Girlish five-leafed grapes: cultivation and care

For each suburban area, as well as for any courtyard of a private house, in addition to a chic garden and other artificial decorations, such as forged benches or clay gnomes, decorations created by nature are also needed. One of these green wonders can be called decorative girlish grapes. This unique variety from the genus of lianas is named so for simple reasons: its flowers do not need a seed partner for pollination. From the Greek, the name partenos kisses is completely translated as “virgin ivy”.

Description and varieties

Parthenocissus, as an ornamental plant, is used quite often among both professional landscape designers and amateurs. Agree that it can be better than relaxing on hot days under the shade of a gazebo, braided with a decorative vine. In this case, all the factors agreed on one thing: the benefits of girlish grapes on the site are colossal – in addition to decorating the exterior, it is also protection from the scorching sun. After all, for all its beneficial influence, in excess it can also harm.

The natural habitat for girlish grapes is North America, but it was cultivated by the indigenous inhabitants of the mainland back in 1622. Since then, the root-climbing liana has densely entered the gardens and orchards of many countries of the world. In addition, after many years, breeders can boast of the versatility of the varietal list of this plant.

Girlish five-leafed grapes: cultivation and care

The most popular subspecies, created by nature and past the path of evolution, are triospiced ivy-shaped, girlish grapes, five-leafed, also known as virgin and one more – attached.

Variety five-leafed

Five-leaf girlish grapes are one of the most popular decor elements of any private house, and in the yards of high-rise buildings, where there are recreation areas and various gazebos, it can also be found. With its unpretentiousness and, at the same time, its aesthetic appearance, it won the hearts of many. Virginia vines can grow up to 20 meters in length. At the same time, they are elastic and absolutely any shape can be given to the vine – to wrap around a gazebo, arch, fence or fence.

The foliage of this variety tends to change color depending on the season: in spring and summer it is saturated, green, and in autumn and even in winter it is red. The shape of the virgin leaf is similar to a star – five pointed petals connected at the base. As for berries, girlish grapes are strikingly different from their relatives. If ordinary grapes bear fruit in large or medium clusters, tightly stuffed with tasty and healthy berries, then decorative varieties cannot be called fruit.

Girlish five-leafed grapes: cultivation and care

The berries growing on virginian vines are inedible. Moreover, some scientists argue that when eating such grapes, a person can end up in a hospital – with poisoning. The berries look attractive – small in size, dark blue, sometimes almost black. They grow singly or, at most, three things in one “bunch”.

But, despite the fact that they look wonderful, you still can’t eat them, although as a decoration for a hedge, they are quite colorful and harmonious. This variety grows quite quickly – the liana lengthens by about 2,5 meters per year. In general, the five-leaf girlish grapes are especially unpretentious. It can safely grow and develop even in not very fertile soil, although it is still worth growing in moist loose soil.

Girlish five-leafed grapes: cultivation and care

In this case, it grows faster. This variety is resistant to pests and diseases that affect plants, which makes it an even more profitable living decoration for any cottage or garden plot. Although, you should be wary of slugs – gardeners have recorded cases when it was these pests that attacked the virgin.

Triostreny girlish grapes

Ivy grapes came to European countries from Japan, China and from the Korean Peninsula – this is where the territory of its growth. Visually, this variety differs from the previous one. Firstly, it really looks like – almost like ivy. Secondly, the color in spring and summer of the leaves has a different color – light green, in contrast to the dark virgin.

Although in autumn the color also changes – to bright orange. Like other varieties of ornamental grapes, the triacute variety is resistant to cold air temperatures and tolerates even severe frosts relatively well. The vines of this grape are also frost-resistant. In the subspecies of ivy grapes, three main ones can be distinguished: purple with burgundy leaves, golden, with corresponding patches on the leaves, and the most popular, most often found in the plots, triostric Vicha.

Girlish five-leafed grapes: cultivation and care

The leaves themselves most often have a shape with three or two wide petals. As for growth, the ivy can add up to four meters in growth during the season. However, this is possible with proper care and favorable conditions created during cultivation. Since the root system of the triacicular is not particularly wide and deep, they can be planted not only in clean soil, but also in small pots near fences or walls of the house. It can also gain a foothold here, because due to the special substance released along the trunk of the vine, any surface will do.

Attached parthenocissus

Like virgin grapes, he came to our latitudes from North America. It is a three-meter liana plant with a yellowish-gray bark. His shoots, as usual, are green. The leaves of the attached grapes have an elliptical shape of three or five petals, their top is pointed. As for the color, it is normal, that is, green. The plant is also not particularly susceptible to cold, but not as hardy as relatives.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of these three varieties of girlish grapes are, first of all, ease of cultivation and the fact that they do not need specific care and additional nutrition. This facilitates the process of their planting, growth and, in fact, creating a composition from regrown vines or wall drapery.

Girlish five-leafed grapes: cultivation and care

The very description of landing options for decorating green decorations can be found on the Web, or you can show your own imagination. Another plus for ornamental grapes is resistance to frost and even frost. Moreover, even at low temperatures, the leaves on the vine do not fall completely. And the berries do – brighten up the exterior in winter.


Growing such grapes is quite simple and there is no need for supernatural efforts to achieve the result. This can be done traditionally – using a seed, or alternatively – using cuttings. In both cases, the result will be the same. The plant is not demanding either on the soil or on the location, therefore, it does not matter whether it will grow on the sunny side or in the shade.

Girlish five-leafed grapes: cultivation and care

You need to start only from aesthetic preferences. In addition, experts advise not to focus on the standard methods of growing vines, but to choose a ground-based one for yourself. This option will not bring harm to the plant, and as for decorating the lawn, then looking at this angle, the grapes will look unusual and bright.


Girlish grapes are unique in that both planting and caring for them will not take much time and effort. This option is ideal for those who have landscaping nothing more than a hobby to brighten up their leisure time, or a way to decorate their own home. Special conditions for girlish grapes are not required, but only a standard set: systematic watering (without fanaticism), periodic loosening of the soil and protection from slugs – sufficient access to sunlight to the plant and drafts.

Video “Party Grapes”

Video review of “Girl’s” grapes. The video shows the aesthetic effect that this plant has.

Maiden grapes – 6 acres

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