, so the law provides protection by prohibiting its collection. In many regions, except for the general ones – in Our Country and Belarus, the mushroom is listed in the local Red Books:
- Adygea, Bashkortostan, Tyva;
- Astrakhan, Kemerovo, Saratov, Sakhalin regions;
- Primorye and Khabarovsk Territory.
If the collection is allowed, the mushrooms are fried, boiled, pickled.
The girlish umbrella mushroom really strikes with grace. The pulp is edible, but the species belongs to legally protected objects of nature. Therefore, collection is not recommended.