Girl or boy: know or not?

For: better awareness

Angelique, Marie, Chloé are all three expecting a baby and they already know her first name. ” Girl or boy ? “: Asking the question during the ultrasound seemed quite natural to them. The excitement of knowing as quickly as possible and breaking the news to everyone, the feeling of feeling closer to this child they are carrying, of being able to imagine it better. Without forgetting the practical aspects: “The wallpaper will therefore be pink! “.

Cons: a big surprise

Clara, she, now mother of a little Eliot, did not want to know the sex of her baby during pregnancy. It was a secondary element for her. Couples who prefer to keep it a secret for the big day say they expect their child as a whole, without needing to know more, except that it is there and in good health. 

A very personal choice

To know or not to know, anyway it is a choice which belongs only to the parents. Moreover, some parents, even if they know the sex of the baby, do not say anything to those around them. Warning: when an amniocentesis is performed (history of genetic diseases, age of the mother-to-be, etc.), the doctor knows with certainty the sex of the fetus. But that doesn’t mean you have to learn it right away! Hurry up and ask him to keep it a secret, if that’s what you want.

If one prefers a girl, the other a boy

When there is a very strong wish from the future mother or the future dad, shrinks advise asking the sex of the baby. A good way to avoid a possible disappointment at the time of the birth and to have a few months to “get used to the idea”. It will not (this time) be the expected little boy (or girl). Other specialists think, on the contrary, that knowing is not essential, that the magic of birth has every chance of taking a back seat to inclinations and prejudices as to the sex of the baby. It’s up to you to follow your instincts.

Read also our file: How to manage the disappointment at the announcement of the baby’s sex?

The magic of birth

Even if we have a strong preference for a gender (girl / boy), this new baby may well make us forget everything, as soon as he utters his first cry. We then realize that this little being was born of us and that we become his world. And there is the very first look he lays on us. Named “protoregard” by Dr Delassus and his team from the maternology department at Charcot hospital (78). It is a lost, strong, pressing gaze. It is of incredible intensity. It does not matter whether this little being is a girl or a boy, it is he himself who counts and who upsets us.

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